Esempio n. 1
        // Update method
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            //If there is a temporary tile (as in the player is colliding with a tile)
            if (tempCollisTile != null)
                //If the player is still technically colliding with a tile but is above or below that tile
                if ((player.ObjectRectangle.Bottom < tempCollisTile.ObjectRectangle.Top) || (player.ObjectRectangle.Top > tempCollisTile.ObjectRectangle.Bottom))
                    //The player class will call its method to rest the collision, allowing the player to overcome collision and move left or right when he jumps or is above/below the tile
                    //The temporary tile is null, preventing collision from being reset at a time it shouldn't be
                    tempCollisTile = null;

            // The player will register as being paused if the screen is anything other than the level screen
            if (screenState == ScreenState.LevelOneScreen)
                //The music only plays during the game's playable level
                player.IsPaused = false;
                //The sound won't play if it paused but reset
                if (screenState == ScreenState.PauseScreen)
                //It stops when the game ends, due to player death or victory
                else if (screenState == ScreenState.DeathScreen || screenState == ScreenState.WinScreen)

                player.IsPaused = true;

            // The B key will be registered as being down by incrementing the int value while it is down and setting that value to 0 while it is up
            //Thiis will prevent the user from skipping through multiple presses of the same key by holding it down
            if (userInputObject.UserInputState.IsKeyDown(Keys.B))
                keyBPressNumber = 0;

            // Same as above but with the Enter key
            if (userInputObject.UserInputState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                keyEnterPressNumber = 0;
            // Check if the player is dead, victorius, screen collision, and movement

            // The boss's attack will register as being paused if the game is not in the levelone state
            if (screenState != ScreenState.LevelOneScreen)
                //The game will only allow the player to exit if it is not on the Level, Instruction, or Exposition screens
                if (screenState != ScreenState.InstructScreen && screenState != ScreenState.ExpositScreen)
                levelBoss.Attack.IsPaused = true;
                levelBoss.Attack.IsPaused = false;

            // The player movement, both left and right, (in that the screen scrolls) is triggered in the world class
            if (player.LeftScroll == true)
            // To prevent the screen from continuously scrolling, the scroll boolean of the player is falsified
            player.LeftScroll = false;
            if (player.RightScroll == true)
            player.RightScroll = false;
            // When the game is started, collision for most of the objects are checked
            if (gameStarted == true)
                // Every enemy in the enemy list is checked for collision with the player and collision with the magic
                foreach (Enemy badGuy in enemyList)
                    if ((badGuy.ObjectRectangle.X - player.ObjectRectangle.X < 150 && badGuy.ObjectRectangle.X - player.ObjectRectangle.X > -150) && (badGuy.ObjectRectangle.Y - player.ObjectRectangle.Y < 150) && badGuy.ObjectRectangle.Y - player.ObjectRectangle.Y > -150)
                        if (badGuy.CheckCollision(player) == true)

                    // When the magic spell is active (firing), the enemy will check if it is colliding with the magic
                    if (spell.MagicActive == true)
                        // If it is, both the enemy and the spell will handle their respective collision methods
                        if (badGuy.CheckCollision(spell) == true)
                            // Magic is set back to the center of the player
                            spell.SetToCenter(player.ObjectRectangle.X, player.ObjectRectangle.Y);

                    // When the enemy is killed, his rectangle is moved off screen so it will no longer be in play
                    if (badGuy.IsAlive == false)
                        Rectangle tempRectX = badGuy.ObjectRectangle;
                        tempRectX.X            = 5000;
                        badGuy.ObjectRectangle = tempRectX;

                // Checks if the player collides with the tile
                foreach (GameWorldTile tileInWorld in gameWorldTileArray)
                    if (tileInWorld.CollidableProp == true)
                        //The only tiles that are checked for collision with the player are those that are within 3 tile-lengths of the player
                        if ((tileInWorld.ObjectRectangle.X - player.ObjectRectangle.X < 150 && tileInWorld.ObjectRectangle.X - player.ObjectRectangle.X > -150) && (tileInWorld.ObjectRectangle.Y - player.ObjectRectangle.Y < 150) && tileInWorld.ObjectRectangle.Y - player.ObjectRectangle.Y > -150)
                            if (tileInWorld.CheckCollision(player) == true)
                                //If one of those tiles are colliding with the player, the player will handle the collision accordingly
                                //In addition, the temporary tile is set to the tile the player is currently colliding with, for use with the player's "ResetCollision" method
                                tempCollisTile = tileInWorld;

                // Checks if the magic collides with the tiles
                foreach (GameWorldTile tileInWorld in gameWorldTileArray)
                    if (tileInWorld.CollidableProp == true)
                        if (tileInWorld.CheckCollision(spell) == true)
                            // Magic is set back to the center of the player
                            spell.SetToCenter(player.ObjectRectangle.X, player.ObjectRectangle.Y);

                // When the player fires magic, it will check the boss's collision
                if (spell.MagicActive == true)
                    if (levelBoss.CheckCollision(spell) == true)
                        // Magic is set back to the center of the player
                        spell.SetToCenter(player.ObjectRectangle.X, player.ObjectRectangle.Y);

                // The boss and player will check if they are colliding and thusly kill the player
                if (levelBoss.CheckCollision(player) == true)

