Esempio n. 1
        public void NewWorld(ExampleGameSourceData gameData)
            BanquetElevatorFloor = GrainClusterClient.Universe.SetGameVarValue("BanquetElevatorFloor", "1").Result;
            BanquetToSecretWarpedHallDoorOpen = GrainClusterClient.Universe.SetGameVarValue("BanquetToSecretWarpedHallDoorOpen", "false").Result;

            ColoredLightAColor = GrainClusterClient.Universe.SetGameVarValue("ColoredLightA.Color", "red").Result;
            ColoredLightBColor = GrainClusterClient.Universe.SetGameVarValue("ColoredLightB.Color", "teal").Result;

            StartRoomLever = GrainClusterClient.Universe.SetGameVarValue("StartRoomLever", "off").Result;
Esempio n. 2
        public void NewWorld(ExampleGameSourceData gameData)
            CrystalDiviner = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new CrystalDiviner()).Result;
                GrainClusterClient.Universe.TryAddLocationItemCount(gameData.EgLocations.Start, CrystalDiviner, 1);

            // Light and light switch A in Start
            ColoredLightA = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new ColoredLight(gameData.GameVariables.ColoredLightAColor)).Result;
                GrainClusterClient.Universe.TryAddLocationItemCount(gameData.EgLocations.Start, ColoredLightA, 1);
            ColoredLightSwitchA = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new ColoredLightSwitch(gameData.GameVariables.ColoredLightAColor)).Result;
                GrainClusterClient.Universe.TryAddLocationItemCount(gameData.EgLocations.Start, ColoredLightSwitchA, 1);

            // Light and light switch B in the Banquet Elevator
            ColoredLightB = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new ColoredLight(gameData.GameVariables.ColoredLightBColor)).Result;
                GrainClusterClient.Universe.TryAddLocationItemCount(gameData.EgLocations.BanquetElevator, ColoredLightB, 1);
            ColoredLightSwitchB = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new ColoredLightSwitch(gameData.GameVariables.ColoredLightBColor)).Result;
                GrainClusterClient.Universe.TryAddLocationItemCount(gameData.EgLocations.BanquetElevator, ColoredLightSwitchB, 1);

            // Bronze key and keyhole pair
            DullBronzeKey = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new Item("Dull Bronze Key") { IsUnique = true, IsUseableFrom = ItemUseableFrom.Inventory }).Result;
            BanquetToSecretWarpedHallKeyhole = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new Keyhole(gameData.GameVariables.BanquetToSecretWarpedHallDoorOpen, DullBronzeKey)).Result;
                GrainClusterClient.Universe.TryAddLocationItemCount(gameData.EgLocations.BanquetHall, BanquetToSecretWarpedHallKeyhole, 1);

            // Start room lever
            StartRoomLever = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new Lever(gameData.GameVariables.StartRoomLever)).Result;
                GrainClusterClient.Universe.TryAddLocationItemCount(gameData.EgLocations.Start, StartRoomLever, 1);

            // Healing potion
            HealingPotion = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddItem(new HealingPotion(5)).Result;
                GrainClusterClient.Universe.TryAddLocationItemCount(gameData.EgLocations.Start, HealingPotion, 25);
Esempio n. 3
        public void NewWorld(ExampleGameSourceData gameData)
            Rat1 = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddCharacter(new Rat("Joe the rat", 7, 23)
                MaxAttack = 10, CounterAttackPercent = 15
            }, gameData.EgLocations.Start).Result;
            Rat2 = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddCharacter(new Rat("Henry the rat", 8, 15)
                MaxAttack = 12, CounterAttackPercent = 17
            }, gameData.EgLocations.BanquetHall).Result;
            GoldenStatue = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddCharacter(new Character("Goldie Plink", 15)
                MaxAttack = 1, CounterAttackPercent = 0
            }, gameData.EgLocations.Start).Result;
            StuffedEagle = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddCharacter(new Character("Eagle Eyes", 15)
                MaxAttack = 1, CounterAttackPercent = 0
            }, gameData.EgLocations.Start).Result;

