Esempio n. 1
 protected FloodAgent(int id, string streamId, CancellationToken cancellationToken, EventStoreAdapter eventStore)
     this.Id = id;
     this.StreamId = streamId;
     this.EventStore = eventStore;
     this.CancellationToken = cancellationToken;
     this.Counter = new StatsCounter();
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write ("**** EVENTSTORE PLAYGROUND ****\nVersion:\nAuthor: James McAuley\nCopyright 2013\n******************************\n");
            var eventStore = new EventStoreAdapter ("");
            Thread.Sleep (200);

            var streamId = "events-" + Guid.NewGuid ();
            const int addItemsSize = 10;
            bool isFlooding = false;
            var expectedVersion = -1;
            var floodAgentCount = 0;
            char userInputCharacter = '0';
            var writeCounters = new List<StatsCounter> ();
            var readCounters = new List<StatsCounter> ();
            var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource ();
            var cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token;

            while (userInputCharacter != 'q') {
                switch (userInputCharacter) {
                case 'n':
                    expectedVersion = -1;
                    streamId = "events-" + Guid.NewGuid ();
                    Console.Write ("\nCreating new stream with id {0}\n", streamId);
                case 'a':
                    eventStore.SaveEventsWithId (streamId, TestEvents.CreateEvents (addItemsSize), expectedVersion);
                    Console.Write ("\nSaving {0} events with id {1}\n", addItemsSize, streamId);
                    expectedVersion += addItemsSize;
                case 'd':
                    eventStore.DeleteEventsWithId (streamId, expectedVersion);
                    Console.Write ("\nDeleting stream {0}\n", streamId);
                    expectedVersion = -1;
                case 'h':
                    var loadedEvents = eventStore.LoadEventsForId (streamId, 0).ToList ();
                    Console.Write ("\nLoading {0} events for id {1}\n", loadedEvents.Count, streamId);
                    loadedEvents.ForEach (x => Console.WriteLine ("{0} | {1}", x.Header.EventId, x.Body.EventType));
                case 't':
                    var lastEvents = eventStore.LoadLastEventsForId (streamId, 5).ToList ();
                    Console.Write ("\nLoading last {0} events for id {1}\n", lastEvents.Count, streamId);
                    lastEvents.ForEach (x => Console.WriteLine ("{0} | {1}", x.Header.EventId, x.Body.EventType));
                case 'f':
                    if (!isFlooding) {
                        isFlooding = true;
                        floodAgentCount = 0;

                    var id = "events-" + Guid.NewGuid ();

                    writeCounters.Add(new WriteFloodAgent (floodAgentCount, id, cancellationToken , eventStore).Run());
                    readCounters.Add(new ReadFloodAgent (floodAgentCount, id, cancellationToken , eventStore).Run());
                case 's':
                    cancellationTokenSource.Cancel ();

                Console.Write("\n[n]ew [a]dd, [d]elete, [h]istory [t]ail [f]lood [s]top [q]uit\nplayground :");
                userInputCharacter = (char)Console.Read ();

            cancellationTokenSource.Cancel ();
            Console.WriteLine ("\nStopping...");
            var totalWriteEvents = writeCounters.Sum (x => x.TotalEvents);
            var writesTimeSpan = new TimeSpan (writeCounters.Sum (x => x.TotalTime.Ticks));
            Console.WriteLine ("Wrote {0} events in {1}", totalWriteEvents, writesTimeSpan);
            Console.WriteLine ("At an average of {0} writes per second", totalWriteEvents/((double)writesTimeSpan.Seconds));

            var totalReadEvents = readCounters.Sum (x => x.TotalEvents);
            var readsTimeSpan = new TimeSpan (readCounters.Sum (x => x.TotalTime.Ticks));
            Console.WriteLine ("Read {0} events in {1}", totalReadEvents, readsTimeSpan);
            Console.WriteLine ("At an average of {0} reads per second", totalReadEvents/((double)readsTimeSpan.Seconds));
 public WriteFloodAgent(int id, string streamId, CancellationToken cancellationToken, EventStoreAdapter eventStore)
     : base(id, streamId, cancellationToken, eventStore)