                // If the boss dies, it's rectangle will be sent off map to prevent collisions from the grave
                if (levelBoss.IsAlive == false)
                    Rectangle tempRectX = levelBoss.ObjectRectangle;
                    tempRectX.X = 5000;
                    levelBoss.ObjectRectangle = tempRectX;

                // While the boss is alive and on the screen
                if (levelBoss.IsAlive == true && levelBoss.ObjectRectangle.X < 1000)
                    // And while the game is actually playing
                    if (screenState == ScreenState.LevelOneScreen)
                        //When the player fights the boss, the game music stops and the boss music starts
                        // The boss will attack and the player will make sure if they are colliding or not

                        if (levelBoss.Attack.CheckCollision(player) == true)

                // Check to see if the boss needs to die
                if (levelBoss.IsAlive == false)
                    //When the boss dies, the boss music stops

                // Gravity will only act on the player if the game is not paused
                if (player.IsPaused == false)

            //Continuously make sure that the right screens are showing and everything that should be on screen is
Esempio n. 2
        // Load up the tiles that comprise the game world
        #region Load World In

        // The LoadWorldIn method takes a text file and loads up tiles onto the screen depending on the symbols found within the text document that is loaded
        // The game loads in enemies and a boss in via the level's text file in much the same way as it does with the ground tiles
        public void LoadWorldIn(Game game, string file)
            // A StreamReader object called mapReader which will be used to read the map file
            StreamReader mapReader = null;

                // Setting mapReader to a new StreamReader
                mapReader = new StreamReader(file);

                //Creating a string that will get and hold a specific line in ther text file.
                String line = ("");

                int counter = 0;
                while (line != null)
                    line = mapReader.ReadLine();
                    if (line != null)
                        //Parse the text file line into individual letters
                        String[] data = line.Split(',');

                        for (int j = 0; j < 192; j++)
                            if (data[j] == "D")
                                //The position of the tile's rectangle is assigned by multiplying the current j (X) and counter (Y)
                                gameWorldTileArray[j, counter] = new GameWorldTile(this.Game, groundTile, new Rectangle(50 * j, 50 * counter, 50, 50), true);

                            else if (data[j] == "G")
                                //The position of the tile's rectangle is assigned by multiplying the current j (X) and counter (Y)
                                gameWorldTileArray[j, counter] = new GameWorldTile(this.Game, grassTile, new Rectangle(50 * j, 50 * counter, 50, 50), true);

                            //When the map file contains an "E" at the location, an enemy will be drawn
                            else if (data[j] == "E")
                                //The enemyList will have an object (enemy) added to it for future referencing of all enemies
                                enemyList.Add(new Enemy(this.Game));

                                //The added enemy's rectangle's X and Y are set to the coordinates of the tile
                                Rectangle tempRectX = enemyList.ElementAt(enemyList.Count - 1).ObjectRectangle;
                                tempRectX.X = 50 * j;
                                enemyList.ElementAt(enemyList.Count - 1).ObjectRectangle = tempRectX;

                                Rectangle tempRectY = enemyList.ElementAt(enemyList.Count - 1).ObjectRectangle;
                                tempRectY.Y = 50 * counter;
                                enemyList.ElementAt(enemyList.Count - 1).ObjectRectangle = tempRectY;

                                //The starting position of the enemy will be copied and stored for future reloads and reference
                                enemyList.ElementAt(enemyList.Count - 1).StartPositX = enemyList.ElementAt(enemyList.Count - 1).ObjectRectangle.X;
                                enemyList.ElementAt(enemyList.Count - 1).StartPositY = enemyList.ElementAt(enemyList.Count - 1).ObjectRectangle.Y;

                                //Where the enemy would be, a sky tile is added so that the tile array is not incomplete
                                gameWorldTileArray[j, counter] = new GameWorldTile(this.Game, skyTile, new Rectangle(50 * j, 50 * counter, 50, 50), false);

                            //The load portion for the boss
                            else if (data[j] == "B")
                                //The earlier created instance of boss will be addeed to and implemented

                                //The added boss's rectangle's X and Y are set to the coordinates of the tile
                                Rectangle tempRectX = levelBoss.ObjectRectangle;
                                tempRectX.X = 50 * j;
                                levelBoss.ObjectRectangle = tempRectX;

                                Rectangle tempRectY = levelBoss.ObjectRectangle;
                                tempRectY.Y = 50 * counter;
                                levelBoss.ObjectRectangle = tempRectY;

                                //The starting position of the boss will be copied and stored for future reloads and reference
                                levelBoss.StartPositX = levelBoss.ObjectRectangle.X;
                                levelBoss.StartPositY = levelBoss.ObjectRectangle.Y;

                                //Where the boss would be, a sky tile is added so that the tile array is not incomplete
                                gameWorldTileArray[j, counter] = new GameWorldTile(this.Game, /*worldPhysics,*/ skyTile, new Rectangle(50 * j, 50 * counter, 50, 50), false);
                                //Otherwise, the tile is set as a "sky" tile that is not intersectable.
                                //Later on, there will be other tiles to be denoted by letters.
                                gameWorldTileArray[j, counter] = new GameWorldTile(this.Game, /*worldPhysics,*/ skyTile, new Rectangle(50 * j, 50 * counter, 50, 50), false);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error: " + e.Message);
                //If the map reader has not bugged out and is null (otherwise a crash would occure)
                if (mapReader != null)
                    //Regardless of a crash or not, the loader closes down