private List <SResult> SearchTermForWeb(string terms)
            List <SResult> results = new List <SResult>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terms))
                // var criteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria();
                //IBooleanOperation query = criteria.Field("contents", searchQuery.MultipleCharacterWildcard());

                // Find pages that contain our search text in either their nodeName or bodyText fields...
                // but exclude any pages that have been hidden.
                // searchCriteria.Fields("nodeName",terms.Boost(8)).Or().Field("metaTitle","hello".Boost(5)).Compile();

                Examine.SearchCriteria.ISearchCriteria crawl           = null;
                Examine.SearchCriteria.ISearchCriteria crawlRestricted = null;

                if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    //this block of if is for the loggedin users...

                    string[] roles = System.Web.Security.Roles.GetRolesForUser(User.Identity.Name);

                    var criteriaRestricted = ExamineManager.Instance

                    //if there is space search for exact word.
                    IExamineValue srcTerm;
                    if (terms.Contains(" "))
                        srcTerm = terms.ToLower().Escape();
                        srcTerm = terms.ToLower().MultipleCharacterWildcard();

                    crawlRestricted = criteriaRestricted.GroupedOr(new string[] { "bodyText", "nodeName", "name", "menuline1", "menuline2", "title", "featurecontent", "seo" }, srcTerm)

                                      .And().Field("GroupAccess", roles[0])
                                      //.Or().Field("IsPublic", "true") //THE OR condition does not work as
                                      // when IsPublic =  ture group access is null
                                      //so i have to combine both results..
                                      .Not().Field("umbracoNaviHide", "1")
                                      .Not().Field("nodeTypeAlias", "Image")

                    ISearchResults SearchResultsRestricted = ExamineManager.Instance

                    foreach (var sr in SearchResultsRestricted)
                        SResult result = new SResult()
                            Id = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("id") ? sr.Fields["id"] : "",
                            //Score = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("Score") ? (int)Math.Min(sr.Score * 100, 100) : 0,
                            // Url = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("urlName") ? sr.Fields["urlName"] : "",
                            //Url = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("Url") ? sr.Fields["Url"] : "",
                            Url      = Umbraco.Content(sr.Fields["id"]).Url,
                            NodeName = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("nodeName") ? sr.Fields["nodeName"] : "",

                            Text = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("bodyText") ? sr.Fields["bodyText"] : "",

                            FText = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("featurecontent") ? sr.Fields["featurecontent"] : "",
                            Date  = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("updateDate") ? sr.Fields["updateDate"] : "",

                        result.Text  = result.Text.Substring(0, Math.Min(result.Text.Length, 250));
                        result.FText = result.FText.Substring(0, Math.Min(result.FText.Length, 250));


                    var criteria = ExamineManager.Instance

                    crawl = criteria.GroupedOr(new string[] { "bodyText", "nodeName", "name", "menuline1", "menuline2", "title", "featurecontent", "seo" }, terms.ToLower().MultipleCharacterWildcard())

                            .Not().Field("umbracoNaviHide", "1")
                            .Not().Field("nodeTypeAlias", "Image")
                            .And().Field("IsPublic", "true")


                    ISearchResults SearchResults = ExamineManager.Instance

                    foreach (var sr in SearchResults)
                        SResult result = new SResult()
                            Id       = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("id") ? sr.Fields["id"] : "",
                            Url      = Umbraco.Content(sr.Fields["id"]).Url,
                            NodeName = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("nodeName") ? sr.Fields["nodeName"] : "",

                            Text = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("bodyText") ? sr.Fields["bodyText"] : "",

                            FText = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("featurecontent") ? sr.Fields["featurecontent"] : "",
                            Date  = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("updateDate") ? sr.Fields["updateDate"] : "",

                        result.Text  = result.Text.Substring(0, Math.Min(result.Text.Length, 250));
                        result.FText = result.FText.Substring(0, Math.Min(result.FText.Length, 250));

                    //this block for not authenticated...

