Esempio n. 1
        private ArrayList updateContent()
            List<TUpdate_Input> updates = new List<TUpdate_Input>();
            TUpdate_Input update = new TUpdate_Input();
            update.Path = productPaths[0];

            TLocalizedValue name = new TLocalizedValue();
            name.LanguageCode = "de";
            name.Value = "Updated DotNetTestProduct " + productPaths[0];
            update.Name = new TLocalizedValue[] { name };

            return productServiceClient.update(updates.ToArray());
Esempio n. 2
		public void Init()
			serviceClient = new ProductService9Client();

			// create test Products that can be used with the create and update methods
			Product_in.Alias            = alias;
            TLocalizedValue name_de = new TLocalizedValue();
            name_de.LanguageCode = "de";
            name_de.Value = "Test-Hauptprodukt";
            TLocalizedValue name_en = new TLocalizedValue();
            name_en.LanguageCode = "en";
            name_en.Value = "test master product";
            Product_in.Name = new TLocalizedValue[] { name_de, name_en };

            TLocalizedValue longdesc_de = new TLocalizedValue();
                longdesc_de.LanguageCode = "de";
                longdesc_de.Value = "Test-Hauptprodukt lange Beschreibung";
            TLocalizedValue longdesc_en = new TLocalizedValue();
                longdesc_en.LanguageCode = "en";
                longdesc_en.Value = "test master product long description";
            Product_in.Text = new TLocalizedValue[] { longdesc_de, longdesc_en };

            TLocalizedValue title_de = new TLocalizedValue();
                title_de.LanguageCode = "de";
                title_de.Value = "Seitentitel";
            TLocalizedValue title_en = new TLocalizedValue();
                title_en.LanguageCode = "en";
                title_en.Value = "page title";
            Product_in.Title = new TLocalizedValue[] { title_de, title_en };

            Product_in.Class = "/Shops/DemoShop/ProductTypes/Shoe";
            Product_in.TaxClass         = "/TaxMatrixGermany/normal";
            Product_in.IsVisible        = true;         Product_in.IsVisibleSpecified       = true;
            Product_in.IsNew            = true;         Product_in.IsNewSpecified           = true;
			Product_in.PriceQuantity    = (float)1;     Product_in.PriceQuantitySpecified   = true;
            Product_in.MinOrder         = (float)1;     Product_in.MinOrderSpecified        = true;
			Product_in.IntervalOrder    = (float)1;     Product_in.IntervalOrderSpecified   = true;
            Product_in.OrderUnit        = "/Units/piece";

            Product_in.Weight           = (float)240;   Product_in.WeightSpecified          = true;
            Product_in.WeightUnit       = "/Units/gram";

            Product_in.RefAmount        = (float)1;     Product_in.RefAmountSpecified       = true;
            Product_in.RefContentAmount = (float)0.240; Product_in.RefContentAmountSpecified = true;
            Product_in.RefUnit          = "Units/gram/kilogram";

            Product_in.StockLevel       = (float)140;   Product_in.StockLevelSpecified      = true;
            Product_in.StockLevelAlert  = (float)100;   Product_in.StockLevelAlertSpecified = true;

            Product_in.DeliveryPeriod = "asap";

            Product_in.AvailabilityDate = new DateTime(2005, 12, 24, 10, 0, 0);

			TProductPrice price         = new TProductPrice();
			    price.Price             = (float)123;
			    price.CurrencyID        = "EUR";
			    price.TaxModel          = "gross";
			Product_in.ProductPrices    = new TProductPrice[]{ price };

            TProductPrice manufacturer_price = new TProductPrice();
                manufacturer_price.Price = (float)150;
                manufacturer_price.CurrencyID = "EUR";
                manufacturer_price.TaxModel = "gross";
            Product_in.ManufacturerPrices = new TProductPrice[] { manufacturer_price };

            TProductPrice deposit_price = new TProductPrice();
                deposit_price.Price = (float)5;
                deposit_price.CurrencyID = "EUR";
                deposit_price.TaxModel = "gross";
            Product_in.DepositPrices = new TProductPrice[] { deposit_price };

