Esempio n. 1
        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        private Boolean isRegionIgnored(FLTDataRegionalizer.Region region)
            Boolean ignored = false;

            if (region.spanList.Count == 1)
                // single span (and thus row) region
                ignored = true;
            else if (region.minCol == region.maxCol)
                // single column region
                ignored = true;

Esempio n. 2
        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        public void generate(FLTDataRegionalizer.Region region)
            // Notes:
            // - As regions are taken from data points arranged like pixels on a screen, direction labels are relative to a coordinate
            //   system with origin at top left corner, with x increasing to the 'right' and y increasing 'down'.
            // - Algorithm starts at the top left (i.e. northwestern) most point in the region, and crawls around the region in a
            //   counter-clockwise manner.

            if (null == _addPointHandler)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("RegionHullGenerator: addPointHandler has not been set");

            // test rejection cases
            if (isRegionIgnored(region))

            // start at left edge of left most span on minimum row (which region helpfully already knows)
            var startSpan = region.minRowMinColSpan;

            var currentSpan = startSpan;

            Tuple <int, int> currentPoint = null;

            // travel direction correlates to movement on the rows (1 ==> downward), though no math is done
            // using this, it is strictly a logical indicator
            const int UP   = -1;
            const int DOWN = 1;
            var       currentRowTravelDirection = DOWN;

            Boolean done = false;

            while (false == done)
                //Console.WriteLine("loop current span id : " + currentSpan.Id + " traveling " + (currentRowTravelDirection > 0 ? "down" : "up"));

                if (DOWN == currentRowTravelDirection)
                    // traveling down
                    // get point from LEFT end of current span because travel is CCW around the region, so if traveling down
                    // must be going down left side
                    currentPoint = new Tuple <int, int>(currentSpan.start, currentSpan.row);

                    // If there are no more spans to follow downward, start going up.
                    if (false == currentSpan.hasSpansBelow)
                        // leave current span same, next loop iteration will begin
                        // going up at right edge of current span
                        currentRowTravelDirection = UP;
                        // Have a span below this one...
                        if (false == currentSpan.hasLeftSibling)
                            // If current span has no left sibling, step down to the left most
                            // span below current and continue downward.
                            currentSpan = currentSpan.spansBelow.First();
                            // Have a left sibling...
                            // Check to see if current span and its left sibling share the span below (and not above).
                            // Picture this as a little 'bowl' with the bottom formed by the span below, and the sides
                            // formed by this span and its left sibling.
                            if ((currentSpan.spanLeft.hasSpansBelow) &&
                                (currentSpan.spansBelow.First().Id == currentSpan.spanLeft.spansBelow.Last().Id))
                                // traverse the bottom of the 'bowl'
                                // step to point below left end of current span...
                                currentPoint = new Tuple <int, int>(currentSpan.start, currentSpan.row + 1);
                                // step over to point on span below that is beneath left sibling's end...
                                currentPoint = new Tuple <int, int>(currentSpan.spanLeft.end, currentSpan.row + 1);
                                // set currentSpan to left sibling, and begin upward traveling from there
                                currentSpan = currentSpan.spanLeft;
                                currentRowTravelDirection = UP;
                                // current span and left don't share a sibling (means shared span is above)
                                // continue downward normally
                                currentSpan = currentSpan.spansBelow.First();
                        }         // end else has left sibling
                    }             // end has spans below
                }                 // end if traveling down
                    // traveling up
                    // get point from RIGHT end of current span because travel is CCW around the region, so if traveling up
                    // must be going up right side
                    currentPoint = new Tuple <int, int>(currentSpan.end, currentSpan.row);

                    // If there are no more spans to follow upward, start going down again (from same span).
                    if (false == currentSpan.hasSpansAbove)
                        currentRowTravelDirection = DOWN;
                        // Have a span above this one, but we need to see if it overlaps a sibling
                        // to current span's right.
                        if (false == currentSpan.hasRightSibling)
                            // If current span has no right sibling, move up to the right most
                            // span above current and continue upward.
                            currentSpan = currentSpan.spansAbove.Last();
                            // Have a right sibling.
                            // See if right sibling and current span share a span above (and not below).
                            // Picture this situation as an upside down bowl, or lowercase 'n', with the sides
                            // formed by currentSpan and its right sibling, and the 'top' formed by
                            // the span above.
                            if ((currentSpan.spanRight.hasSpansAbove) &&
                                (currentSpan.spansAbove.Last().Id == currentSpan.spanRight.spansAbove.First().Id))
                                // step to point above right end of current...
                                currentPoint = new Tuple <int, int>(currentSpan.end, currentSpan.row - 1);
                                // step over to point on span above that is over right sibling's start...
                                currentPoint = new Tuple <int, int>(currentSpan.spanRight.start, currentSpan.row - 1);
                                // set currentSpan to right sibling and begin downward travel from there
                                currentSpan = currentSpan.spanRight;
                                currentRowTravelDirection = DOWN;
                                // no shared span with sibling (can ignore sibling)
                                // set current to span above and continue normally
                                currentSpan = currentSpan.spansAbove.Last();
                    }             // end else has above span
                }                 // end else traveling up

                // detect if returned to the start span and halt
                // If my deductive abilities are correct, that last step will always be upward, because we SHOULD
                // always have started at the minimum (i.e. highest on screen) row span.
                // NOTE: after the halt case make sure we don't skip adding the final point from the startSpan. This should
                // always be the right end of the startSpan, because we should always be starting at the left end of the span
                if (currentSpan == startSpan)
                    currentPoint = new Tuple <int, int>(currentSpan.end, currentSpan.row);
                    done = true;
            }                   // end while !done