public ReturnValueClass getNextUIState()
            //run the clips first
            ReturnValueClass returnValue = new ReturnValueClass();
            // Get the state-list.
            String evalStr = "(find-all-facts ((?f state-list)) TRUE)";

            using (FactAddressValue allFacts = (FactAddressValue)((MultifieldValue)clipsEnvironment.Eval(evalStr))[0])
                string currentID = allFacts.GetFactSlot("current").ToString();
                evalStr = "(find-all-facts ((?f UI-state)) " +
                          "(eq ?f:id " + currentID + "))";
            using (FactAddressValue evalFact = (FactAddressValue)((MultifieldValue)clipsEnvironment.Eval(evalStr))[0])
                //get the state from clipse
                string state = evalFact.GetFactSlot("state").ToString();
                returnValue.State = state;
                using (MultifieldValue validAnswers = (MultifieldValue)evalFact.GetFactSlot("valid-answers"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < validAnswers.Count; i++)
                returnValue.displayQuestion = GetString((SymbolValue)evalFact.GetFactSlot("display"));
        /* call this method from the fron end.
         * input = strButtonName = Next/Restart/Prev
         * initialFlag = call this for the first time
         * ChoiceOption = Yes / No
        public void HandleRequest(string strButtonName, bool initialFlag, string ChoiceOption)
            ReturnValueClass returnValue = new ReturnValueClass();
            String           evalStr     = "(find-all-facts ((?f state-list)) TRUE)";

            using (FactAddressValue f = (FactAddressValue)((MultifieldValue)clipsEnvironment.Eval(evalStr))[0])
                string currentID = f.GetFactSlot("current").ToString();
                if (strButtonName.Equals("Next"))
                    if (initialFlag)
                        clipsEnvironment.AssertString("(next " + currentID + ")");
                        clipsEnvironment.AssertString("(next " + currentID + " " + ChoiceOption + ")");
                    returnValue = getNextUIState();
                else if (strButtonName.Equals("Restart"))
                    returnValue = getNextUIState();
                else if (strButtonName.Equals("Prev"))
                    clipsEnvironment.AssertString("(prev " + currentID + ")");
                    returnValue = getNextUIState();