Esempio n. 1
 // Since EF knows to look for a connection string with the same name as the context,
 // we can specify the connection string in our application config file (app.config)
 public int AddStudent(string studentName)
     // Instead of opening a connection, we just initialize the context
     using (var context = new SchoolContext())
         // Lets create a new Student entity to add
         Student student = new Student() { Name = studentName };
         // Adding a new Student object to the SchoolContext.Students collection creates a new record
         // Our new record isn't actually saved to the database until SchoolContext.SaveChanges is called
         return context.SaveChanges();
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("hello world. This is Entity framework.");

            using (var ctx = new SchoolContext())

             //  ctx.Database.Initialize(false);

                Student s = new Student();

                Console.Write("Enter Student Details");
                Console.Write("Name: ");
                s.Name = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                Console.Write("Phone: ");
                s.Phone = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                Console.Write("Address: ");
                s.Address = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                Console.Write("Course: ");
                s.Course = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                Console.Write("Description: ");
                s.Description = Console.ReadLine().ToString();

                s.DateOfBirth= new DateTime(1990,12,01);

                var query = from st in ctx.Students
                    orderby st.Name
                    select st;

                Console.WriteLine("Students in Student context");

                foreach (var item in query)
