Esempio n. 1
        ///<summary>uses newton-raphson iterations to solve n nonlinear eqns.</summary>
        public int newton_solve(
            double[] x,
            int n,
            int maxit,
            int numsig,
            JacobianInterface jint,
            Operation op)
            double relconvg = Math.Pow(10.0, -numsig);

            // check that system was sized adequetely

            if (n > this.Nmax)

            // use up to maxit iterations to find a solution

            for (int i = 1; i <= maxit; i++)
                // evaluate the Jacobian matrix

                Utilities.Jacobian(x, n, this.F, this.W, this.J, jint, op);

                // factorize the Jacobian

                if (Utilities.Factorize(this.J, n, this.W, this.Indx) == 0)

                // solve for the updates to x (returned in F)

                for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                    this.F[j] = -this.F[j];
                Utilities.Solve(this.J, n, this.Indx, this.F);

                // update solution x & check for convergence

                var errmax = 0.0;
                for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                    double cscal = x[j];
                    if (cscal < relconvg)
                        cscal = relconvg;
                    x[j] += this.F[j];
                    double errx = Math.Abs(this.F[j] / cscal);
                    if (errx > errmax)
                        errmax = errx;
                if (errmax <= relconvg)

            // return error code if no convergence

Esempio n. 2
        ///<summary>Integrates a system of ODEs over a specified time interval.</summary>
        public int ros2_integrate(
            double[] y,
            int n,
            double t,
            double tnext,
            double[] htry,
            double[] atol,
            double[] rtol,
            JacobianInterface jInt,
            Operation op)
            double UROUND = 2.3e-16;
            double g, ghinv, ghinv1, dghinv, ytol;
            double h, hold, hmin, hmax, tplus;
            double ej, err, factor, facmax;
            int    nfcn, njac, naccept, nreject;
            int    isReject;
            int    adjust = this.Adjust;

            // Initialize counters, etc.
            g        = 1.0 + 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2.0);
            ghinv1   = 0.0;
            tplus    = t;
            isReject = 0;
            naccept  = 0;
            nreject  = 0;
            nfcn     = 0;
            njac     = 0;

            // Initial step size
            hmax = tnext - t;
            hmin = 1e-8;
            h    = htry[0];
            if (h == 0.0)
                jInt.solve(t, y, n, this.K1, 0, op);
                nfcn  += 1;
                adjust = 1;
                h      = tnext - t;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    ytol = atol[i] + rtol[i] * Math.Abs(y[i]);
                    if (this.K1[i] != 0.0)
                        h = Math.Min(h, (ytol / Math.Abs(this.K1[i])));
            h = Math.Max(hmin, h);
            h = Math.Min(hmax, h);

            // Start the time loop
            while (t < tnext)
                // Check for zero step size

                if (0.10 * Math.Abs(h) <= Math.Abs(t) * UROUND)

                // Adjust step size if interval exceeded

                tplus = t + h;
                if (tplus > tnext)
                    h     = tnext - t;
                    tplus = tnext;

                // Re-compute the Jacobian if step size accepted

                if (isReject == 0)
                    Utilities.Jacobian(y, n, this.K1, this.K2, this.A, jInt, op);
                    nfcn  += 2 * n;
                    ghinv1 = 0.0;

                // Update the Jacobian to reflect new step size
                ghinv  = -1.0 / (g * h);
                dghinv = ghinv - ghinv1;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.A[i, i] += dghinv;
                ghinv1 = ghinv;
                if (Utilities.Factorize(this.A, n, this.K1, this.Jindx) == 0)

                // Stage 1 solution

                jInt.solve(t, y, n, this.K1, 0, op);
                nfcn += 1;
                for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                    this.K1[j] *= ghinv;
                Utilities.Solve(this.A, n, this.Jindx, this.K1);

                // Stage 2 solution

                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.Ynew[i] = y[i] + h * this.K1[i];
                jInt.solve(t, this.Ynew, n, this.K2, 0, op);
                nfcn += 1;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.K2[i] = (this.K2[i] - 2.0 * this.K1[i]) * ghinv;
                Utilities.Solve(this.A, n, this.Jindx, this.K2);

                // Overall solution

                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.Ynew[i] = y[i] + 1.5 * h * this.K1[i] + 0.5 * h * this.K2[i];

