Esempio n. 1
 public void Reset(bool destroying)
     if (!isReset)
         isFading     = false;
         endTime      = 0;
         currentFrame = 0;
         framesNeeded = 0;
         fromFrame    = null;
         toFrame      = null;
         isReset      = true;
Esempio n. 2
        public void StartCrossfade(MeshFrameDataBase fromFrame, MeshFrameDataBase toFrame)
            isReset        = false;
            this.fromFrame = fromFrame;
            this.toFrame   = toFrame;
            int matrixLength = fromFrame.exposedTransforms != null ? fromFrame.exposedTransforms.Length : 0;

            if (matrixLength > 0)
                if (exposedTransformJobs == null)
                    exposedTransformJobs = AllocatedArray <LerpMatrix4x4Job> .Get(framesNeeded);
                if (exposedTransformJobHandles == null)
                    exposedTransformJobHandles = AllocatedArray <JobHandle> .Get(framesNeeded);
                if (outputMatrix == null)
                    outputMatrix = AllocatedArray <NativeArray <Matrix4x4> > .Get(framesNeeded);
                fromMatrix = new NativeArray <Matrix4x4>(matrixLength, Allocator.Persistent);
                toMatrix   = new NativeArray <Matrix4x4>(matrixLength, Allocator.Persistent);

                for (int i = 0; i < framesNeeded; i++)
                    float delta = i / (float)framesNeeded;
                    outputMatrix[i] = new NativeArray <Matrix4x4>(matrixLength, Allocator.Persistent);
                    var matrixJob = new LerpMatrix4x4Job()
                        from   = fromMatrix,
                        to     = toMatrix,
                        output = outputMatrix[i],
                        delta  = delta
                    exposedTransformJobs[i]       = matrixJob;
                    exposedTransformJobHandles[i] = matrixJob.Schedule(matrixLength, 64);
Esempio n. 3
        public float GetInterpolatingFrames(int frame, out MeshFrameDataBase previousFrame, out MeshFrameDataBase nextFrame)
            bool needsInterp = frame % frameSkip != 0;
            var  frameData   = Frames;

            if (!needsInterp)
                int frameIndex = frame / frameSkip;
                previousFrame = frameData[frameIndex];
                if (frameIndex + 1 >= frameData.Length)
                    nextFrame = frameData[0];
                    nextFrame = frameData[frameIndex + 1];
            float framePerc = (float)frame / (float)(frameSkip * frameData.Length);
            int   skipFrame = (int)(framePerc * frameData.Length);

            float prevFramePerc = (float)skipFrame / (float)frameData.Length;
            float nextFramePerc = Mathf.Clamp01((float)(skipFrame + 1) / (float)frameData.Length);

            previousFrame = frameData[skipFrame];
            if (skipFrame + 1 >= frameData.Length)
                nextFrame = frameData[0];
                nextFrame = frameData[skipFrame + 1];

            float lerpVal = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, (framePerc - prevFramePerc) / (nextFramePerc - prevFramePerc));

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// The main update loop called from the MeshAnimatorManager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">Current time</param>
        public void UpdateTick(float time)
            if (initialized == false)
            if (animationCount == 0)
            if (currentAnimIndex < 0 || currentAnimIndex > animationCount)
                if (defaultAnimation != null)
            if ((isVisible == false && updateWhenOffscreen == false) || isPaused || speed == 0 || currentAnimation.playbackSpeed == 0) // return if offscreen or crossfading
            // update the lod level if needed
            if (LODLevels.Length > 0 && time > nextLODCheck)
                if (!hasLODCamera)
                    int cameraCount = Camera.allCamerasCount;
                    if (cameraCount > 0)
                        Camera[] cameras = AllocatedArray <Camera> .Get(cameraCount);

                        cameraCount = Camera.GetAllCameras(cameras);
                        LODCamera   = cameras[0].transform;
                        AllocatedArray <Camera> .Return(cameras);

                        hasLODCamera = true;
                if (hasLODCamera)
                    float dis      = (LODCamera.position - mTransform.position).sqrMagnitude;
                    int   lodLevel = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LODLevels.Length; i++)
                        if (dis > LODLevels[i].distanceSquared)
                            lodLevel = i;
                    if (currentLodLevel != lodLevel)
                        currentLodLevel = lodLevel;
                nextLODCheck = time + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
            // if the speed is below the normal playback speed, wait until the next frame can display
            float lodFPS = LODLevels.Length > currentLodLevel ? LODLevels[currentLodLevel].fps : FPS;

            if (lodFPS == 0.0f)
            float totalSpeed     = Math.Abs(currentAnimation.playbackSpeed * speed);
            float calculatedTick = 1f / lodFPS / totalSpeed;
            float tickRate       = 0.0001f;

