Esempio n. 1
        public static void StartLoading(LocalizationManager __instance)
            // Nab the localization dictionary that's used for keybind localization
            Dictionary <string, string> m_generalLocalization = (Dictionary <string, string>)__instance.GetType().GetField("m_generalLocalization", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(__instance);

            // Go through the added actions and use the user-created action descriptions to name them
            foreach (int myActionId in CustomKeybindings.myCustomActionIds.Keys)
                InputAction myAction = ReInput.mapping.GetAction(myActionId);
                CustomKeybindings.InputActionDescription myActionDescription = CustomKeybindings.myCustomActionIds[myActionId];

                // The first string is the technical name of the action, while the second string is what you want to display in the bindings menu
                m_generalLocalization.Add("InputAction_" +,;
Esempio n. 2
        public static bool InitSections(ControllerMap _controllerMap)
            // Loop through our custom actions we added via Rewired
            foreach (int myActionId in CustomKeybindings.myCustomActionIds.Keys)
                // The info that the user specified for this action
                CustomKeybindings.InputActionDescription myActionDescription = CustomKeybindings.myCustomActionIds[myActionId];

                // There are separate keybinding maps for keyboard, mouse, & controllers
                // We only add our action-to-element mappings to the keybind maps that make sense
                // For example, if you are adding a key that doesn't make sense to have on a controller,
                // then skip when _controllerMap is JoystickMap
                // (Optional)
                // You can check if this method is being called for the Keyboard/Mouse bindings panel or
                // the Controller bindings panel, but I prefer to check the class of the _controllerMap
                //   if (self.ControllerType == ControlMappingPanel.ControlType.Keyboard) {

                // If the controller map's control type does not match our action
                if (!(myActionDescription.controlType == CustomKeybindings.ControlType.Keyboard && (_controllerMap is KeyboardMap || _controllerMap is MouseMap) ||
                      myActionDescription.controlType == CustomKeybindings.ControlType.Gamepad && (_controllerMap is JoystickMap) ||
                      myActionDescription.controlType == CustomKeybindings.ControlType.Both))
                    // Then skip to next action

                // If the categoryId of this controller map does not match our action's
                if (_controllerMap.categoryId != myActionDescription.sectionId)
                    // Skip to next action

                // If we pass the tests, create & add the action-to-element map for this particular action
                _controllerMap.CreateElementMap(myActionId, Pole.Positive, KeyCode.None, ModifierKeyFlags.None);

                // Continue the loop...

            // We're done here. Call original implementation