private PoKeysStepperPoint DefaultMinPoint()
            PoKeysStepperPoint point = new PoKeysStepperPoint()
                FalconValue = DefaultFalconMinValue, StepperValue = 0

            point.PropertyChanged += OnPointChanged;
        private void executeAddAdditionalPoint(object o)
            PoKeysStepperPoint previousPoint   = AdditionalPointList.LastOrDefault() ?? MinPoint;
            PoKeysStepperPoint nextPoint       = MaxPoint;
            PoKeysStepperPoint additionalPoint = new PoKeysStepperPoint()
                FalconValue  = (previousPoint.FalconValue + nextPoint.FalconValue) / 2,
                StepperValue = ((previousPoint.StepperValue + nextPoint.StepperValue) / 2)

        private PoKeysStepperPoint DefaultMaxPoint()
            float falconMaxValue = DefaultFalconMaxValue;

            if (falconGauge != null)
                falconMaxValue = falconGauge.MaxValue;

            PoKeysStepperPoint point = new PoKeysStepperPoint()
                FalconValue = falconMaxValue, StepperValue = 4320

            point.PropertyChanged += OnPointChanged;
        private int FalconValueToStepperValue(float?falconValue)
            if (!falconValue.HasValue)

            if (!ContinuousRotation)
                // Clamp value to [Min, Max]
                if (falconValue.Value <= MinPoint.FalconValue)

                if (falconValue.Value >= MaxPoint.FalconValue)

                // Find the segment that contains falconValue
                PoKeysStepperPoint previousPoint = MinPoint;
                PoKeysStepperPoint nextPoint     = null;

                foreach (PoKeysStepperPoint additionalPoint in AdditionalPointList)
                    if (falconValue.Value >= additionalPoint.FalconValue)
                        previousPoint = additionalPoint;
                        nextPoint = additionalPoint;

                if (nextPoint == null)
                    nextPoint = MaxPoint;

                // Interpolate in segment
                float normalizedValue = 0.5F;
                if (previousPoint.FalconValue != nextPoint.FalconValue)
                    normalizedValue = (falconValue.Value - previousPoint.FalconValue) / (nextPoint.FalconValue - previousPoint.FalconValue);
                return((int)(normalizedValue * (nextPoint.StepperValue - previousPoint.StepperValue) + previousPoint.StepperValue));
            else  // Working with Cont. Rotation stepper
                int currentStepperPos = stepperPosition;
                //int currentStepperPos = owner.ReadStepper(StepperId.GetValueOrDefault() - 1);
                int stepsPerRotation = MaxPoint.StepperValue;

                int newStepPosition = (int)(falconValue.Value * (stepsPerRotation / (float)fullTurnValue));  // Convert desired position in degrees to steps

                // Convert current step position (which could be quite large) to a Modulo 4320 step value.
                // This is step value equivilant to 0-360 (Modulo 360) in degrees.
                int modulo4320CurrStepPosition = currentStepperPos % stepsPerRotation;
                int modulo4320NewStepPosition  = newStepPosition % stepsPerRotation;

                if ((modulo4320CurrStepPosition < (stepsPerRotation / 2) + modulo4320CurrStepPosition) && // Current value between 0 & 2160 steps (0 & 180 deg)?
                    (modulo4320NewStepPosition > (stepsPerRotation / 2) + modulo4320CurrStepPosition))    // New position is between 2160 and 4320 (180 & 360 deg)?
                    // Turning Left past 0 degrees. Do Negative Step Math.  (I need to figure this out)

                    // so if new pos is 4200 and current pos is 120 then
                    // 4200 - 4310 = -120
                    // -120 - 120 = -240
                    modulo4320NewStepPosition = modulo4320NewStepPosition - stepsPerRotation;           // find the negativ value from 0 back to new position
                    modulo4320NewStepPosition = modulo4320NewStepPosition - modulo4320CurrStepPosition; // add the minus current value to this

                    currentStepperPos += modulo4320NewStepPosition;
                    // Otherwise do Positive Step Math

                    int difference = newStepPosition - modulo4320CurrStepPosition;
                    if (difference < -stepsPerRotation / 2)
                        difference += stepsPerRotation;
                    if (difference > stepsPerRotation)
                        difference -= stepsPerRotation;

                    currentStepperPos += difference;
        private bool canExecuteRemoveAdditionalPoint(object o)
            PoKeysStepperPoint additionalPoint = (PoKeysStepperPoint)o;

        private void executeRemoveAdditionalPoint(object o)
            PoKeysStepperPoint additionalPoint = (PoKeysStepperPoint)o;
