/// <summary>
 /// Removes a connected user from the group.
 /// The user reconnects at the next session.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pUsername">Client</param>
 public void Disconnect(NetComUser pUser)
     if (OnlineMembers.Contains(pUser))
Esempio n. 2
            public RichMessageBox(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pMessage, string pCaption, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons pButtons, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon pIcon)
                : base(pSender, pReceiver, pMessage, null)
                object[] prm = new object[3];

                prm[0] = pCaption;

                switch (pButtons)
                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore:
                    prm[1] = "MB1";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK:
                    prm[1] = "MB2";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel:
                    prm[1] = "MB3";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel:
                    prm[1] = "MB4";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo:
                    prm[1] = "MB5";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel:
                    prm[1] = "MB6";

                switch (pIcon)
                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information:
                    prm[2] = "MI1";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error:
                    prm[2] = "MI2";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation:
                    prm[2] = "MI3";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None:
                    prm[2] = "MI4";

                case System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question:
                    prm[2] = "MI5";

                parameters = prm;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the public-key of the receiver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pPublicKey">Public-key of the receiver</param>
        public void SetReceiverPublicKey(string pPublicKey)
            if (Receiver == null)
                Receiver = new NetComUser();

            Receiver.SetUserData("", "", pPublicKey);
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a base for new custom instructions, or
        /// operates as a common interface for instructions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pSender">Sender (local user) of the instruction</param>
        /// <param name="pReceiver">Receiver (remote user) of the instruction</param>
        /// <param name="pValue">Value of the instruction. Can be used as required.</param>
        /// <param name="pParameters">Parameters of the instruction. Can be used as required</param>
        public InstructionBase(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue = null, params object[] pParameters)
            Receiver   = pReceiver;
            Sender     = pSender;
            value      = pValue;
            parameters = pParameters;

            instruction  = this.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
            sInstruction = this.GetType().Name;
            ID           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        // ╔════╤════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
        // ║ 4d │ M E T H O D S   ( P U B L I C )                        ║
        // ╟────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
        // ║ N O N - S T A T I C   &   S T A T I C                       ║
        // ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝

        #region ═╣ M E T H O D S   ( P U B L I C ) ╠═

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a already connected user to the group.
        /// The user reconnects at the next session.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUser">Client</param>
        public void AddUser(NetComUser pUser)
            if (!OnlineMembers.Contains(pUser))
            if (!GroupMembers.Contains(pUser.Username.ToLower()))
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to add a user to any groups
 /// that that it is a member of.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pUser"></param>
 public void TryGroupAdd(NetComUser pUser)
     for (int i = 0; i < userGroups.Count; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < userGroups[i].GroupMembers.Count; j++)
             if (pUser.Username.ToLower() == userGroups[i].GroupMembers[j].ToLower())
Esempio n. 7
            public NofityIcon(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pText, string pTitle, int pDisplayDuration, ToolTipIcon pIcon)
                : base(pSender, pReceiver, pText, null)
                object[] prm = new object[3];

                prm[0] = pTitle;
                prm[1] = pDisplayDuration;

                switch (pIcon)
                case ToolTipIcon.Error: prm[2] = "NI1"; break;

                case ToolTipIcon.Info: prm[2] = "NI2"; break;

                case ToolTipIcon.None: prm[2] = "NI3"; break;

                case ToolTipIcon.Warning: prm[2] = "NI4"; break;

                parameters = prm;
Esempio n. 8
 public AuthenticationServer2Client(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, null, null)
Esempio n. 9
 public Message(NetComUser pSender, string pReceiverUsername, string pMessage)
     : base(pSender, null, pReceiverUsername, new object[] { pMessage })
Esempio n. 10
 public Message(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue, object[] pParameters)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pValue, pParameters)
Esempio n. 11
 public KeyExchangeClient2Server(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pSender.RSAKeys.PublicKey, new object[] { pSender.Username })
Esempio n. 12
 public KeyExchangeClient2Server(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue, object[] pParameters)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pValue, pParameters)
Esempio n. 13
 public AuthenticationReminder(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, null, null)
Esempio n. 14
 public ToConsole(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pValue, null)
Esempio n. 15
 public ToOutputStream(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pMessage)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pMessage, null)
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses an encoded instruction-string and returns
        /// all instruction-objects included in the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pLocalUser">Local user</param>
        /// <param name="pReceptionSocket">Remote user, from which the instruction was received</param>
        /// <param name="pInstructionString">Encoded instruction-string. Can contain multiple instructions.</param>
        /// <param name="pServerClientList">Client-List for authentication (NetComServer only!)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <InstructionBase> Parse(NetComUser pLocalUser, Socket pReceptionSocket, string pInstructionString, ClientList pServerClientList = null)
            //  RSA:<Base64>;RSA:<Base64>;