            TProductPrice prepay_price = new TProductPrice();
                prepay_price.Price = (float)10;
                prepay_price.CurrencyID = "EUR";
                prepay_price.TaxModel = "gross";
            Product_in.PrepaymentPrices = new TProductPrice[] { prepay_price };

            TProductPrice eco_price = new TProductPrice();
                eco_price.Price = (float)7;
                eco_price.CurrencyID = "EUR";
                eco_price.TaxModel = "gross";
            Product_in.EcoParticipationPrices = new TProductPrice[] { eco_price };

            TShippingMethod shipping1 = new TShippingMethod();
                shipping1.Path = "ShippingMethods/Post";
            TShippingMethod shipping2 = new TShippingMethod();
                shipping2.Path = "ShippingMethods/Express";
            Product_in.ShippingMethods = new TShippingMethod[] { shipping1, shipping2 };

            Product_update.Path = path + alias;
			TLocalizedValue name_de_update  = new TLocalizedValue();
			    name_de_update.LanguageCode = "de";
			name_de_update.Value        = "verändertes Test-Hauptprodukt";
			TLocalizedValue name_en_update  = new TLocalizedValue();
			    name_en_update.LanguageCode = "en";
			    name_en_update.Value        = "updated test master product";
			Product_update.Name             = new TLocalizedValue[]{name_de_update, name_en_update};

            TLocalizedValue longdesc_de_update = new TLocalizedValue();
                longdesc_de_update.LanguageCode = "de";
                longdesc_de_update.Value = "Test-Hauptprodukt lange Beschreibung modifiziert";
            TLocalizedValue longdesc_en_update = new TLocalizedValue();
                longdesc_en_update.LanguageCode = "en";
                longdesc_en_update.Value = "test master product long description updated";
            Product_update.Text = new TLocalizedValue[] { longdesc_de_update, longdesc_en_update };

            TLocalizedValue title_de_update = new TLocalizedValue();
                title_de_update.LanguageCode = "de";
                title_de_update.Value = "Seitentitel modifiziert";
            TLocalizedValue title_en_update = new TLocalizedValue();
                title_en_update.LanguageCode = "en";
                title_en_update.Value = "page title modified";
            Product_update.Title = new TLocalizedValue[] { title_de_update, title_en_update };

            Product_update.IsVisible = true; Product_update.IsVisibleSpecified = true;
            Product_update.IsNew            = true;         Product_update.IsNewSpecified               = true;
            Product_update.PriceQuantity    = (float)1;     Product_update.PriceQuantitySpecified       = true;
            Product_update.MinOrder         = (float)1;     Product_update.MinOrderSpecified            = true;
            Product_update.IntervalOrder    = (float)1;     Product_update.IntervalOrderSpecified       = true;

            Product_update.Weight           = (float)240;   Product_update.WeightSpecified              = true;
            Product_update.RefAmount        = (float)1;     Product_update.RefAmountSpecified           = true;
            Product_update.RefContentAmount = (float)0.240; Product_update.RefContentAmountSpecified    = true;

            Product_update.StockLevel       = (float)140;   Product_update.StockLevelSpecified          = true;
            Product_update.StockLevelAlert  = (float)100;   Product_update.StockLevelAlertSpecified     = true;

            Product_update.DeliveryPeriod = "as soon as possible";

            TProductPrice price_update = new TProductPrice();
			    price_update.Price          = (float)123.50;
			    price_update.CurrencyID     = "EUR";
			    price_update.TaxModel       = "gross";
			Product_update.ProductPrices    = new TProductPrice[]{price_update};

            TProductPrice manufacturer_price_update = new TProductPrice();
                manufacturer_price_update.Price = (float)150.50;
                manufacturer_price_update.CurrencyID = "EUR";
                manufacturer_price_update.TaxModel = "gross";
            Product_update.ManufacturerPrices = new TProductPrice[] { manufacturer_price_update };

            TProductPrice deposit_price_update = new TProductPrice();
                deposit_price_update.Price = (float)5.50;
                deposit_price_update.CurrencyID = "EUR";
                deposit_price_update.TaxModel = "gross";
            Product_update.DepositPrices = new TProductPrice[] { deposit_price_update };

