private Systems CreateSystems(Pool pool) { #if (UNITY_EDITOR) return new DebugSystems() #else return new Systems() #endif .Add(pool.CreateSystem<TickingSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<PositionUpdatingSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<RenderForceSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<BulletCollisionSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<AddViewSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<LevelStartingSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<SpaceshipControlsSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<AddRigidbodySystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<AgingSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<MaxAgeSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<AsteroidSplittingSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<RenderRotationSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<GunFiringSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<GunCooldownSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<LevelEndingSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<SpaceshipRespawningSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<SpaceshipCollisionSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<InputDestructionSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<BoundsWrappingSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<RenderPositionSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<RemoveViewSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<DestroyingSystem>()); }
public void SetPool(Pool pool) { _pool = pool; _asteroids = pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Asteroid); _levels = pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Level); _players = pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Player); }
public void Init(Pool pool, Entity entity) { _pool = pool; _entity = entity; _entity.OnEntityReleased += onEntityReleased; Update(); }
static void animatingComponent(Pool pool) { var e = pool.animatingEntity; var isAnimating = pool.isAnimating; pool.isAnimating = true; pool.isAnimating = false; }
ReactiveSystem(Pool pool, IReactiveExecuteSystem subSystem, TriggerOnEvent[] triggers) { _subsystem = subSystem; var ensureComponents = subSystem as IEnsureComponents; if (ensureComponents != null) { _ensureComponents = ensureComponents.ensureComponents; } var excludeComponents = subSystem as IExcludeComponents; if (excludeComponents != null) { _excludeComponents = excludeComponents.excludeComponents; } _clearAfterExecute = (subSystem as IClearReactiveSystem) != null; var triggersLength = triggers.Length; var groups = new Group[triggersLength]; var eventTypes = new GroupEventType[triggersLength]; for (int i = 0; i < triggersLength; i++) { var trigger = triggers[i]; groups[i] = pool.GetGroup(trigger.trigger); eventTypes[i] = trigger.eventType; } _observer = new GroupObserver(groups, eventTypes); _buffer = new List<Entity>(); }
static void moveSystem(Pool pool) { var entities = pool.GetEntities(Matcher.AllOf(Matcher.Move, Matcher.Position)); foreach (var entity in entities) { var move = entity.move; var pos = entity.position; entity.ReplacePosition(pos.x, pos.y + move.speed); } }
public void SetPool(Pool pool) { _pool = pool; _pool.GetGroup(Matcher.SpaceshipDeathroes).OnEntityRemoved += OnDeaththroesRemoved; _waiting = _pool.GetGroup(Matcher.AllOf(Matcher.WaitingForSpace, Matcher.Spaceship)); _asteroids = pool.GetGroup(Matcher.AllOf(Matcher.Asteroid, Matcher.CollisionRadius)); _games = _pool.GetGroup(Matcher.AllOf(Matcher.Game, Matcher.Bounds)); _lives = _pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Lives); }
public void Init(Pool pool, Entity entity) { _pool = pool; _entity = entity; _unfoldedComponents = new bool[_pool.totalComponents]; _entity.OnComponentRemoved += onComponentRemoved; UnfoldAllComponents(); }
static void groupExample(Pool pool) { pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Position).GetEntities(); // ---------------------------- pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Position).OnEntityAdded += (group, entity) => { // Do something }; }
ReactiveSystem(Pool pool, IReactiveExecuteSystem subSystem, IMatcher[] triggers, GroupEventType[] eventTypes) { _subsystem = subSystem; var groups = new Group[triggers.Length]; for (int i = 0, triggersLength = triggers.Length; i < triggersLength; i++) { groups[i] = pool.GetGroup(triggers[i]); } _observer = new GroupObserver(groups, eventTypes); _buffer = new List<Entity>(); }
public void Init(Pool pool, Entity entity, Type[] componentTypes) { _pool = pool; _entity = entity; _componentTypes = componentTypes; componentToAdd = -1; _unfoldedComponents = new bool[_pool.totalComponents]; _entity.OnEntityReleased += onEntityReleased; Update(); UnfoldAllComponents(); }
public void Init(Pool pool, Entity entity, int debugIndex) { _pool = pool; _entity = entity; _debugIndex = debugIndex; _unfoldedComponents = new bool[_pool.totalComponents]; _entity.OnComponentAdded += onEntityChanged; _entity.OnComponentRemoved += onEntityChanged; updateName(); UnfoldAllComponents(); }