            List <InstructionBase> retInstr = new List <InstructionBase>();

            lock (pLocalUser)
                foreach (string encodedInstruction in pInstructionString.Split('%'))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encodedInstruction))

                    string        instructionID         = null;
                    string        frameworkVersion      = null;
                    string        instructionsetVersion = null;
                    string        username       = null;
                    string        password       = null;
                    string        instruction    = null;
                    string        value          = null;
                    List <object> parameters     = new List <object>();
                    string        signaturePlain = null;
                    string        signatureRSA   = null;
                    string        publicKey      = null;
                    NetComUser    user           = null;

                    // RSA:<Base64>

                    bool rsaEncoded = false;

                    string encInstr = encodedInstruction;

                    if (encInstr.StartsWith("R:"))
                        rsaEncoded = true;
                        encInstr   = encInstr.Remove(0, 2);

                    // <Base64>
                    string decodedInstruction;
                        //decodedInstruction = Base64Handler.Decode(encInstr);
                        decodedInstruction = encInstr;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        (pLocalUser as NetComOperator).Debug("Instruction-Parsing: Could not decode from Base64.", DebugType.Error);
                        if ((pLocalUser as NetComOperator).ShowExceptions)
                            (pLocalUser as NetComOperator).Debug($"({ex.GetType().Name}) {ex.Message}", DebugType.Exception);


                    // INS:B64,VAL:B64,PAR:B64#B64|B64#B64|,

                    foreach (string encodedInstrSegment in decodedInstruction.Split('$'))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encodedInstrSegment))

                        // INS:B64 / PAR:B64#B64|B64#B64|

                        string[] encodedSegmentParts = encodedInstrSegment.Split(':');

                        switch (encodedSegmentParts[0])
                        case "IID": instructionID = encodedSegmentParts[1]; break;

                        case "FWV": frameworkVersion = encodedSegmentParts[1]; break;

                        case "ISV": instructionsetVersion = encodedSegmentParts[1]; break;

                        case "PUK": publicKey = encodedSegmentParts[1]; break;

                        case "USR": username = Base64Handler.Decode(encodedSegmentParts[1], "ERROR"); break;

                        case "PSW":
                            if (rsaEncoded)
                                password = RSAHandler.Decrypt(pLocalUser.RSAKeys.PrivateKey, encodedSegmentParts[1]);

                        case "SGP": signaturePlain = encodedSegmentParts[1]; break;

                        case "SGC":
                            if (rsaEncoded)
                                signatureRSA = encodedSegmentParts[1];

                        case "INS": instruction = encodedSegmentParts[1]; break;

                        case "VAL": value = Base64Handler.Decode(encodedSegmentParts[1], "ERROR"); break;

                        case "PAR":

                            foreach (string paramGroup in encodedSegmentParts[1].Split('|'))
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramGroup))

                                string[] paramParts = paramGroup.Split('#');

                                string paramTypeStr  = paramParts[0];
                                string paramValueStr = Base64Handler.Decode(paramParts[1], "ERROR");

                                Type paramType = Type.GetType(paramTypeStr);

                                    object        convParam = null;
                                    TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(paramType);
                                    if (converter != null)
                                        convParam = converter.ConvertFromString(paramValueStr);
                                        convParam = null;

                                catch (NotSupportedException ex)
                                    (pLocalUser as NetComOperator).Debug("Broadcast-Error.", DebugType.Error);
                                    if ((pLocalUser as NetComOperator).ShowExceptions)
                                        (pLocalUser as NetComOperator).Debug($"({ex.GetType().Name}) {ex.Message}", DebugType.Exception);

                                    throw new NetComParsingException($"*** Could not parse the following parameter: Type: {paramTypeStr}, Value: {paramValueStr} ***");


                    // Check if the instruction has been processed before
                    if (instruction != typeof(InstructionLibraryEssentials.ReceptionConfirmation).AssemblyQualifiedName)
                        if ((pLocalUser as NetComOperator).InstructionLogIncomming.Contains(instructionID))
                            if (pLocalUser.GetType() == typeof(NetComClient))
                                (pLocalUser as NetComClient).Send(new InstructionLibraryEssentials.ReceptionConfirmation(pLocalUser, null, instructionID));

                            if (pLocalUser.GetType() == typeof(NetComServer))
                                (pLocalUser as NetComServer).Send(new InstructionLibraryEssentials.ReceptionConfirmation(pLocalUser, (pLocalUser as NetComServer).ConnectedClients[pReceptionSocket], instructionID));

                    // Check instructionset-version
                    if (ForceInstructionsetVersion && InstructionBase.InstructionSetVersion != instructionsetVersion)
                        throw new NetComVersionException($"*** The received package uses a different verion of the Instruction-Set! Local version: {InstructionBase.InstructionSetVersion} - Senders version: {instructionsetVersion} ***");

