public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();
            ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.FormSheet;

            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
            eventDetailWebView.ShouldStartLoad = (webView, request, navType) => {
                if (navType == UIWebViewNavigationType.LinkClicked) {
                    UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl (request.Url);
                    return false;

                return true;

            if (_thisEvent.Description.Length == 0)
                _thisEvent.Description = "There is no description for this event.";

            eventDetailWebView.LoadHtmlString (_thisEvent.Description, null);

            addToCalendarBtn.TouchUpInside += delegate {
                // get the permission first
                EventSingleton.Current.EventStore.RequestAccess (
                    EKEntityType.Event, (granted, e) => InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
                    if (granted) {
                        var calendarView = new AddToCalendar (this);
                        string description =
                            eventDetailWebView.EvaluateJavascript (@"document.documentElement.innerText");
                        _thisEvent.Description = description;
                        calendarView.PresentView (_thisEvent);
                        PresentViewController (calendarView, true, null);
                    } else
                        BTProgressHUD.ShowToast ("User Denied the Access to Calendar");

            if (_thisEvent.RegistrationUrl != null) {
                registerButton.Hidden = false;
                registerButton.TouchUpInside +=
                    delegate {
                    UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl (new NSUrl (_thisEvent.RegistrationUrl));

            shareButton.TouchUpInside += delegate {
                string title = EventTitle () + "Location: " + _thisEvent.Place + ". " + EventTimeSpan ();
                string timesSpan = EventTimeSpan ();

                SetUpShareActivityView (title, timesSpan, _thisEvent.RegistrationUrl);
        private UIActionSheet SetUpActionSheet()
            var actionSheet = new UIActionSheet ();

            actionSheet.AddButton ("Add to Calendar");
            actionSheet.AddButton ("Send Email");
            actionSheet.AddButton ("Share to Twitter");
            actionSheet.AddButton ("Share to Facebook");

            actionSheet.AddButton ("Cancel");

            actionSheet.CancelButtonIndex = 4;

            actionSheet.Clicked += delegate(object sender, UIButtonEventArgs e) {
                if (e.ButtonIndex == 0) {
                    EventSingleton.Current.EventStore.RequestAccess (
                        EKEntityType.Event, (granted, exception) => InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
                        if (granted) {
                            var calendarView = new AddToCalendar (this);
                            NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden (true, true);
                            string description =
                                eventContentWebView.EvaluateJavascript (@"document.documentElement.innerText");
                            _thisEvent.Description = description;
                            calendarView.PresentView (_thisEvent);
                            PresentViewController (calendarView, true, null);
                        } else
                            new UIAlertView ("Access Denied", "User Denied Access to Calendars/Reminders", null, "ok",
                                null).Show ();

                if (e.ButtonIndex == 1) {
                    if (MFMailComposeViewController.CanSendMail) {
                        var mailController = new MFMailComposeViewController ();

                        mailController.SetSubject (_thisEvent.Title);
                        mailController.SetMessageBody (_thisEvent.Description, true);
                        mailController.Finished += (object s, MFComposeResultEventArgs args) => {
                            if (args.Result == MFMailComposeResult.Failed)
                                BTProgressHUD.ShowErrorWithStatus ("Sorry can't send the email right now.");
                                mailController.DismissViewController (true, null);
                        PresentViewController (mailController, true, null);
                    } else {
                        BTProgressHUD.ShowErrorWithStatus ("Email function is not supported.");
                string eventFacebook = "Event: " + _thisEvent.Title + "." + "\n" + "Location: " + _thisEvent.Place + "." +
                                                   "\n" + "Time: " + EventTimeSpan ();
                string eventTweet = TweetEventTitle () + "Location: " + _thisEvent.Place + ". " + EventTimeSpan ();

                if (e.ButtonIndex == 2) {
                    SLComposeViewController twitterFeed = SLComposeViewController.FromService (SLServiceType.Twitter);
                    twitterFeed.SetInitialText (eventTweet);
                    if (_thisEvent.RegistrationUrl != null)
                        twitterFeed.AddUrl (new NSUrl (_thisEvent.RegistrationUrl ?? ""));
                    PresentViewController (twitterFeed, true, null);

                if (e.ButtonIndex == 3) {
                    SLComposeViewController facebookFeed = SLComposeViewController.FromService (SLServiceType.Facebook);
                    facebookFeed.SetInitialText (eventFacebook);
                    if (_thisEvent.RegistrationUrl != null)
                        facebookFeed.AddUrl (new NSUrl (_thisEvent.RegistrationUrl));
                    PresentViewController (facebookFeed, true, null);
            return actionSheet;
Esempio n. 3
 public CalendarViewDelegate(AddToCalendar controller)
     _parentController = controller;