public ExifImage(BitmapImage imageSource, JpegInfo info) { PixelWidth = imageSource.PixelWidth; PixelHeight = imageSource.PixelHeight; AspectRatio = (double)PixelWidth / (double)PixelHeight; Image = new Image(); Image.Source = imageSource; ImageInfo = info; }
void FetchImages() { //get file names from input text file. string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("sdcard/MyFamilyResources/ImageAudio.txt"); string[] image_names = new string[lines.Length]; audio_names = new string[lines.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (string line in lines) { // Use a tab to indent each line of the file. string[] data = line.Split(' '); image_names[i] = data[0]; audio_names[i] = data[1]; i++; } // Function to load images from Android File System string path1 = "sdcard/MyFamilyResources/Images/"; string pathPreFix = @"file://"; textList = new Texture2D[image_names.Length];// init the list of textures. audioSrcs = new AudioSource[audio_names.Length]; int index = 0; while (index < frameCount) { WWW www = new WWW(pathPreFix + path1 + image_names[index]); //yield return www; ExifLib.JpegInfo jpi = ExifLib.ExifReader.ReadJpeg(www.bytes, (index + 1).ToString()); string orientation = jpi.Orientation.ToString(); if (orientation == "TopRight") { textList[index] = rotate90(www.texture); } else if (orientation == "BottomLeft") { textList[index] = rotateMinus90(www.texture); } else //if (orientation == "TopLeft") { textList[index] = www.texture; } index++; } }
/// <summary> /// ExifLib - /// </summary> IEnumerator LoadByteArrayIntoTexture(string url) { UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url); yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Debug.Log(www.error); } else { // retrieve results as binary data byte[] results =; Debug.Log("Finished Getting Image -> SIZE: " + results.Length.ToString()); ExifLib.JpegInfo jpi = ExifLib.ExifReader.ReadJpeg(results, "Sample File"); double[] Latitude = jpi.GpsLatitude; double[] Longitude = jpi.GpsLongitude; orientationString = jpi.Orientation.ToString(); ExifData.text = "<b>Exif Data:</b>" + "<color=white>"; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "FileName: " + jpi.FileName; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "DateTime: " + jpi.DateTime; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "GpsLatitude: " + Latitude[0] + "° " + Latitude[1] + "' " + Latitude[2] + '"'; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "GpsLongitude: " + Longitude[0] + "° " + Longitude[1] + "' " + Longitude[2] + '"'; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "Description: " + jpi.Description; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "Height: " + jpi.Height + " pixels"; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "Width: " + jpi.Width + " pixels"; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "ResolutionUnit: " + jpi.ResolutionUnit; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "UserComment: " + jpi.UserComment; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "Make: " + jpi.Make; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "Model: " + jpi.Model; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "Software: " + jpi.Software; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "\n" + "Orientation: " + orientationString; ExifData.text = ExifData.text + "</color>"; Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(2, 2); tex.LoadImage(results); newTexture = tex; // Not sure why, but many images come in flipped 180 degrees //newTexture = rotateTexture(newTexture, true); // Rotate clockwise 90 degrees //newTexture = rotateTexture(newTexture, true); // Rotate clockwise 90 degrees (again, to flip it) this.texture = newTexture; } }
/// <summary> /// ExifLib - /// </summary> IEnumerator GetImage(string url) { WWW www = new WWW(url); Debug.Log("Fetching image " + url); yield return(www); if (!System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { Debug.Log(www.error); this.texture = null; } else { Debug.Log("Finished Getting Image -> SIZE: " + www.bytes.Length.ToString()); ExifLib.JpegInfo jpi = ExifLib.ExifReader.ReadJpeg(www.bytes, "Foo"); Debug.Log("EXIF: " + jpi.Orientation.ToString()); Debug.Log("EXIF: " + jpi.Model); this.texture = www.texture; } }