            TProductPrice prepay_price_update = new TProductPrice();
                prepay_price_update.Price = (float)10.50;
                prepay_price_update.CurrencyID = "EUR";
                prepay_price_update.TaxModel = "gross";
            Product_update.PrepaymentPrices = new TProductPrice[] { prepay_price_update };

            TProductPrice eco_price_update = new TProductPrice();
                eco_price_update.Price = (float)7.50;
                eco_price_update.CurrencyID = "EUR";
                eco_price_update.TaxModel = "gross";
            Product_update.EcoParticipationPrices = new TProductPrice[] { eco_price_update };

            TShippingMethod shipping3 = new TShippingMethod();
                shipping3.Path = "ShippingMethods/PickupByCustomer";
            TShippingMethod shipping4 = new TShippingMethod();
                shipping4.Path = "ShippingMethods/Express";
                shipping4.delete = true; shipping4.deleteSpecified = true;
            Product_update.ShippingMethods = new TShippingMethod[] { shipping3, shipping4 };

            // create test Products that can be used as download product
            Product_down.Alias = alias;
            TLocalizedValue name_de_down = new TLocalizedValue();
            name_de_down.LanguageCode = "de";
            name_de_down.Value = "Test-Downloadprodukt";
            TLocalizedValue name_en_down = new TLocalizedValue();
            name_en_down.LanguageCode = "en";
            name_en_down.Value = "test master product";
            Product_down.Name = new TLocalizedValue[] { name_de_down, name_en_down };

            Product_down.Class = "/Shops/DemoShop/ProductTypes/Shoe";
            Product_down.TaxClass = "/TaxMatrixGermany/normal";
            Product_down.IsAvailable = true; Product_in.IsAvailableSpecified = true;
            Product_down.IsDownloadProduct = true;
            Product_down.MaxDownloadTime = "5";
            Product_down.MaxDownloadCount = "3";

            TDownload download = new TDownload();
            download.IsExternal = true;
            download.FileName = "";
			download.TargetUrl = "";
            download.Position = "10";
            Product_down.DownloadProductMaps = new TDownload[] { download };

            // create test Products that can be used as download product within file content
            Product_down_up.Alias = alias;
            TLocalizedValue name_de_down_up = new TLocalizedValue();
            name_de_down_up.LanguageCode = "de";
            name_de_down_up.Value = "Test-Downloadprodukt";
            TLocalizedValue name_en_down_up = new TLocalizedValue();
            name_en_down_up.LanguageCode = "en";
            name_en_down_up.Value = "test master product";
            Product_down_up.Name = new TLocalizedValue[] { name_de_down_up, name_en_down_up };

            Product_down_up.Class = "/Shops/DemoShop/ProductTypes/Shoe";
            Product_down_up.TaxClass = "/TaxMatrixGermany/normal";
            Product_down_up.IsAvailable = true;
			Product_down_up.IsAvailableSpecified = true;
            Product_down_up.IsDownloadProduct = true;
            Product_down_up.MaxDownloadTime = "5";
            Product_down_up.MaxDownloadCount = "3";

            TDownload download_up = new TDownload();
            download_up.IsExternal = false;
            download_up.FileName = "image_download.jpg";
            download_up.Position = "10";

            FileStream fs = File.OpenRead("../../../../../TestData/ProductImageService/cg_0100504001.jpg");
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
            download_up.FileContent = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);

			Product_down_up.DownloadProductMaps = new TDownload[] { download_up };

Esempio n. 3
        private ArrayList createTestProducts(string[] aliases)
            List<TCreate_Input> products = new List<TCreate_Input>();
            foreach (string alias in aliases)
		        TCreate_Input product = new TCreate_Input();

                product.Alias = alias;
                product.StockLevel = 1;

                TLocalizedValue name = new TLocalizedValue();
                name.LanguageCode = "de";
                name.Value = "DotNotTestProduct " + alias;
                product.Name = new TLocalizedValue[]{name};
			    TProductPrice price = new TProductPrice();
			    price.Price = (float)123;
			    price.CurrencyID = "EUR";
			    price.TaxModel = "gross";
			    product.ProductPrices = new TProductPrice[]{price};


            return productServiceClient.create(products.ToArray());