            // Custom turn behaviors
            GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddTurnBehavior(CustomTurnBehavior.Squeak, new SqueakTurnBehavior()).Wait();
Esempio n. 4
        public void NewWorld(ExampleGameSourceData gameData)
            Start = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddLocation(new Location("Starting Area", "an open area with a small marble colleseum",
                                                                         "You stand in the midsts of a miniture marble colleseum. " +
                                                                         "The pillars appear to have been carved by hand and you sense that this area is very old."

            BanquetHall = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddLocation(new Location("Banquet Hall", "a large hall filled with several tables",
                                                                               "Around you are several tables full of delicious looking food. " +
                                                                               "The hall is bustling with many visitors of different nationality"

            CemetaryTheatre = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddLocation(new Location("Cemetary Theatre", "a frightful looking cemetary",
                                                                                   "Although the dirt in this area is real, the multitudes of tombstones are " +
                                                                                   "obvious fakes. Upon further inspection you discover that they all have the " +
                                                                                   "same name on them and have been made from a mold."

            BanquetElevator = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddLocation(new Location("Banquet Elevator", "an ornately designed elevator",
                                                                                   "From within the elevator you view what could have only taken ages to craft. " +
                                                                                   "The elevator walls are hand crafted from a giant, once whole, block of marble. " +
                                                                                   "Although the design is from a historical era, the electronic components appear to " +
                                                                                   "be more advanced than what you are familiar with."

            SecretWarpedHall = GrainClusterClient.Universe.AddLocation(new Location("Warped Hallway", "a hallway that isn't quite straight",
                                                                                    "As you peer down the hallway the walls curve in and out in a haphazardly manner.")).Result;

            // This describes that the starting area is always connected to the banquet hall
            // and that the banquet hall is always connected to the starting area
            // Start <--> Banquet Hall
                new PortalAlwaysOpenRule(Start, BanquetHall, "To the west you see"),
                new PortalAlwaysOpenRule(BanquetHall, Start, "To the east you see")

            // Another 2 way portal
            // Start <--> Cemetary
                new PortalAlwaysOpenRule(Start, CemetaryTheatre, "To the east you see"),
                new PortalAlwaysOpenRule(CemetaryTheatre, Start, "To the west you see")

            // Banquet Hall <--> Elevator
                // These 2 rules will only be considered if the player is in the banquet hall.
                // If the game variable "BanquestElevatorFloor" is set to 1 then the first rule will match, otherwise it'll match the 2nd
                new PortalOpenGameVarRule(BanquetHall, BanquetElevator, "Through an open elevator door you see", gameData.GameVariables.BanquetElevatorFloor, "1"),
                new PortalAlwaysClosedRule(BanquetHall, Guid.Empty, "You see a closed elevator door"),

                new PortalOpenGameVarRule(BanquetElevator, BanquetHall, "From within the elevator you peer through the door to see", gameData.GameVariables.BanquetElevatorFloor, "1"),
                new PortalAlwaysClosedRule(BanquetElevator, Guid.Empty, "The elevator door is closed")

            // Banquet Hall <--> Warped Hall
                new PortalOpenGameVarRule(BanquetHall, SecretWarpedHall, "Through the now open passageway you see", gameData.GameVariables.BanquetToSecretWarpedHallDoorOpen, "true"),
                new PortalAlwaysClosedRule(BanquetHall, Guid.Empty, "You see a large closed stone door with a keyhole. The door is locked."),

                new PortalOpenGameVarRule(SecretWarpedHall, BanquetHall, "Through the now open passageway you see", gameData.GameVariables.BanquetToSecretWarpedHallDoorOpen, "true"),
                new PortalAlwaysClosedRule(SecretWarpedHall, Guid.Empty, "You see the end of the hallway. There is currently no way through in this direction.")