public void ShowAllProducts() { Stock.ShowAll(); }
public static void ShowMenu() { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Choo-o-oose you de-e-stinyy-y!!! (only in this program, not in general):"); Console.WriteLine("1. Manager"); Console.WriteLine("2. Customer"); var isLogin = false; var answer = Console.ReadLine(); var customer = new Customer(); if (answer == "1" || answer == "2") { isLogin = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please, enter the digit corresponding to the command"); } while (isLogin) { Console.WriteLine("Choose action: "); switch (answer) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("1. Show products\n2. Add product\n3. Delete product\n0. Change destiny"); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("1. Show products\n2. Buy product\n0. Change destiny"); break; default: isLogin = false; break; } switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "0": isLogin = false; break; case "1": Stock.ShowAll(); break; case "2" when answer == "1": Manager.AddProduct(CreateProduct()); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine($"Available money: {customer.Money}"); Controller.BuyProduct(out var title, out var quantity); customer.BuyProduct(title, quantity); break; case "3" when answer == "1": Manager.DestroyProduct(Controller.DeleteProduct()); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please, enter the digit corresponding to the command"); break; } } } }