private void ReadExif(JpegInfo info) { artist.Text = "Artist: " + info.Artist; copyright.Text = "Copyright: " + info.Copyright; datetime.Text = "Datetime: " + info.DateTime; description.Text = "Description: " + info.Description; exposure.Text = "Exposure: " + info.ExposureTime; filename.Text = "File name: " + info.FileName; filesize.Text = "File size: " + info.FileSize; flash.Text = "Flash: " + info.Flash; fnumber.Text = "F number: " + info.FNumber; gpslatitude.Text = "GPS Latitude: " + info.GpsLatitude; gpslatituderef.Text = "GPS Latitude ref: " + info.GpsLatitudeRef; gpslongitude.Text = "GPS Longitude: " + info.GpsLongitude; gpslongituderef.Text = "GPS Longitude ref: " + info.GpsLongitudeRef; height.Text = "Height: " + info.Height; iscolor.Text = "Is color: " + info.IsColor; isvalid.Text = "Is valid: " + info.IsValid; loadtime.Text = "Load time: " + info.LoadTime; make.Text = "Make: " + info.Make; orientation.Text = "Orientation: " + info.Orientation; resolutionunit.Text = "Resolution unit: " + info.ResolutionUnit; software.Text = "Software: " + info.Software; thumbdata.Text = "Thumbnail data: " + info.ThumbnailData; thumboffset.Text = "Thumbnail offset: " + info.ThumbnailOffset; thumbsize.Text = "Thumbnail size: " + info.ThumbnailSize; usercomment.Text = "User comment: " + info.UserComment; width.Text = "Width: " + info.Width; xresolution.Text = "X resolution: " + info.XResolution; yresolution.Text = "Y resolution: " + info.YResolution; photoLoaded = true; if( info.Width == 2000) { wid.Text = "de"; } }
IEnumerator LoadPictureCoroutine(string path) { WWW www = new WWW(path); if (www.size == 0) { showlog("size 0"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); LoadPicture(path); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { showlog("error"); PictureLoaded(false, null, null); } else { ExifLib.JpegInfo jpi = ExifLib.ExifReader.ReadJpeg(www.bytes, "test2.jpg"); showlog("EXIF: " + jpi.Orientation); Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(www.texture.width, www.texture.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); texture.anisoLevel = 1; texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; www.LoadImageIntoTexture(texture); TextureScale.Bilinear(texture, texture.width / 10, texture.height / 10); texture = TextureRotate.RotateImage(texture, -90); Sprite picture = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height),, 1); PictureLoaded(true, path, picture); } }
protected ExifReader(Stream stream) { info = new JpegInfo(); int a = stream.ReadByte(); // ensure SOI marker if (a != JpegId.START || stream.ReadByte() != JpegId.SOI) return; info.IsValid = true; for (; ; ) { int marker = 0, prev = 0; // find next marker for (a = 0; ; ++a) { marker = stream.ReadByte(); if (marker != JpegId.START && prev == JpegId.START) break; prev = marker; } // read section length int lenHigh = stream.ReadByte(); int lenLow = stream.ReadByte(); int itemlen = (lenHigh << 8) | lenLow; // read the section byte[] section = new byte[itemlen]; section[0] = (byte)lenHigh; section[1] = (byte)lenLow; int bytesRead = stream.Read(section, 2, itemlen - 2); if (bytesRead != itemlen - 2) return; switch (marker) { case JpegId.SOS: // start of stream: and we're done return; case JpegId.EOI: // no data? no good. return; case JpegId.EXIF: { if (section[2] == 'E' && section[3] == 'x' && section[4] == 'i' && section[5] == 'f') { ProcessExif(section); } } break; case JpegId.IPTC: { // don't care. } break; case 0xC0: case 0xC1: case 0xC2: case 0xC3: // case 0xC4: // not SOF case 0xC5: case 0xC6: case 0xC7: // case 0xC8: // not SOF case 0xC9: case 0xCA: case 0xCB: // case 0xCC: // not SOF case 0xCD: case 0xCE: case 0xCF: { ProcessSOF(section, marker); } break; default: { // don't care. } break; } section = null; GC.Collect(); } }
public virtual void Populate(JpegInfo info, ExifIFD ifd) { if (ifd == ExifIFD.Exif) { switch ((ExifId)this.Tag) { case ExifId.ImageWidth: info.Width = GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.ImageHeight: info.Height = GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.Orientation: info.Orientation = (ExifOrientation)GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.XResolution: info.XResolution = GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.YResolution: info.YResolution = GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.ResolutionUnit: info.ResolutionUnit = (ExifUnit)GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.DateTime: info.DateTime = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.DateTimeOriginal: info.DateTimeOriginal = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Description: info.Description = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Make: info.Make = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Model: info.Model = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Software: info.Software = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Artist: info.Artist = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.ThumbnailOffset: info.ThumbnailOffset = GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.ThumbnailLength: info.ThumbnailSize = GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.Copyright: info.Copyright = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.UserComment: info.UserComment = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.ExposureTime: info.ExposureTime = GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.FNumber: info.FNumber = GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.FlashUsed: info.Flash = (ExifFlash)GetInt(0); break; default: break; } } else if (ifd == ExifIFD.Gps) { switch ((ExifGps)this.Tag) { case ExifGps.LatitudeRef: { if (GetStringValue() == "N") { info.GpsLatitudeRef = ExifGpsLatitudeRef.North; } else if (GetStringValue() == "S") { info.GpsLatitudeRef = ExifGpsLatitudeRef.South; } } break; case ExifGps.LongitudeRef: { if (GetStringValue() == "E") { info.GpsLongitudeRef = ExifGpsLongitudeRef.East; } else if (GetStringValue() == "W") { info.GpsLongitudeRef = ExifGpsLongitudeRef.West; } } break; case ExifGps.Latitude: { if (Components == 3) { info.GpsLatitude[0] = GetNumericValue(0); info.GpsLatitude[1] = GetNumericValue(1); info.GpsLatitude[2] = GetNumericValue(2); } } break; case ExifGps.Longitude: { if (Components == 3) { info.GpsLongitude[0] = GetNumericValue(0); info.GpsLongitude[1] = GetNumericValue(1); info.GpsLongitude[2] = GetNumericValue(2); } } break; } } }
protected ExifReader(Stream stream) { info = new JpegInfo(); int a = stream.ReadByte(); // ensure SOI marker if (a != JpegId.START || stream.ReadByte() != JpegId.SOI) { return; } info.IsValid = true; for (; ;) { int marker = 0, prev = 0; // find next marker for (a = 0; ; ++a) { marker = stream.ReadByte(); if (marker != JpegId.START && prev == JpegId.START) { break; } prev = marker; } // read section length int lenHigh = stream.ReadByte(); int lenLow = stream.ReadByte(); int itemlen = (lenHigh << 8) | lenLow; // read the section byte[] section = new byte[itemlen]; section[0] = (byte)lenHigh; section[1] = (byte)lenLow; int bytesRead = stream.Read(section, 2, itemlen - 2); if (bytesRead != itemlen - 2) { return; } switch (marker) { case JpegId.SOS: // start of stream: and we're done return; case JpegId.EOI: // no data? no good. return; case JpegId.EXIF: { if (section[2] == 'E' && section[3] == 'x' && section[4] == 'i' && section[5] == 'f') { ProcessExif(section); } } break; case JpegId.IPTC: { // don't care. } break; case 0xC0: case 0xC1: case 0xC2: case 0xC3: // case 0xC4: // not SOF case 0xC5: case 0xC6: case 0xC7: // case 0xC8: // not SOF case 0xC9: case 0xCA: case 0xCB: // case 0xCC: // not SOF case 0xCD: case 0xCE: case 0xCF: { ProcessSOF(section, marker); } break; default: { // don't care. } break; } section = null; GC.Collect(); } }
public virtual void Populate(JpegInfo info, ExifIFD ifd) { if (ifd == ExifIFD.Exif) { switch ((ExifId)this.Tag) { case ExifId.ImageWidth: info.Width = GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.ImageHeight: info.Height = GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.Orientation: info.Orientation = (ExifOrientation)GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.XResolution: info.XResolution = GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.YResolution: info.YResolution = GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.ResolutionUnit: info.ResolutionUnit = (ExifUnit)GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.DateTime: info.DateTime = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.DateTimeOriginal: info.DateTimeOriginal = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Description: info.Description = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Make: info.Make = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Model: info.Model = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Software: info.Software = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Artist: info.Artist = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.ThumbnailOffset: info.ThumbnailOffset = GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.ThumbnailLength: info.ThumbnailSize = GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.Copyright: info.Copyright = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.UserComment: info.UserComment = GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.ExposureTime: info.ExposureTime = GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.FNumber: info.FNumber = GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.FlashUsed: info.Flash = (ExifFlash)GetInt(0); break; default: break; } } else if (ifd == ExifIFD.Gps) { switch ((ExifGps)this.Tag) { case ExifGps.LatitudeRef: { if (GetStringValue() == "N") info.GpsLatitudeRef = ExifGpsLatitudeRef.North; else if (GetStringValue() == "S") info.GpsLatitudeRef = ExifGpsLatitudeRef.South; } break; case ExifGps.LongitudeRef: { if (GetStringValue() == "E") info.GpsLongitudeRef = ExifGpsLongitudeRef.East; else if (GetStringValue() == "W") info.GpsLongitudeRef = ExifGpsLongitudeRef.West; } break; case ExifGps.Latitude: { if (Components == 3) { info.GpsLatitude[0] = GetNumericValue(0); info.GpsLatitude[1] = GetNumericValue(1); info.GpsLatitude[2] = GetNumericValue(2); } } break; case ExifGps.Longitude: { if (Components == 3) { info.GpsLongitude[0] = GetNumericValue(0); info.GpsLongitude[1] = GetNumericValue(1); info.GpsLongitude[2] = GetNumericValue(2); } } break; } } }
public virtual void Populate(JpegInfo info, ExifIFD ifd, long sectionStart) { if (ifd == ExifIFD.Exif) { switch ((ExifId)this.Tag) { case ExifId.FlashUsed: info.Flash = (ExifFlash)this.GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.UserComment: info.UserComment = this.GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.ExposureTime: info.ExposureTime = this.GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.FNumber: info.FNumber = this.GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.ThumbnailLength: info.ThumbnailSize = this.GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.Copyright: info.Copyright = this.GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Artist: info.Artist = this.GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.ThumbnailOffset: info.ThumbnailOffset = this.GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.Software: info.Software = this.GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.DateTime: info.DateTime = this.GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.YResolution: info.YResolution = this.GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.ResolutionUnit: info.ResolutionUnit = (ExifUnit)this.GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.Description: info.Description = this.GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Make: info.Make = this.GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Model: info.Model = this.GetStringValue(); break; case ExifId.Orientation: info.OrientationOffset = sectionStart + this.ValueOffset; info.Orientation = (ExifOrientation)this.GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.XResolution: info.XResolution = this.GetNumericValue(0); break; case ExifId.ImageWidth: info.Width = this.GetInt(0); break; case ExifId.ImageHeight: info.Height = this.GetInt(0); break; } } else { if (ifd != ExifIFD.Gps) { return; } switch (this.Tag) { case 1: if (this.GetStringValue() == "N") { info.GpsLatitudeRef = ExifGpsLatitudeRef.North; break; } if (!(this.GetStringValue() == "S")) { break; } info.GpsLatitudeRef = ExifGpsLatitudeRef.South; break; case 2: if (this.Components != 3) { break; } info.GpsLatitude[0] = this.GetNumericValue(0); info.GpsLatitude[1] = this.GetNumericValue(1); info.GpsLatitude[2] = this.GetNumericValue(2); break; case 3: if (this.GetStringValue() == "E") { info.GpsLongitudeRef = ExifGpsLongitudeRef.East; break; } if (!(this.GetStringValue() == "W")) { break; } info.GpsLongitudeRef = ExifGpsLongitudeRef.West; break; case 4: if (this.Components != 3) { break; } info.GpsLongitude[0] = this.GetNumericValue(0); info.GpsLongitude[1] = this.GetNumericValue(1); info.GpsLongitude[2] = this.GetNumericValue(2); break; } } }
public ExifReader(Stream stream) { = new JpegInfo(); if (stream.ReadByte() != (int)byte.MaxValue || stream.ReadByte() != 216) { return; } = true; while (true) { int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; int marker; while (true) { marker = stream.ReadByte(); if (marker == (int)byte.MaxValue || num1 != (int)byte.MaxValue) { num1 = marker; ++num2; } else { break; } } long position = stream.Position; int num3 = stream.ReadByte(); int num4 = stream.ReadByte(); int length = num3 << 8 | num4; byte[] numArray = new byte[length]; numArray[0] = (byte)num3; numArray[1] = (byte)num4; if (stream.Read(numArray, 2, length - 2) == length - 2) { switch (marker) { case 192: case 193: case 194: case 195: case 197: case 198: case 199: case 201: case 202: case 203: case 205: case 206: case 207: this.ProcessSOF(numArray, marker); break; case 217: goto label_10; case 218: goto label_7; case 225: if ((int)numArray[2] == 69 && (int)numArray[3] == 120 && ((int)numArray[4] == 105 && (int)numArray[5] == 102)) { this.ProcessExif(numArray, position); break; } break; } GC.Collect(); } else { break; } } return; label_7: return; label_10 :; }
public void ReadExif(JpegInfo info) { this.seb = info.Width; }