/// <summary> /// This timer handles the scrolling credits. /// </summary> public void TmrCredits_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string credits = ""; string filepath = ""; filepath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Data\\credits.txt"; lblScrollingCredits.Top = 177; if (C_UpdateUI.PnlCreditsVisible == true) { tmrCredits.Enabled = false; string refString = ""; credits = C_DataBase.GetFileContents(filepath, ref refString); lblScrollingCredits.Text = "" + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbNewLine + credits; while (!(C_UpdateUI.PnlCreditsVisible == false)) { lblScrollingCredits.Top--; if (lblScrollingCredits.Bottom <= lblCreditsTop.Bottom) { lblScrollingCredits.Top = 177; } Application.DoEvents(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } } }
public void btnSaveSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //music if (optMOn.Checked == true) { C_Types.Options.Music = (byte)1; // start music playing C_Sound.PlayMusic(C_Maps.Map.Music.Trim()); } else { C_Types.Options.Music = (byte)0; // stop music playing C_Sound.StopMusic(); C_Sound.CurMusic = ""; } //sound if (optSOn.Checked == true) { C_Types.Options.Sound = (byte)1; } else { C_Types.Options.Sound = (byte)0; C_Sound.StopSound(); } //screensize C_Types.Options.ScreenSize = System.Convert.ToByte(cmbScreenSize.SelectedIndex); if (chkHighEnd.Checked) { C_Types.Options.HighEnd = (byte)1; } else { C_Types.Options.HighEnd = (byte)0; } if (chkNpcBars.Checked) { C_Types.Options.ShowNpcBar = (byte)1; } else { C_Types.Options.ShowNpcBar = (byte)0; } // save to config.ini C_DataBase.SaveOptions(); //reload options C_DataBase.LoadOptions(); C_General.RePositionGui(); this.Visible = false; }
/// <summary> /// Handles SaveIP button press. /// </summary> public void BtnSaveIP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { C_Types.Options.Ip = System.Convert.ToString(txtIP.Text); C_Types.Options.Port = System.Convert.ToInt32(txtPort.Text); pnlIPConfig.Visible = false; C_DataBase.SaveOptions(); }
public static void Packet_CheckMap(ref byte[] data) { int x; int y; int i = 0; byte needMap = 0; ByteStream buffer = new ByteStream(data); C_Variables.GettingMap = true; // Erase all players except self for (i = 1; i <= C_Variables.TotalOnline; i++) //MAX_PLAYERS { if (i != C_Variables.Myindex) { C_Player.SetPlayerMap(i, 0); } } // Erase all temporary tile values C_GameLogic.ClearTempTile(); ClearMapNpcs(); ClearMapItems(); C_DataBase.ClearBlood(); ClearMap(); // Get map num x = buffer.ReadInt32(); // Get revision y = buffer.ReadInt32(); needMap = (byte)1; // Either the revisions didn't match or we dont have the map, so we need it buffer = new ByteStream(4); buffer.WriteInt32((System.Int32)Packets.ClientPackets.CNeedMap); buffer.WriteInt32(needMap); C_NetworkConfig.Socket.SendData(buffer.Data, buffer.Head); buffer.Dispose(); }
public static void Startup() { SFML.Portable.Activate(); SetStatus(Strings.Get("loadscreen", "loading")); FrmMenu.Default.Visible = true; Application.DoEvents(); C_Types.CharSelection = new C_Types.CharSelRec[4]; C_Types.Player = new C_Types.PlayerRec[Constants.MAX_PLAYERS + 1]; for (var i = 1; i <= Constants.MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { C_Player.ClearPlayer(i); } C_AutoTiles.ClearAutotiles(); //Housing C_Housing.House = new C_Housing.HouseRec[C_Housing.MaxHouses + 1]; C_Housing.HouseConfig = new C_Housing.HouseRec[C_Housing.MaxHouses + 1]; //quests C_Quest.ClearQuests(); //npc's C_DataBase.ClearNpcs(); C_Maps.Map.Npc = new int[Constants.MAX_MAP_NPCS + 1]; C_Maps.MapNpc = new C_Types.MapNpcRec[Constants.MAX_MAP_NPCS + 1]; for (var i = 0; i <= Constants.MAX_MAP_NPCS; i++) { for (var x = 0; x <= (int)Enums.VitalType.Count - 1; x++) { C_Maps.MapNpc[(int)i].Vital = new int[(int)x + 1]; } } C_Shops.ClearShops(); C_DataBase.ClearAnimations(); C_DataBase.ClearAnimInstances(); C_Banks.ClearBank(); C_Projectiles.MapProjectiles = new C_Projectiles.MapProjectileRec[C_Projectiles.MaxProjectiles + 1]; C_Projectiles.Projectiles = new C_Projectiles.ProjectileRec[C_Projectiles.MaxProjectiles + 1]; C_Items.ClearItems(); //craft C_Crafting.ClearRecipes(); //party C_Parties.ClearParty(); //pets C_Pets.ClearPets(); C_Variables.GettingMap = true; C_Variables.VbQuote = System.Convert.ToString((char)34); // " // Update the form with the game's name before it's loaded FrmGame.Default.Text = C_Constants.GameName; SetStatus(Strings.Get("loadscreen", "options")); // load options if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\Data\\Config.xml")) { C_DataBase.LoadOptions(); } else { C_DataBase.CreateOptions(); } // randomize rnd's seed VBMath.Randomize(); SetStatus(Strings.Get("loadscreen", "network")); FrmMenu.Default.Text = C_Constants.GameName; // DX7 Master Object is already created, early binding SetStatus(Strings.Get("loadscreen", "graphics")); C_Maps.CheckTilesets(); C_DataBase.CheckCharacters(); C_DataBase.CheckPaperdolls(); C_DataBase.CheckAnimations(); C_Items.CheckItems(); C_Resources.CheckResources(); C_DataBase.CheckSkillIcons(); C_DataBase.CheckFaces(); C_DataBase.CheckFog(); C_DataBase.CacheMusic(); C_DataBase.CacheSound(); C_DataBase.CheckEmotes(); C_DataBase.CheckPanoramas(); C_Housing.CheckFurniture(); C_Projectiles.CheckProjectiles(); C_DataBase.CheckParallax(); C_Graphics.InitGraphics(); // check if we have main-menu music if (C_Types.Options.Music == 1 && C_Types.Options.MenuMusic.Trim().Length > 0) { C_Sound.PlayMusic(C_Types.Options.MenuMusic.Trim()); C_Sound.MusicPlayer.Volume = 100; } // Reset values C_Variables.Ping = -1; // set values for directional blocking arrows C_Variables.DirArrowX[1] = 12; // up C_Variables.DirArrowY[1] = 0; C_Variables.DirArrowX[2] = 12; // down C_Variables.DirArrowY[2] = 23; C_Variables.DirArrowX[3] = 0; // left C_Variables.DirArrowY[3] = 12; C_Variables.DirArrowX[4] = 23; // right C_Variables.DirArrowY[4] = 12; //set gui switches C_UpdateUI.HudVisible = true; SetStatus(Strings.Get("loadscreen", "starting")); Started = true; C_UpdateUI.Frmmenuvisible = true; C_UpdateUI.Pnlloadvisible = false; //C_UpdateUI.PnlInventoryVisible = true; C_NetworkConfig.InitNetwork(); C_GameLogic.GameLoop(); }