Esempio n. 1
        public Result LevelUpdate(Level oLevel)
            Result oResult = new Result();

                LevelDAO oLevelDAO = new LevelDAO();

                oResult = oLevelDAO.LevelUpdate(oLevel);
            catch (Exception oEx)
                oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                oResult.ResultException = oEx;
                oResult.ResultMessage = "Exception occured during Level Update..";

            return oResult;
 private void Initialization()
     this.oSystemUser = new SystemUser();
     this.oCategory = new Category();
     this.ObjectiveType = new Objective();
     this.oQuestionType = new QuestionType();
     this.QLevel = new Level();
     this.Text = String.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method deletes a level if that level is not
        /// used for any question
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oLevel"> It takes Level Object </param>
        /// <returns> It returns Result Object </returns>
        public Result Delete(Level oLevel)
            logger.Info("Start Delete LevelDAO+DAO");

            Result oResult = new Result();
            DAOUtil oDAOUtil = new DAOUtil();

            String sDelete= String.Empty;

            //List<String> oListString = new List<String>();

            List<SqlCommand> oListSqlCommand = new List<SqlCommand>();
            List<int> oListInt = new List<int>();

                sDelete = "delete from EX_Label where EX_Label.LabelID='" + oLevel.LevelID + "' and EX_Label.LabelID not in (select EX_Question.QuestionLabelID from EX_Question where EX_Question.QuestionLabelID='" + oLevel.LevelID + "')";


                //if (oDAOUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(oListString))
                //    oResult.ResultObject = oLevel;
                //    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Delete Success(if not deleted, then it is used)...";
                //    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = true;
                //    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                //    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Delete failed...";

                SqlCommand oSqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sDelete);
                oSqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


                oListInt = oDAOUtil.ExecuteNonQueryForStoredProcedure(oListSqlCommand);

                if (oListInt.Count > 0)
                    if (oListInt[0] > 0)
                        oResult.ResultObject = oLevel;
                        oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Delete Success...";
                        oResult.ResultIsSuccess = true;
                        oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                        oResult.ResultMessage = "Level name is used...";
                    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Delete failed...";

            catch (Exception oEx)
                oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                oResult.ResultException = oEx;
                oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Delete Exception...";

                logger.Info("Exception Delete LevelDAO+DAO", oEx);

            logger.Info("End Delete LevelDAO+DAO");

            return oResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Load all levels
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> It returns Result Object </returns>
        public Result LoadAllLevels()
            logger.Info("Start LoadAllLevels LevelDAO+DAO");

            Result oResult = new Result();
            DAOUtil oDAOUtil = new DAOUtil();

            SqlDataReader oSqlDataReader = null;

            String sSelect = String.Empty;

            List<Level> oListLevel = new List<Level>();

                sSelect = "select EX_Label.LabelID,EX_Label.LabelName,EX_Label.LabelPrerequisite from"
                +" EX_Label order by EX_Label.LabelName";

                oSqlDataReader = oDAOUtil.GetReader(sSelect);

                while (oSqlDataReader.Read())
                    Level oLevel = new Level();

                    oLevel.LevelID = new Guid(oSqlDataReader["LabelID"].ToString());
                    oLevel.LevelName = oSqlDataReader["LabelName"].ToString();
                    oLevel.LevelDescription = oSqlDataReader["LabelPrerequisite"].ToString();



                oResult.ResultObject = oListLevel;
                oResult.ResultMessage = "Load All Levels Success...";
                oResult.ResultIsSuccess = true;
            catch (Exception oEx)
                oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                oResult.ResultException = oEx;
                oResult.ResultMessage = "Load All Levels Exception...";

                logger.Info("Exception LoadAllLevels LevelDAO+DAO", oEx);
                if (oSqlDataReader != null && !oSqlDataReader.IsClosed)

            logger.Info("End LoadAllLevels LevelDAO+DAO");

            return oResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method updates level information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oLevel"> It takes Level Object </param>
        /// <returns> It returns Result Object </returns>
        public Result LevelUpdate(Level oLevel)
            logger.Info("Start LevelUpdate LevelDAO+DAO");

            Result oResult = new Result();
            DAOUtil oDAOUtil = new DAOUtil();

            //String sUpdate = String.Empty;

