Esempio n. 1
        private void SpawnVfx(PoolableVfx key)
            // Fetches the pool & return if it is not ready
            // A pool might be not operational because it references its Provider with the Addressables system
            var pool = Repository.Get <VfxPool>(References.VfxPool);

            if (!pool.IsOperational)

            // Fetch the camera & convert the mouse position into worldspace
            var camera = Repository.Get <Camera>(References.Camera);
            var point  = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

            point.z = transform.position.z;

            // Request a specific Vfx by giving a prefab key
            // If the pool has already in store disabled instances of this key, it can give it right away
            // If there are no disabled instance, an instantiation is made added to the pool & returned
            // Otherwise the key does not exist for the moment & its added to the pool for later use
            var vfx = pool.RequestSingle(key);

            vfx.transform.position = point;
            vfx.Play(); // Lifetime of the vfx is encapsulated in the PoolableVfx class and does not has to be done here
Esempio n. 2
        void OnLoadingDone(object[] values)
            leftVfxKey  = ((GameObject)values[0]).GetComponent <PoolableVfx>();
            rightVfxKey = ((GameObject)values[1]).GetComponent <PoolableVfx>();

            hasLoaded = true; // Only allow the execution of logic once all references have been loaded