public IOhandler() { m_Validator = new InputValidator(); m_UI = new UI(); m_Garage = new GarageLogic.Garage(); }
private void ShowRegisteredVehicles() { string filter = UI.GetFilterInput(); UI.ShowAllRegisteredVehicles(m_Garage.GetAllLicenseNumbers(filter)); }
public static void Main() { UI.Run(); }
public static void StartAction(GarageLogic.GarageLogic i_Garage) { string stringAction = getAction(); byte action = isValidAction(stringAction); while (action == 0) { stringAction = getAction(); action = isValidAction(stringAction); } if (action == 1) { EnterNewVehicle(i_Garage); } else if (action == 2) { string withOrWithoutFilter = getWithOrWithoutFilter(); byte byteWithOrWithoutFilter = isValidFilter(withOrWithoutFilter); while (byteWithOrWithoutFilter == 0) { withOrWithoutFilter = getWithOrWithoutFilter(); byteWithOrWithoutFilter = isValidFilter(withOrWithoutFilter); } if (byteWithOrWithoutFilter == 1) { string[] states = i_Garage.GetVehicleStates(); Console.WriteLine(states[0]); string state = Console.ReadLine(); object validState = ParseAnswer(states[1], state); while (validState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid type - {0} should be {1}", state, states[1]); Console.WriteLine(states[0]); state = Console.ReadLine(); validState = UI.ParseAnswer(states[1], state); } Console.WriteLine(i_Garage.DisplayVehiclesLicenses(state)); } else if (byteWithOrWithoutFilter == 2) { Console.WriteLine(i_Garage.DisplayVehiclesLicenses()); } } else { string licenseNumber = getString("license number"); bool licenseNumberValid = isValidNumber(licenseNumber, "license number"); while (!licenseNumberValid) { licenseNumber = getString("license number"); licenseNumberValid = isValidNumber(licenseNumber, "license number"); } if (action == 3) { string[] states = i_Garage.GetVehicleStates(); Console.WriteLine(states[0]); string state = Console.ReadLine(); object validState = ParseAnswer(states[1], state); while (validState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid type - {0} should be {1}", state, states[1]); Console.WriteLine(states[0]); state = Console.ReadLine(); validState = UI.ParseAnswer(states[1], state); } Console.WriteLine(i_Garage.UpdateVehicleState(licenseNumber, state)); } else if (action == 4) { Console.WriteLine(i_Garage.InflateVehicleWheels(licenseNumber)); } else if (action == 5) { string[] fuelTypes = i_Garage.GetFuelTypes(); Console.WriteLine(fuelTypes[0]); string fuelType = Console.ReadLine(); object validFuelType = ParseAnswer(fuelTypes[1], fuelType); while (validFuelType == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid type - {0} should be {1}", fuelType, fuelTypes[1]); Console.WriteLine(fuelTypes[0]); fuelType = Console.ReadLine(); validFuelType = ParseAnswer(fuelTypes[1], fuelType); } string fuelAmount = getString("fuel amount"); object fuelAmountValid = ParseAnswer("float", fuelAmount); while (fuelAmountValid == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid type - {0} should be {1}", fuelAmount, "float"); fuelAmount = getString("fuel amount"); fuelAmountValid = ParseAnswer("float", fuelAmount); } try { Console.WriteLine(i_Garage.FuelNormalVehicle(licenseNumber, fuelType, (float)fuelAmountValid)); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } } else if (action == 6) { string minutesToCharge = getString("minutes to charge"); object minutesToChargeValid = ParseAnswer("float", minutesToCharge); while (minutesToChargeValid == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid type - {0} should be {1}", minutesToCharge, "float"); minutesToCharge = getString("minutes to charge"); minutesToChargeValid = ParseAnswer("float", minutesToCharge); } try { Console.WriteLine(i_Garage.ChargeElectricVehicle(licenseNumber, (float)minutesToChargeValid)); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } } else if (action == 7) { Console.WriteLine(i_Garage.DisplayVehicleData(licenseNumber)); } } }
// $G$ CSS-999 (-3) The method must have an access modifier. static void Main(string[] args) { UI consoleUI = new UI(); consoleUI.startEngine(); }