internal static int CommitTransaction <TEntity>(DbContext context, IEnumerable <TEntity> entities, OperationType operation) where TEntity : class
            // Retrieve entity type
            IEntityType entityType    = context.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(TEntity));
            EntityInfo  entityMapping = new EntityInfo(entityType);

            // Sample random table looks like this [_VssBuildDefinition_02da3b]
            string randomTableName = $"[_{entityMapping.TableName}_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 6)}]";

            // Build staging table sql command
            string stagingTableCommand = BulkOperationHelper.BuildStagingTableCommand(entityMapping, randomTableName, operation);

            // Open connection if it's closed
            if (context.Database.GetDbConnection().State == ConnectionState.Closed)

            // If caller does not specify a transaction we create an internal transaction
            IDbContextTransaction internalTrasaction = null;

            if (context.Database.CurrentTransaction == null)
                internalTrasaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction();

            // No entities to commit
            if (!entities.Any())

            // Final step is to create staging table and merge data into final table
                // Create staging table and insert data into staging table
                BulkOperationHelper.ExecuteSqlCommandNonQuery(context, stagingTableCommand);
                BulkOperationHelper.BulkInsertToTable(entityMapping, context, entities.ToList(), randomTableName, operation);

                // Merge staging table data into final table and commit
                string mergeCommand = BulkOperationHelper.BuildMergeCommand(entityMapping, randomTableName, operation);
                int    result       = BulkOperationHelper.ExecuteSqlCommandNonQuery(context, mergeCommand);

                // Only commit internal transaction and let caller's transaction commit on their own

                // Return the number of records affected
            catch (Exception)
                // If anything goes wrong, we roll back to undo the operation
        /// <summary>
        /// Bulk delete a collection of objects from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The number of affected rows.</returns>
        public static int BulkDelete <TEntity>(this DbContext context, IEnumerable <TEntity> entities) where TEntity : class
            int commitedResult = BulkOperationHelper.CommitTransaction(context, entities, OperationType.Delete);