            //List<String> oListString = new List<String>();

            List<SqlCommand> oListSqlCommand = new List<SqlCommand>();
            List<int> oListInt = new List<int>();

                //sUpdate = "if not exists(select LabelName from EX_Label where LabelName='" + oLevel.LevelName + "')"
                //+ " update EX_Label set LabelName='" + oLevel.LevelName
                //+ "',LabelPrerequisite='" + oLevel.LevelDescription
                //+ "' where LabelID='" + oLevel.LevelID + "'";

                //sUpdate = "update EX_Label set"
                //    + " LabelName="
                //    + " ( case when not exists"
                //    + " (select LabelName from EX_Label where LabelName='" + oLevel.LevelName + "')"
                //    + " then '" + oLevel.LevelName + "'"
                //    + " end ),"
                //    + " LabelPrerequisite='" + oLevel.LevelDescription
                //    + "' where LabelID='" + oLevel.LevelID + "'";


                //if (oDAOUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(oListString))
                //    oResult.ResultObject = oLevel;
                //    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Update Success(if not updated, then level name is existed)...";
                //    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = true;
                //    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                //    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Update failed...";

                SqlCommand oSqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SP_LevelUpdate");
                oSqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                oSqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@LabelID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                oSqlCommand.Parameters["@LabelID"].Value = oLevel.LevelID;

                oSqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@LabelName", SqlDbType.VarChar);
                oSqlCommand.Parameters["@LabelName"].Value = oLevel.LevelName;

                oSqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@LabelPrerequisite", SqlDbType.VarChar);
                oSqlCommand.Parameters["@LabelPrerequisite"].Value = oLevel.LevelDescription;


                oListInt = oDAOUtil.ExecuteNonQueryForStoredProcedure(oListSqlCommand);

                if (oListInt.Count > 0)
                    if (oListInt[0] > 0)
                        oResult.ResultObject = oLevel;
                        oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Update Success...";
                        oResult.ResultIsSuccess = true;
                        oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                        oResult.ResultMessage = "Level name is existed...";
                    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Update failed...";

            catch (Exception oEx)
                oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                oResult.ResultException = oEx;
                oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Update Exception...";

                logger.Info("Exception LevelUpdate LevelDAO+DAO", oEx);

            logger.Info("End LevelUpdate LevelDAO+DAO");

            return oResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method inserts a Level
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oLevel"> It takes Level Object </param>
        /// <returns> It returns Result Object </returns>
        public Result LevelEntry(Level oLevel)
            logger.Info("Start LevelEntry LevelDAO+DAO");

            Result oResult = new Result();
            DAOUtil oDAOUtil = new DAOUtil();

            String sInsert = String.Empty;

            //List<String> oListString = new List<String>();

            List<SqlCommand> oListSqlCommand = new List<SqlCommand>();
            List<int> oListInt = new List<int>();

                sInsert = "if not exists(select LabelName from EX_Label where LabelName='" + oLevel.LevelName + "') insert into EX_Label(LabelID,LabelName,LabelPrerequisite)"
                +" values('"+oLevel.LevelID+"','"+oLevel.LevelName+"','"+oLevel.LevelDescription+"')";


                //if (oDAOUtil.ExecuteNonQuery(oListString))
                //    oResult.ResultObject = oLevel;
                //    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Entry Success(if not inserted, then level name is existed)...";
                //    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = true;
                //    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                //    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Entry failed...";

                SqlCommand oSqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sInsert);
                oSqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


                oListInt = oDAOUtil.ExecuteNonQueryForStoredProcedure(oListSqlCommand);

                if (oListInt.Count > 0)
                    if (oListInt[0] > 0)
                        oResult.ResultObject = oLevel;
                        oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Entry Success...";
                        oResult.ResultIsSuccess = true;
                        oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                        oResult.ResultMessage = "Level name is existed...";
                    oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                    oResult.ResultMessage = "Level Entry failed...";

            catch (Exception oEx)
                oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false;
                oResult.ResultException = oEx;
                oResult.ResultMessage = "Exception occured during Level Entry...";

                logger.Info("Exception LevelEntry LevelDAO+DAO", oEx);

            logger.Info("End LevelEntry LevelDAO+DAO");

            return oResult;