                    var criteria = ExamineManager.Instance

                    //if there is space search for exact word.
                    IExamineValue srcTerm;
                    if (terms.Contains(" "))
                        srcTerm = terms.ToLower().Escape();
                        srcTerm = terms.ToLower().MultipleCharacterWildcard();

                    crawl = criteria.GroupedOr(new string[] { "bodyText", "nodeName", "name", "menuline1", "menuline2", "title", "featurecontent", "seo" }, srcTerm)

                            .Not().Field("umbracoNaviHide", "1")
                            .Not().Field("nodeTypeAlias", "Image")
                            .And().Field("IsPublic", "true")


                    ISearchResults SearchResults = ExamineManager.Instance

                    foreach (var sr in SearchResults)
                        SResult result = new SResult()
                            Id = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("id") ? sr.Fields["id"] : "",
                            //Score = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("Score") ? (int)Math.Min(sr.Score * 100, 100) : 0,
                            // Url = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("urlName") ? sr.Fields["urlName"] : "",
                            //Url = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("Url") ? sr.Fields["Url"] : "",
                            Url      = Umbraco.Content(sr.Fields["id"]).Url,
                            NodeName = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("nodeName") ? sr.Fields["nodeName"] : "",

                            Text = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("bodyText") ? sr.Fields["bodyText"] : "",

                            FText = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("featurecontent") ? sr.Fields["featurecontent"] : "",
                            Date  = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("updateDate") ? sr.Fields["updateDate"] : "",

                        result.Text  = result.Text.Substring(0, Math.Min(result.Text.Length, 250));
                        result.FText = result.FText.Substring(0, Math.Min(result.FText.Length, 250));


            //sort it:
            // if (results.Count>0)
            //    results = results.OrderBy(o => o.NodeName).ToList();

            //sort it by LastLoginDate this is the default..
            if (results.Count > 0)
                results = results.OrderByDescending(o => o.Date).ToList();

        private List <SResult> SearchTermForEvents(string terms)
            //the resource will be searched only for the logged in users

            List <SResult> results = new List <SResult>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terms))
                Examine.SearchCriteria.ISearchCriteria crawlResourceRestricted = null;

                if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    string[] roles = System.Web.Security.Roles.GetRolesForUser(User.Identity.Name);

                    //Resouce search
                    var criteriaResourceRestricted = ExamineManager.Instance

                    //if there is space search for exact word.
                    IExamineValue srcTerm;
                    if (terms.Contains(" "))
                        srcTerm = terms.ToLower().Escape();
                        srcTerm = terms.ToLower().MultipleCharacterWildcard();

                    crawlResourceRestricted = criteriaResourceRestricted.GroupedOr(new string[] { "description", "eventtitle", "nodeName", "name", "seo", "intendedaudiences" }, srcTerm)

                                              .And().Field("roles", roles[0])

                    ISearchResults SearchResultsResourceRestricted = ExamineManager.Instance

                    foreach (var sr in SearchResultsResourceRestricted)
                        SResult result = new SResult()
                            Id       = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("id") ? sr.Fields["id"] : "",
                            Url      = Umbraco.Content(sr.Fields["id"]).Url,
                            NodeName = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("nodeName") ? sr.Fields["nodeName"] : "",
                            Text     = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("description") ? sr.Fields["description"] : "",
                            Date     = sr.Fields.ContainsKey("updateDate") ? sr.Fields["updateDate"] : "",

                        result.Text  = result.Text.Substring(0, Math.Min(result.Text.Length, 250));
                        result.FText = "";
                        if (result.Text.Length > 249 && !result.Text.EndsWith("."))
                            result.FText = "1";

            //sort it by LastLoginDate this is the default..
            if (results.Count > 0)
                results = results.OrderByDescending(o => o.Date).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Searhes content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="criteria"></param>
        /// <param name="searchProvider"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <IPublishedContent> TypedSearch(Examine.SearchCriteria.ISearchCriteria criteria, Examine.Providers.BaseSearchProvider searchProvider = null)
            var total = 0;

            return(TypedSearch(0, 0, out total, criteria, searchProvider));