Esempio n. 1
        // Register a new observable
        // Returns null if it failed (due to RTD array-caller first call)
        static object RegisterObservable(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, IExcelObservable observable)
            // Check it's not registered already

            // Set up ObservableState and keep track of things
            // Caller might be null if not from worksheet
            ExcelReference caller = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller) as ExcelReference;
            Guid           id     = Guid.NewGuid();

            Debug.Print("AsyncObservableImpl.RegisterObservable - Id: {0}", id);
            _asyncCallIds[callInfo] = id;
            AsyncObservableState state = new AsyncObservableState(id, callInfo, caller, observable);

            _observableStates[id] = state;

            // Will spin up RTD server and topic if required, causing us to be called again...
            object value;

            if (!state.TryGetValue(out value))
                Debug.Print("AsyncObservableImpl.RegisterObservable (GetValue Error) - Remove Id: {0}", id);
                // Problem case - array-caller with RTD call that failed.
                // Clean up state and return null - we'll be called again later and everything will be better.
Esempio n. 2
        // This is the most general RTD registration
        // This should not be called from a ThreadSafe function. Checked in the callers.
        public static object ProcessObservable(string functionName, object parameters, ExcelObservableSource getObservable)
            if (!SynchronizationManager.IsInstalled)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("ExcelAsyncUtil has not been initialized. This is an unexpected error.");
            if (!ExcelDnaUtil.IsMainThread)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("ExcelAsyncUtil.Run / ExcelAsyncUtil.Observe may not be called from a ThreadSafe function.");

            // CONSIDER: Why not same problems with all RTD servers?
            AsyncCallInfo callInfo = new AsyncCallInfo(functionName, parameters);

            // Shortcut if already registered
            Guid id;

            if (_asyncCallIds.TryGetValue(callInfo, out id))
                // Already registered.
                Debug.Print("AsyncObservableImpl GetValueIfRegistered - Found Id: {0}", id);
                AsyncObservableState state = _observableStates[id];
                object value;
                // The TryGetValue call here is a big deal - it eventually calls Excel's RTD function
                // (or not, it the observable is complete).
                // The return value of TryGetValue indicates the special array-call where RTD fails, which we ignore here.
                bool unused = state.TryGetValue(out value);

            // Not registered before - actually register as a new Observable
            IExcelObservable observable = getObservable();

            return(RegisterObservable(callInfo, observable));
Esempio n. 3
        internal static void DisconnectObserver(Guid id)
            AsyncObservableState state = _observableStates[id];

Esempio n. 4
        internal static void ConnectObserver(Guid id, ExcelRtdObserver rtdObserver)
            // TODO: Checking...(huh?)
            AsyncObservableState state = _observableStates[id];

            // Start the work for this AsyncCallInfo, and subscribe the topic to the result
Esempio n. 5
        static bool GetValueIfRegistered(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, out object value)
            Guid id;

            if (_asyncCallIds.TryGetValue(callInfo, out id))
                // Already registered.
                AsyncObservableState state = _observableStates[id];
                value = state.GetValue();
            value = null;
Esempio n. 6
        // Register a new observable
        static object RegisterObservable(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, IExcelObservable observable)
            // Check it's not registered already

            // Set up a new Id and ObservableState and keep track of things
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            _asyncCallIds[callInfo] = id;
            AsyncObservableState state = new AsyncObservableState(id, callInfo, observable);

            _observableStates[id] = state;

            // Will spin up RTD server and topic if required, causing us to be called again...
Esempio n. 7
        // Register a new observable
        static object RegisterObservable(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, IExcelObservable observable)
            // Check it's not registered already

            // Set up ObservableState and keep track of things
            // Caller might be null if not from worksheet
            ExcelReference caller = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller) as ExcelReference;
            Guid           id     = Guid.NewGuid();

            _asyncCallIds[callInfo] = id;
            AsyncObservableState state = new AsyncObservableState(id, callInfo, caller, observable);

            _observableStates[id] = state;

            // Will spin up RTD server and topic if required, causing us to be called again...
        // Register a new observable
        static object RegisterObservable(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, IExcelObservable observable)
            // Check it's not registered already

            // Set up a new Id and ObservableState and keep track of things
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
            _asyncCallIds[callInfo] = id;
            AsyncObservableState state = new AsyncObservableState(id, callInfo, observable);
            _observableStates[id] = state;

            // Will spin up RTD server and topic if required, causing us to be called again...
            return state.GetValue();