Esempio n. 1
        public Berechnung(FEModell m)
            modell = m;
            if (modell == null)
                throw new BerechnungAusnahme("Modelleingabedaten noch nicht eingelesen");
            // set System Indices
            var k = 0;

            foreach (var item in modell.Knoten)
                node = item.Value;
                k    = node.SetSystemIndices(k);
Esempio n. 2
        public void SolveEquations()
            if (!decomposed)
                profileSolver = new ProfillöserStatus(
                    systemEquations.Matrix, systemEquations.Vector,
                    systemEquations.Primal, systemEquations.Dual,
                    systemEquations.Status, systemEquations.Profile);
                decomposed = true;
            // ... save system unknowns (primal values)
            foreach (var item in modell.Knoten)
                node = item.Value;
                var index = node.SystemIndices;
                node.NodalDof = new double[node.NumberOfNodalDof];
                for (var i = 0; i < node.NodalDof.Length; i++)
                    node.NodalDof[i] = systemEquations.Primal[index[i]];
            // ... save dual values
            var reactions = systemEquations.Dual;

            foreach (var support in modell.Randbedingungen.Select(item => item.Value))
                node = support.Node;
                var index           = node.SystemIndices;
                var supportReaction = new double[node.NumberOfNodalDof];
                for (var i = 0; i < supportReaction.Length; i++)
                    supportReaction[i] = reactions[index[i]];
                node.Reactions = supportReaction;
            modell.Solved = true;
Esempio n. 3
        // 2nd order time integration ***********************************************************************************************
        public void TimeIntegration2NdOrder()
            var dt = modell.Zeitintegration.Dt;

            if (dt == 0)
                throw new BerechnungAusnahme("Zeitschrittintervall nicht definiert");
            var tmax       = modell.Zeitintegration.Tmax;
            var nSteps     = (int)(tmax / dt) + 1;
            var method     = modell.Zeitintegration.Method;
            var parameter1 = modell.Zeitintegration.Parameter1;
            var parameter2 = modell.Zeitintegration.Parameter2;
            var anregung   = new double[nSteps + 1][];

            for (var i = 0; i < (nSteps + 1); i++)
                anregung[i] = new double[dimension];
            // ... Compute diagonal mass matrix ..............................
            if (!diagonalMatrix)

            // ... Compute diagonal damping matrix ..............................
            // ... if "damping" contains modal damping ratios, the damping matrix
            // ... may be evaluated by a sum over "n" modes considered C&P p.198, 13-37
            // ... M*(SUM(((2*(xi)n*(omega)n )/(M)n))*phi(n)*(phi)nT)*M
            // ... where M is the mass matrix, (xi)n the modal damping ratio,
            // ... (omega(n) eigenfrequency, (M)n modal masses and phi the eigenvectors
            var dampingMatrix = ComputeDampingMatrix();

            // ... compute time dependent forcing function and boundary conditions
            Compute2NdOrderForcingFunction(dt, anregung);

            var displacement = new double[nSteps][];

            for (var k = 0; k < nSteps; k++)
                displacement[k] = new double[dimension];
            var velocity = new double[2][];

            for (var k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                velocity[k] = new double[dimension];

            Set2NdOrderInitialConditions(displacement, velocity);

            if (decomposed)
                decomposed = false;

            var timeIntegration = new Zeitintegration2OrdnungStatus(systemEquations, dampingMatrix,
                                                                    dt, method, parameter1, parameter2,
                                                                    displacement, velocity, anregung);


            // save nodal time histories
            foreach (var item2 in modell.Knoten)
                node = item2.Value;
                var index = item2.Value.SystemIndices;
                var ndof  = node.NumberOfNodalDof;

                node.NodalVariables = new double[ndof][];
                for (var i = 0; i < ndof; i++)
                    node.NodalVariables[i] = new double[nSteps];
                node.NodalDerivatives = new double[ndof][];
                for (var i = 0; i < ndof; i++)
                    node.NodalDerivatives[i] = new double[nSteps];

                // displacement[nSteps][index], velocity[2][index], NodalVariables[index][nSteps]
                for (var i = 0; i < node.NumberOfNodalDof; i++)
                    if (systemEquations.Status[index[i]])
                    for (var k = 0; k < nSteps; k++)
                        node.NodalVariables[i][k]   = timeIntegration.displacement[k][index[i]];
                        node.NodalDerivatives[i][k] = timeIntegration.acceleration[k][index[i]];
            modell.Timeint = true;
            _ = MessageBox.Show("Zeitverlaufberechnung 2. Ordnung erfolgreich durchgeführt", "TimeIntegration2ndOrder");
Esempio n. 4
        // 1st order time integration ***********************************************************************************************
        public void TimeIntegration1StOrder()
            // ... Compute specific heat matrix ..............................
            if (!diagonalMatrix)
            _ = systemEquations.DiagonalMatrix;

            var dt = modell.Zeitintegration.Dt;

            if (dt == 0)
                throw new BerechnungAusnahme("Abbruch: Zeitschrittintervall nicht definiert.");
            var tmax          = modell.Zeitintegration.Tmax;
            var alfa          = modell.Zeitintegration.Parameter1;
            var nSteps        = (int)(tmax / dt) + 1;
            var forceFunction = new double[nSteps][];

            for (var k = 0; k < nSteps; k++)
                forceFunction[k] = new double[dimension];
            var temperature = new double[nSteps][];

            for (var i = 0; i < nSteps; i++)
                temperature[i] = new double[dimension];


            // ... compute time dependent forcing function and boundary conditions
            Compute1StOrderForcingFunction(dt, forceFunction);
            Compute1StOrderBoundaryConditions(dt, temperature);

            // ... system matrix needs to be recomputed if it is decomposed
            if (decomposed)
                ReComputeSystemMatrix(); decomposed = false;

            var timeIntegration = new Zeitintegration1OrdnungStatus(
                systemEquations, forceFunction, dt, alfa, temperature);


            // save nodal time histories
            foreach (var item in modell.Knoten)
                node = item.Value;
                var index = item.Value.SystemIndices[0];
                node.NodalVariables      = new double[1][];
                node.NodalVariables[0]   = new double[nSteps];
                node.NodalDerivatives    = new double[1][];
                node.NodalDerivatives[0] = new double[nSteps];

                // temperature[nSteps][index], NodalVariables[index][nSteps]
                for (var k = 0; k < nSteps; k++)
                    node.NodalVariables[0][k]   = temperature[k][index];
                    node.NodalDerivatives[0][k] = timeIntegration.Tdot[k][index];
            modell.Timeint = true;