                // Error estimation
                hold = h;
                err  = 0.0;
                if (adjust != 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                        ytol = atol[i] + rtol[i] * Math.Abs(this.Ynew[i]);
                        ej   = Math.Abs(this.Ynew[i] - y[i] - h * this.K1[i]) / ytol;
                        err  = err + ej * ej;
                    err = Math.Sqrt(err / n);
                    err = Math.Max(UROUND, err);

                    // Choose the step size

                    factor = 0.9 / Math.Sqrt(err);
                    if (isReject != 0)
                        facmax = 1.0;
                        facmax = 10.0;
                    factor = Math.Min(factor, facmax);
                    factor = Math.Max(factor, 1.0e-1);
                    h      = factor * h;
                    h      = Math.Min(hmax, h);

                // Reject/accept the step
                if (err > 1.0)
                    isReject = 1;
                    h = 0.5 * h;
                    isReject = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                        y[i] = this.Ynew[i];
                        if (y[i] <= UROUND)
                            y[i] = 0.0;
                    if (adjust != 0)
                        htry[0] = h;
                    t = tplus;

                // End of the time loop
Esempio n. 3
        ///<summary>Integrates system of equations dY/dt = F(t,Y) over a given interval.</summary>
        public int rk5_integrate(
            double[] y,
            int n,
            double t,
            double tnext,
            double[] htry,
            double[] atol,
            double[] rtol,
            JacobianInterface jInt,
            Operation op)
            double c2 = 0.20, c3 = 0.30, c4 = 0.80, c5 = 8.0 / 9.0;
            double a21 = 0.20,
                   a31 = 3.0 / 40.0,
                   a32 = 9.0 / 40.0,
                   a41 = 44.0 / 45.0,
                   a42 = -56.0 / 15.0,
                   a43 = 32.0 / 9.0,
                   a51 = 19372.0 / 6561.0,
                   a52 = -25360.0 / 2187.0,
                   a53 = 64448.0 / 6561.0,
                   a54 = -212.0 / 729.0,
                   a61 = 9017.0 / 3168.0,
                   a62 = -355.0 / 33.0,
                   a63 = 46732.0 / 5247.0,
                   a64 = 49.0 / 176.0,
                   a65 = -5103.0 / 18656.0,
                   a71 = 35.0 / 384.0,
                   a73 = 500.0 / 1113.0,
                   a74 = 125.0 / 192.0,
                   a75 = -2187.0 / 6784.0,
                   a76 = 11.0 / 84.0;
            double e1  = 71.0 / 57600.0,
                   e3  = -71.0 / 16695.0,
                   e4  = 71.0 / 1920.0,
                   e5  = -17253.0 / 339200.0,
                   e6  = 22.0 / 525.0,
                   e7  = -1.0 / 40.0;

            double tnew, h, hmax, hnew, ytol, err, sk, fac, fac11 = 1.0;

            // parameters for step size control
            double UROUND = 2.3e-16;
            double SAFE   = 0.90;
            double fac1   = 0.2;
            double fac2   = 10.0;
            double beta   = 0.04;
            double facold = 1e-4;
            double expo1  = 0.2 - beta * 0.75;
            double facc1  = 1.0 / fac1;
            double facc2  = 1.0 / fac2;

            // various counters
            int nstep  = 1;
            int nfcn   = 0;
            int naccpt = 0;
            int nrejct = 0;
            int reject = 0;
            int adjust = this.Adjust;

            // initial function evaluation
            jInt.solve(t, y, n, this.K1, 0, op);

            // initial step size
            h    = htry[0];
            hmax = tnext - t;
            if (h == 0.0)
                adjust = 1;
                h      = tnext - t;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    ytol = atol[i] + rtol[i] * Math.Abs(y[i]);
                    if (this.K1[i] != 0.0)
                        h = Math.Min(h, (ytol / Math.Abs(this.K1[i])));
            h = Math.Max(1e-8, h);

            // while not at end of time interval
            while (t < tnext)
                // --- check for zero step size
                if (0.10 * Math.Abs(h) <= Math.Abs(t) * UROUND)