public void Start() { pool = Pools.pool; pool.GetGroup(EntitysToBeViewed).OnEntityAdded += (group, entity, index, component) => OnEntityAdded(entity); pool.GetGroup(EntitysToBeViewed).OnEntityRemoved += (group, entity, index, component) => OnEntityRemoved(entity); pool.GetGroup(Matcher.GameState).OnEntityAdded += (group, entity, index, component) => OnGameStateUpdated(entity.gameState.GameState); tableContents = new Dictionary<int, GameObject>(); }
static void groupObserverExample(Pool pool) { var group = pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Position); var observer = group.CreateObserver(GroupEventType.OnEntityAdded); // ---------------------------- foreach (var e in observer.collectedEntities) { // do something } observer.ClearCollectedEntities(); // ---------------------------- observer.Deactivate(); }
ReactiveSystem(Pool pool, IReactiveExecuteSystem subSystem, IMatcher[] triggers, GroupEventType[] eventTypes) { _subsystem = subSystem; var ensureComponents = subSystem as IEnsureComponents; if (ensureComponents != null) { _ensureComponents = ensureComponents.ensureComponents; } var excludeComponents = subSystem as IExcludeComponents; if (excludeComponents != null) { _excludeComponents = excludeComponents.excludeComponents; } var groups = new Group[triggers.Length]; for (int i = 0, triggersLength = triggers.Length; i < triggersLength; i++) { groups[i] = pool.GetGroup(triggers[i]); } _observer = new GroupObserver(groups, eventTypes); _buffer = new List<Entity>(); }
public static Systems GetSystems(Pool pool) { #if (UNITY_EDITOR) return new DebugSystems() #else return new Systems() #endif // Initialize .Add(pool.CreateSystem<RemoveViewSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<AddViewSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<CreatePilotsSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<StartGameSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<CreateEventsSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<CreateAircraftSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<PauseSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<TimeSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<UINavigationSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<EventPredicateCheckingSystem>()) .Add(pool.CreateSystem<EventResolutionSystem>()); }
public PoolMetaDataException(Pool pool, PoolMetaData poolMetaData) : base("Invalid PoolMetaData for '" + pool + "'!\nExpected " + pool.totalComponents + " componentName(s) but got " + poolMetaData.componentNames.Length + ":", string.Join("\n", poolMetaData.componentNames)) { }
public PoolStillHasRetainedEntitiesException(Pool pool) : base("'" + pool + "' detected retained entities although all entities got destroyed!", "Did you release all entities? Try calling pool.ClearGroups() and systems.ClearReactiveSystems() before calling pool.DestroyAllEntities() to avoid memory leaks.") { }
/// Recommended way to create systems in general: pool.CreateSystem(new MySystem()); public ReactiveSystem(Pool pool, IMultiReactiveSystem subSystem) : this(subSystem, createEntityCollector(pool, subSystem.triggers)) { }
// ------------------ Methods // Implement ISetPool to get the pool used when calling // pool.CreateSystem<FooSystem>(); public void SetPool(Pool pool) { // Get the group of entities that have these component(s) _pool = pool; }
public PoolEntityIndexDoesNotExistException(Pool pool, string name) : base("Cannot get EntityIndex '" + name + "' from pool '" + pool + "'!", "No EntityIndex with this name has been added.") { }
static void userComponent(Pool pool, UserComponent component) { var e = pool.userEntity; var name =; var has = pool.hasUser; pool.SetUser("John", 42); pool.SetUser(component); pool.ReplaceUser("Max", 24); pool.RemoveUser(); }
public static void DrawComponents(Pool pool, Entity entity) { bool[] unfoldedComponents; if (!_poolToUnfoldedComponents.TryGetValue(pool, out unfoldedComponents)) { unfoldedComponents = new bool[pool.totalComponents]; for (int i = 0; i < unfoldedComponents.Length; i++) { unfoldedComponents[i] = true; } _poolToUnfoldedComponents.Add(pool, unfoldedComponents); } EntitasEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Components (" + entity.GetComponents().Length + ")", EditorStyles.boldLabel); if (GUILayout.Button("▸", GUILayout.Width(21), GUILayout.Height(14))) { for (int i = 0; i < unfoldedComponents.Length; i++) { unfoldedComponents[i] = false; } } if (GUILayout.Button("▾", GUILayout.Width(21), GUILayout.Height(14))) { for (int i = 0; i < unfoldedComponents.Length; i++) { unfoldedComponents[i] = true; } } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); var componentNames = entity.poolMetaData.componentNames; var index = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Add Component", -1, componentNames); if (index >= 0) { var componentType = entity.poolMetaData.componentTypes[index]; var component = (IComponent)Activator.CreateInstance(componentType); entity.AddComponent(index, component); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EntitasEditorLayout.BeginHorizontal(); { _componentNameSearchTerm = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Search", _componentNameSearchTerm); const string clearButtonControlName = "Clear Button"; GUI.SetNextControlName(clearButtonControlName); if (GUILayout.Button("x", GUILayout.Width(19), GUILayout.Height(14))) { _componentNameSearchTerm = string.Empty; GUI.FocusControl(clearButtonControlName); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); var indices = entity.GetComponentIndices(); var components = entity.GetComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { DrawComponent(unfoldedComponents, entity, indices[i], components[i]); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndVertical(); }
