public static Path FindPath(Road source, Road dest)
            List <PathOpen> openPaths         = new List <PathOpen>();
            int             shortestDistFound = Map.mapHeight * Map.mapWidth;
            Path            shortestPathFound = new Path();
            PathOpen        initialPath       = new PathOpen(source, dest);


            while (openPaths.Count > 0)
                PathOpen workingPath = openPaths[0];
                // Checks if the working path is on the same street as the destination.
                if (AreSameStreet(workingPath.waypoints.Last(), dest))
                    // If it's on the same street finalize the working path
                    Path finalizedPath = FinalizePathOpen(workingPath);
                    // Check if the newly finialized path is shorter than the shortest found.
                    if (finalizedPath.distActual < shortestDistFound)
                        // Then Update the shortest path.
                        shortestPathFound = finalizedPath;
                        shortestDistFound = finalizedPath.distActual;
                        openPaths         = CullOpenPaths(openPaths, shortestDistFound);
                    List <PathOpen> branchedPath = BranchPath(workingPath, shortestDistFound);
                    openPaths = CullOpenPaths(openPaths, shortestDistFound);
                    openPaths.OrderBy(x => x.GetDistWorkingTotal()).ToList();
 public static int EstimateDistance(Road r1, Road r2)
     return((int)Math.Abs(r2.Loc.X - r1.Loc.X) + (int)Math.Abs(r2.Loc.Y - r1.Loc.Y));