Esempio n. 1
        public void manual_decoding(List <EncodedChunk> encoded_list)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Manual testing in progress...");

            /*List<EncodedChunk> encoded_list_copy = new List<EncodedChunk>(encoded_list);
             * int i = 0;
             * string chunk_filename = "F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/ManualNC" + (i + 1) + ".mp3";
             * FileStream fp = new FileStream(chunk_filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
             * // write the encoded data part of EC to this file
             * // ready_chunks[z] = 1;
             * int byte_count = 0;
             * int total_bytes = (int)encoded_list_copy[1].encoded_data_part.Length;
             * while (byte_count < total_bytes)
             * {
             *  byte temp = new byte();
             *  temp = Convert.ToByte(encoded_list[1].encoded_data_part[byte_count]);
             *  byte_count++;
             *  fp.WriteByte(temp);
             * }
             * fp.Close();
             * Console.WriteLine("writing NC" + (i + 1) + " done");*/
            EncodedChunk    ec  = new EncodedChunk();
            BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream      fs  = new FileStream("F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk.0001.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

            ec = (EncodedChunk)bin.Deserialize(fs);
            fs.Write(ec.encoded_data_part, 0, ec.encoded_data_part.Length);
            fs = new FileStream("F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk.mp3", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            fs.Write(ec.encoded_data_part, 0, (int)ec.encoded_data_part.Length);
Esempio n. 2
        public void manual_decoding(List<EncodedChunk> encoded_list)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Manual testing in progress...");
            /*List<EncodedChunk> encoded_list_copy = new List<EncodedChunk>(encoded_list);

            int i = 0;

            string chunk_filename = "F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/ManualNC" + (i + 1) + ".mp3";
            FileStream fp = new FileStream(chunk_filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            // write the encoded data part of EC to this file
            // ready_chunks[z] = 1;
            int byte_count = 0;
            int total_bytes = (int)encoded_list_copy[1].encoded_data_part.Length;

            while (byte_count < total_bytes)
                byte temp = new byte();

                temp = Convert.ToByte(encoded_list[1].encoded_data_part[byte_count]);
            Console.WriteLine("writing NC" + (i + 1) + " done");*/
            EncodedChunk ec = new EncodedChunk();
            BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream fs = new FileStream("F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk.0001.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
            ec = (EncodedChunk)bin.Deserialize(fs);
            fs.Write(ec.encoded_data_part, 0, ec.encoded_data_part.Length);
            fs = new FileStream("F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk.mp3", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            fs.Write(ec.encoded_data_part, 0, (int)ec.encoded_data_part.Length);
Esempio n. 3
        public List<EncodedChunk> EncodeNormalChunks(List<NormalChunk> chunk_list)
            /* using LT codes
             [1] The degree d, 1 ≤ d ≤ n, of the next packet is chosen at random.
             [2] Exactly d blocks from the message are randomly chosen.
             [3] If Mi is the ith block of the message, the data portion of the next packet is computed as
                 Mi1 ^ Mi2 ^....Mid, where {i1, i2, …, id} are the randomly chosen indices for the d blocks
                 included in this packet.
             [4] A prefix is appended to the encoded packet, defining how many blocks n are in the message,
                 how many blocks d have been exclusive-ored into the data portion of this packet, and the
                 list of indices {i1, i2, …, id}.

            int num_chunks = chunk_list.Count;
            int a = 0, length = 0, num_of_repeats = num_chunks + 2;                 // (num_of_repeats) signifies how many encoded
                                                                                    // chunks need to be generated
            Console.WriteLine("Begin encoding...");
            Console.WriteLine("Num of encoded chunks that will be generated = " + num_of_repeats);
            for (int x = 0; x < num_of_repeats; x++)
                Random rand = new Random(5555 + x);                                 // use a known seed
                int degree = rand.Next(1, num_chunks);                              // degree for LT codes
                Console.WriteLine("degree = " + degree);
                List<int> rand_chunk_list = new List<int>();                        // array which will contain indicies of random chunk_ids

                EncodedChunk ec = new EncodedChunk();

                // generate distinct random chunks for encoding
                    int r = rand.Next(num_chunks);
                    if (!rand_chunk_list.Contains(r))
                } while (rand_chunk_list.Count < degree);