/// This is the recommended way to create systems. /// It will create a new instance of the type, will inject the pool if ISetPool is implemented /// and will automatically create a ReactiveSystem if it is a IReactiveSystem or IMultiReactiveSystem. public static ISystem CreateSystem(this Pool pool, Type systemType) { var system = (ISystem)Activator.CreateInstance(systemType); return(pool.CreateSystem(system)); }
/// Returns all entities matching the specified matcher. public static Entity[] GetEntities(this Pool pool, IMatcher matcher) { return(pool.GetGroup(matcher).GetEntities()); }
/// This is the recommended way to create systems. /// It will inject the pool if ISetPool is implemented. /// It will inject the pools if ISetPools is implemented. /// It will automatically create a ReactiveSystem if it is a /// IReactiveSystem, IMultiReactiveSystem or IEntityCollectorSystem. public static ISystem CreateSystem(this Pool pool, IReactiveExecuteSystem system) { return(CreateSystem(pool, system, Pools.sharedInstance)); }
void switchToPool() { if (_pool != null) { _pool.Reset(); } var targetPool = _allPools[_poolIndex]; _pool = new Pool(targetPool.totalComponents, 0, targetPool.metaData); _entity = _pool.CreateEntity(); }
public static void DrawMultipleEntities(Pool pool, Entity[] entities) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EntitasEditorLayout.BeginHorizontal(); { var entity = entities[0]; var componentNames = entity.poolMetaData.componentNames; var index = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Add Component", -1, componentNames); if (index >= 0) { var componentType = entity.poolMetaData.componentTypes[index]; foreach (var e in entities) { var component = (IComponent)Activator.CreateInstance(componentType); e.AddComponent(index, component); } } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); var bgColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Destroy selected entities")) { foreach (var e in entities) { pool.DestroyEntity(e); } } GUI.backgroundColor = bgColor; EditorGUILayout.Space(); foreach (var e in entities) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(e.ToString()); bgColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Destroy Entity")) { pool.DestroyEntity(e); } GUI.backgroundColor = bgColor; } EntitasEditorLayout.EndHorizontal(); } }
public void SetPool(Pool pool) { systemPool = pool; }
/// This is the recommended way to create systems. /// It will create a new instance of the type, will inject the pool if ISetPool is implemented /// and will automatically create a ReactiveSystem if it is a IReactiveSystem or IMultiReactiveSystem. public static ISystem CreateSystem <T>(this Pool pool) where T : ISystem, new() { return(pool.CreateSystem(typeof(T))); }
/// Recommended way to create systems in general: pool.CreateSystem(new MySystem()); public ReactiveSystem(Pool pool, IReactiveSystem subSystem) : this(subSystem, createEntityCollector(pool, new [] { subSystem.trigger })) { }
static void groupExample(Pool pool) { pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Position).GetEntities(); }
public void SetPool(Pool pool) { _pool = pool; _lives = pool.GetGroup(Matcher.Lives); _spaceships = pool.GetGroup(Matcher.AllOf(Matcher.Spaceship, Matcher.View)); }
public PoolEntityIndexDoesAlreadyExistException(Pool pool, string name) : base("Cannot add EntityIndex '" + name + "' to pool '" + pool + "'!", "An EntityIndex with this name has already been added.") { }
public static void DrawEntity(Pool pool, Entity entity) { var bgColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Destroy Entity")) { pool.DestroyEntity(entity); } GUI.backgroundColor = bgColor; DrawComponents(pool, entity); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Retained by (" + entity.retainCount + ")", EditorStyles.boldLabel); #if !ENTITAS_FAST_AND_UNSAFE EntitasEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { foreach (var owner in entity.owners.ToArray()) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(owner.ToString()); if (GUILayout.Button("Release", GUILayout.Width(88), GUILayout.Height(14))) { entity.Release(owner); } EntitasEditorLayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndVertical(); #endif }
public void SetPool(Pool pool) { ourPool = pool; }
// ------------------ Methods // Implement ISetPool to get the pool used when calling // pool.CreateSystem<FooSystem>(); public void SetPool(Pool pool) { _pool = pool; }
static void poolExample() { // Total components is kindly generated for you by the code generator var pool = new Pool(ComponentIds.TotalComponents); var entity = pool.CreateEntity(); entity.isMovable = true; // Returns all entities having MovableComponent and PositionComponent. // Matchers are also generated for you. var entities = pool.GetEntities(Matcher.AllOf(Matcher.Movable, Matcher.Position)); foreach (var e in entities) { // do something } }