private void AddNewAppointment() { Console.WriteLine("Creating a new Appointment"); Console.WriteLine("Existing Client? (Y or N)"); string answer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (answer == "y") { Appointment appointment = new Appointment(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Client's ID:"); int clientId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Client i = FindClient(clientId); appointment.ClientId = i.ClientId; Console.WriteLine("***********************"); Console.WriteLine($"Info about the Client:\n{i.ShowShortInfo()}"); Console.WriteLine("***********************"); Console.WriteLine("List of lawyers with the matching expertise:"); //searching for the matching experitise var foundLawyerslist = lawyers.FindAll(x => x.Expertise == i.CaseType); foreach (Lawyer lawyer in foundLawyerslist) { Console.WriteLine(lawyer.ShowInfo()); } Console.WriteLine("Assign the lawyer by typing Laywer's last name:"); string lawyerAssigned = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); Lawyer l = lawyers.Find(x => x.Lastname.ToLower() == lawyerAssigned); appointment.LawyerId = l.EmpId; Console.WriteLine("Appointment ID:"); appointment.AppId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Appointment's date (dd-MM-yyyy):"); appointment.AppointmentDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Console.ReadLine(), "dd-MM-yyyy", null); Console.WriteLine("Appointment's time (HH:mm):"); appointment.AppointmentDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Console.ReadLine(), "HH:mm", null); Console.WriteLine("Choose room:"); Console.WriteLine("1. Aquarium\n2. Cave\n3. Cube"); int roomChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (roomChoice == 1) { appointment.MeetingRoom = ERooms.Aquarium; } else if (roomChoice == 2) { appointment.MeetingRoom = ERooms.Cave; } else if (roomChoice == 3) { appointment.MeetingRoom = ERooms.Cube; } else { appointment.MeetingRoom = ERooms.Unknown; } appointments.Add(appointment); Console.WriteLine("New appointment is created:"); Console.WriteLine($"Client: {i.Firstname} {i.Lastname} from {i.City} (case: {i.CaseType} law)"); Console.WriteLine($"Lawyer assigned: {l.Firstname} {l.Lastname} specialised in {l.Expertise} law and with seniority as {l.Seniority}"); Console.WriteLine($"Date of appointment: {appointment.AppointmentDate.ToShortDateString()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Time of appointment: {appointment.AppointmentTime.ToShortTimeString()}"); Console.WriteLine("******************************"); } else { AddNewClient(); } }
private void AddNewCase() { Console.WriteLine("Creating a new Case"); Console.WriteLine("Enter Lawyer ID:"); // collecting answer from user and validation of input as integer int idInput; bool valid; //false by default do { valid = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out idInput); }while (!valid); //creating object lawyer with the requested id via search method Lawyer lawyer = FindLawyer(idInput); if (lawyer != null) { Clientcase clientcase = new Clientcase(); clientcase.LawyerId = lawyer.EmpId; lawyer.GreetEmployee(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Client's ID:"); int clientId; bool valid1; //false by default do { valid1 = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out clientId); }while (!valid1); Client client = FindClient(clientId); clientcase.ClientId = client.ClientId; Console.WriteLine("***********************"); Console.WriteLine($"Info about the Client:\n{client.ShowShortInfo()}"); if (client.CaseType != lawyer.Expertise) { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {lawyer.Firstname} are you sure you have enough expertise for this? Better ask your collegue"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Assigning Id Case:"); clientcase.IdCase = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); clientcase.CaseType = client.CaseType; clientcase.StartDate = DateTime.Now; //assigning start date of the case to the current date Console.WriteLine("Enter the total charge of Client:"); clientcase.TotalCharges = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); cases.Add(clientcase); Console.WriteLine("New Case created:"); Console.WriteLine($"{clientcase.ShowInfo()}\nClient:\n{client.ShowShortInfo()}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("The ID does not exist"); Console.WriteLine("Please start creating the Case from beginning"); AddNewCase(); } }