                Console.Write("Chunks that need to be merged in Round " + x + " = ");
                for (int z = 0; z < degree; z++)
                    Console.Write(rand_chunk_list[z] + " ");
                ec.chunk_ids = new List<int>();
                for (int z = 0; z < rand_chunk_list.Count; z++)
                    length = chunk_list[rand_chunk_list[z]].data_part.Length;
                    ec.encoded_data_part = new byte[length];

                    while (a < length)
                        // XOr'ing
                        ec.encoded_data_part[a] = Convert.ToByte(ec.encoded_data_part[a] ^
                    a = 0;

                ec.parent_name = chunk_list[0].parent_name;

                // Now the EncodedChunk is ready. Write it to a file on hard disk
                BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                string encode_filename = "F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk" + "." + String.Format(@"{0:D4}", x) + ".dat";
                Stream fp = new FileStream(encode_filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                    binaryFormatter.Serialize(fp, ec);
                catch (SerializationException se)
                Console.WriteLine("Ending Round " + x);

            return ec_chunk_list;

            /* some junk to verify...
            BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream fs = new FileStream("F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk.0001.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
            ec = (EncodedChunk)bin.Deserialize(fs);
            fs.Write(ec.encoded_data_part, 0, ec.encoded_data_part.Length);
            fs = new FileStream("F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk.mp3", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            fs.Write(ec.encoded_data_part, 0, (int)ec.encoded_data_part.Length);
Esempio n. 4
        public List <EncodedChunk> EncodeNormalChunks(List <NormalChunk> chunk_list)
            /* using LT codes
             * [1] The degree d, 1 ≤ d ≤ n, of the next packet is chosen at random.
             * [2] Exactly d blocks from the message are randomly chosen.
             * [3] If Mi is the ith block of the message, the data portion of the next packet is computed as
             *   Mi1 ^ Mi2 ^....Mid, where {i1, i2, …, id} are the randomly chosen indices for the d blocks
             *   included in this packet.
             * [4] A prefix is appended to the encoded packet, defining how many blocks n are in the message,
             *   how many blocks d have been exclusive-ored into the data portion of this packet, and the
             *   list of indices {i1, i2, …, id}.

            int num_chunks = chunk_list.Count;
            int a = 0, length = 0, num_of_repeats = num_chunks + 2;                 // (num_of_repeats) signifies how many encoded

            // chunks need to be generated
            Console.WriteLine("Begin encoding...");
            Console.WriteLine("Num of encoded chunks that will be generated = " + num_of_repeats);
            for (int x = 0; x < num_of_repeats; x++)
                Random rand   = new Random(5555 + x);                               // use a known seed
                int    degree = rand.Next(1, num_chunks);                           // degree for LT codes
                Console.WriteLine("degree = " + degree);
                List <int> rand_chunk_list = new List <int>();                      // array which will contain indicies of random chunk_ids

                EncodedChunk ec = new EncodedChunk();

                // generate distinct random chunks for encoding
                    int r = rand.Next(num_chunks);
                    if (!rand_chunk_list.Contains(r))
                } while (rand_chunk_list.Count < degree);

                Console.Write("Chunks that need to be merged in Round " + x + " = ");
                for (int z = 0; z < degree; z++)
                    Console.Write(rand_chunk_list[z] + " ");
                ec.chunk_ids = new List <int>();
                for (int z = 0; z < rand_chunk_list.Count; z++)
                    length = chunk_list[rand_chunk_list[z]].data_part.Length;
                    ec.encoded_data_part = new byte[length];

                    while (a < length)
                        // XOr'ing
                        ec.encoded_data_part[a] = Convert.ToByte(ec.encoded_data_part[a] ^
                    a = 0;
                ec.parent_name = chunk_list[0].parent_name;

                // Now the EncodedChunk is ready. Write it to a file on hard disk
                BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                string          encode_filename = "F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk" + "." + String.Format(@"{0:D4}", x) + ".dat";
                Stream          fp = new FileStream(encode_filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                    binaryFormatter.Serialize(fp, ec);
                catch (SerializationException se)
                Console.WriteLine("Ending Round " + x);


            /* some junk to verify...
             * BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
             * FileStream fs = new FileStream("F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk.0001.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
             * ec = (EncodedChunk)bin.Deserialize(fs);
             * fs.Write(ec.encoded_data_part, 0, ec.encoded_data_part.Length);
             * fs.Close();
             * fs = new FileStream("F:/LiveProjects/C#Rookie/EncodedChunk.mp3", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
             * fs.Write(ec.encoded_data_part, 0, (int)ec.encoded_data_part.Length);
             * fs.Close();*/