                // --- adjust step size if interval exceeded
                if ((t + 1.01 * h - tnext) > 0.0)
                    h = tnext - t;

                tnew = t + c2 * h;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.Ynew[i] = y[i] + h * a21 * this.K1[i];
                jInt.solve(tnew, this.Ynew, n, this.K1, this.K2off, op);

                tnew = t + c3 * h;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.Ynew[i] = y[i] + h * (a31 * this.K1[i] + a32 * this.K1[this.K2off + i]);
                // y[i] + h*(a31*K1[i] + a32*K2[i]
                jInt.solve(tnew, this.Ynew, n, this.K1, this.K3off, op);

                tnew = t + c4 * h;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.Ynew[i] = y[i]
                                   + h
                                   * (a41 * this.K1[i] + a42 * this.K1[this.K2off + i] + a43 * this.K1[this.K3off + i]);
                //a42*K2[i] + a43*K3[i]);
                jInt.solve(tnew, this.Ynew, n, this.K1, this.K4off, op);

                tnew = t + c5 * h;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.Ynew[i] = y[i]
                                   + h
                                   * (a51 * this.K1[i] + a52 * this.K1[this.K2off + i] + a53 * this.K1[this.K3off + i]
                                      + a54 * this.K1[this.K4off + i]); //a52*K2[i] + a53*K3[i]+a54*K4[i]);
                jInt.solve(tnew, this.Ynew, n, this.K1, this.K5off, op);

                tnew = t + h;
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.Ynew[i] = y[i] + h * (a61 * this.K1[i] + a62 * this.K1[i + this.K2off] +
                                               a63 * this.K1[i + this.K3off] + a64 * this.K1[i + this.K4off]
                                               + a65 * this.K1[i + this.K5off]);
                //Ynew[i] = y[i] + h*(a61*K1[i] + a62*K2[i] +
                //        a63*K3[i] + a64*K4[i] + a65*K5[i]);
                jInt.solve(tnew, this.Ynew, n, this.K1, this.K6off, op);

                for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    this.Ynew[i] = y[i] + h * (a71 * this.K1[i] + a73 * this.K1[i + this.K3off] +
                                               a74 * this.K1[i + this.K4off] + a75 * this.K1[i + this.K5off]
                                               + a76 * this.K1[i + this.K6off]);

                // Ynew[i] = y[i] + h*(a71*K1[i] + a73*K3[i] +
                //        a74*K4[i] + a75*K5[i] + a76*K6[i]);
                jInt.solve(tnew, this.Ynew, n, this.K1, this.K2off, op);
                nfcn += 6;

                // step size adjustment

                err  = 0.0;
                hnew = h;
                if (adjust != 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                        this.K1[i + this.K4off] = (e1 * this.K1[i] + e3 * this.K1[i + this.K3off]
                                                   + e4 * this.K1[i + this.K4off] + e5 * this.K1[i + this.K5off] +
                                                   e6 * this.K1[i + this.K6off] + e7 * this.K1[i + this.K2off]) * h;
                    //K4[i] = (e1*K1[i] + e3*K3[i] + e4*K4[i] + e5*K5[i] +
                    //        e6*K6[i] + e7*K2[i])*h;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                        sk  = atol[i] + rtol[i] * Math.Max(Math.Abs(y[i]), Math.Abs(this.Ynew[i]));
                        sk  = this.K1[i + this.K4off] / sk; //K4[i]/sk;
                        err = err + (sk * sk);
                    err = Math.Sqrt(err / n);

                    // computation of hnew
                    fac11 = Math.Pow(err, expo1);
                    fac   = fac11 / Math.Pow(facold, beta);                 // LUND-stabilization
                    fac   = Math.Max(facc2, Math.Min(facc1, (fac / SAFE))); // must have FAC1 <= HNEW/H <= FAC2
                    hnew  = h / fac;

                // step is accepted

                if (err <= 1.0)
                    facold = Math.Max(err, 1.0e-4);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                        this.K1[i] = this.K1[i + this.K2off]; //K2[i];
                        y[i]       = this.Ynew[i];
                    t = t + h;
                    if (adjust != 0 && t <= tnext)
                        htry[0] = h;
                    if (Math.Abs(hnew) > hmax)
                        hnew = hmax;
                    if (reject != 0)
                        hnew = Math.Min(Math.Abs(hnew), Math.Abs(h));
                    reject = 0;
                    //if (Report) Report(t, y, n);

                // step is rejected

                    if (adjust != 0)
                        hnew = h / Math.Min(facc1, (fac11 / SAFE));
                    reject = 1;
                    if (naccpt >= 1)

                // take another step

                h = hnew;
                if (adjust != 0)
                    htry[0] = h;
                if (nstep >= this.Itmax)