            if (calculatedTick > 0.0001f)
                tickRate = calculatedTick;
            float actualDelta = time - lastFrameTime;
            bool  finished    = false;

            float pingPongMult = pingPong ? -1 : 1;

            if (speed * currentAnimation.playbackSpeed < 0)
                currentAnimTime -= actualDelta * pingPongMult * totalSpeed;
                currentAnimTime += actualDelta * pingPongMult * totalSpeed;

            if (currentAnimTime < 0)
                currentAnimTime = currentAnimation.length;
                finished        = true;
            else if (currentAnimTime > currentAnimation.length)
                if (currentAnimation.wrapMode == WrapMode.Loop)
                    currentAnimTime = currentAnimTime - currentAnimation.length;
                finished = true;

            nextTick      = time + tickRate;
            lastFrameTime = time;

            float normalizedTime = currentAnimTime / currentAnimation.length;
            int   previousFrame  = currentFrame;
            int   totalFrames    = currentAnimation.TotalFrames;

            currentFrame = Math.Min((int)Math.Round(normalizedTime * totalFrames), totalFrames - 1);

            // do WrapMode.PingPong
            if (currentAnimation.wrapMode == WrapMode.PingPong)
                if (finished)
                    pingPong = !pingPong;

            if (finished)
                bool stopUpdate = false;
                if (queuedAnims != null && queuedAnims.Count > 0)
                    stopUpdate = true;
                else if (currentAnimation.wrapMode != WrapMode.Loop && currentAnimation.wrapMode != WrapMode.PingPong)
                    nextTick   = float.MaxValue;
                    stopUpdate = true;
                if (stopUpdate)
                    isPaused = true;
                if (OnAnimationFinished != null)
                if (stopUpdate)
                    FireAnimationEvents(currentAnimation, totalSpeed, finished);

            bool updateFrameTransforms = DisplayFrame(previousFrame);

            if (updateFrameTransforms && currentFrame != previousFrame)
                bool applyRootMotion = currentAnimation.rootMotionMode == RootMotionMode.AppliedToTransform;
                if (hasExposedTransforms || applyRootMotion)
                    MeshFrameDataBase fromFrame   = currentAnimation.GetNearestFrame(currentFrame);
                    MeshFrameDataBase targetFrame = null;
                    int   frameGap    = currentFrame % currentAnimation.FrameSkip;
                    bool  needsInterp = actualDelta > 0 && frameGap != 0;
                    float blendDelta  = 0;
                    if (needsInterp)
                        blendDelta = currentAnimation.GetInterpolatingFrames(currentFrame, out fromFrame, out targetFrame);
                    // move exposed transforms
                    if (hasExposedTransforms)
                        var exposedTransforms = currentAnimation.ExposedTransforms;
                        for (int i = 0; i < exposedTransforms.Length; i++)
                            Transform child = null;
                            if (fromFrame.exposedTransforms.Length > i && childMap.TryGetValue(exposedTransforms[i], out child))
                                if (needsInterp)
                                    Matrix4x4 c = MatrixLerp(fromFrame.exposedTransforms[i], targetFrame.exposedTransforms[i], blendDelta);
                                    MatrixUtils.FromMatrix4x4(child, c);
                                    MatrixUtils.FromMatrix4x4(child, fromFrame.exposedTransforms[i]);
                    // apply root motion
                    if (applyRootMotion)
                        if (previousFrame > currentFrame)
                            // animation looped around, apply motion for skipped frames at the end of the animation
                            for (int i = previousFrame + 1; i < currentAnimation.Frames.Length; i++)
                                MeshFrameDataBase rootFrame = currentAnimation.GetNearestFrame(i);
                                transform.Translate(rootFrame.rootMotionPosition, Space.Self);
                                transform.Rotate(rootFrame.rootMotionRotation.eulerAngles * actualDelta, Space.Self);
                            // now apply motion from first frame to current frame
                            for (int i = 0; i <= currentFrame; i++)
                                MeshFrameDataBase rootFrame = currentAnimation.GetNearestFrame(i);
                                transform.Translate(rootFrame.rootMotionPosition, Space.Self);
                                transform.Rotate(rootFrame.rootMotionRotation.eulerAngles * actualDelta, Space.Self);
                            for (int i = previousFrame + 1; i <= currentFrame; i++)
                                MeshFrameDataBase rootFrame = currentAnimation.GetNearestFrame(i);
                                transform.Translate(rootFrame.rootMotionPosition, Space.Self);
                                transform.Rotate(rootFrame.rootMotionRotation.eulerAngles * actualDelta, Space.Self);
            if (OnFrameUpdated != null)

            FireAnimationEvents(currentAnimation, totalSpeed, finished);
Esempio n. 5
 public abstract void SetFrameData(int frame, MeshFrameDataBase frameData);