                    // Check framework-version
                    if (ForceFrameworkVersion && InstructionBase.FrameworkVersion != frameworkVersion)
                        throw new NetComVersionException($"*** The received package was built using a different verion of the Framework! Local version: {InstructionBase.FrameworkVersion} - Senders version: {frameworkVersion} ***");

                    // Check signature
                    if (rsaEncoded && !RSAHandler.Verify(publicKey, signaturePlain, signatureRSA))
                        throw new NetComSignatureException("*** The received packets signature is invalid! ***");

                    if (pServerClientList != null)
                        // Server -> Assign received data to clientlist

                        pServerClientList[pReceptionSocket].SetUserData(username, password, publicKey);

                        if (instruction != typeof(InstructionLibraryEssentials.KeyExchangeClient2Server).AssemblyQualifiedName &&
                            instruction != typeof(InstructionLibraryEssentials.ReceptionConfirmation).AssemblyQualifiedName &&
                            throw new NetComAuthenticationException("*** Authentication failed! Wrong username / password ***");

                        user = pServerClientList[pReceptionSocket];
                        // Client -> Ignore authentication-data

                        user = new NetComUser();
                        user.SetUserData(username, password, publicKey);

                        if (instruction == typeof(InstructionLibraryEssentials.ReceptionConfirmation).AssemblyQualifiedName)
                            retInstr.Add((InstructionBase)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(instruction), user, pLocalUser, value));
                        else if (value == null && parameters.Count == 0)
                            retInstr.Add((InstructionBase)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(instruction), user, pLocalUser));
                        else if (parameters.Count == 0)
                            retInstr.Add((InstructionBase)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(instruction), user, pLocalUser, value));
                            retInstr.Add((InstructionBase)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(instruction), user, pLocalUser, value, parameters.ToArray()));

                        // Increment the total receive counter
                        (pLocalUser as NetComOperator).TotalReceiveCounter++;

                        // Send confirmation (if the instruction is not a confirmation itself)
                        if (instruction != typeof(InstructionLibraryEssentials.ReceptionConfirmation).AssemblyQualifiedName)
                            (pLocalUser as NetComOperator).InstructionLogIncomming.Add(instructionID);

                            if (pLocalUser.GetType() == typeof(NetComClient))
                                (pLocalUser as NetComClient).Send(new InstructionLibraryEssentials.ReceptionConfirmation(pLocalUser, null, instructionID));

                            if (pLocalUser.GetType() == typeof(NetComServer))
                                (pLocalUser as NetComServer).Send(new InstructionLibraryEssentials.ReceptionConfirmation(pLocalUser, (pLocalUser as NetComServer).ConnectedClients[pReceptionSocket], instructionID));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        (pLocalUser as NetComOperator).Debug("Could not recreate the instruction.", DebugType.Error);
                        if ((pLocalUser as NetComOperator).ShowExceptions)
                            (pLocalUser as NetComOperator).Debug($"({ex.GetType().Name}) {ex.Message}", DebugType.Exception);

Esempio n. 17
 public KeyExchangeServer2Client(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pSender.RSAKeys.PublicKey, null)
Esempio n. 18
 public KeyExchangeServer2Client(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pValue, null)
Esempio n. 19
            public ToConsoleColored(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue, ConsoleColor pForegroundColor, ConsoleColor pBackgroundColor)
                : base(pSender, pReceiver, pValue, null)
                object[] prm = new object[2];

                switch (pForegroundColor)
                case ConsoleColor.Black: prm[0] = "FG0"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Blue: prm[0] = "FG1"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Cyan: prm[0] = "FG2"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkBlue: prm[0] = "FG3"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkCyan: prm[0] = "FG4"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkGray: prm[0] = "FG5"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkGreen: prm[0] = "FG6"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta: prm[0] = "FG7"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkRed: prm[0] = "FG8"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkYellow: prm[0] = "FG9"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Gray: prm[0] = "FGA"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Green: prm[0] = "FGB"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Magenta: prm[0] = "FGC"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Red: prm[0] = "FGD"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.White: prm[0] = "FGE"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Yellow: prm[0] = "FGF"; break;

                switch (pBackgroundColor)
                case ConsoleColor.Black: prm[1] = "BG0"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Blue: prm[1] = "BG1"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Cyan: prm[1] = "BG2"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkBlue: prm[1] = "BG3"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkCyan: prm[1] = "BG4"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkGray: prm[1] = "BG5"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkGreen: prm[1] = "BG6"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta: prm[1] = "BG7"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkRed: prm[1] = "BG8"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.DarkYellow: prm[1] = "BG9"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Gray: prm[1] = "BGA"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Green: prm[1] = "BGB"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Magenta: prm[1] = "BGC"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Red: prm[1] = "BGD"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.White: prm[1] = "BGE"; break;

                case ConsoleColor.Yellow: prm[1] = "BGF"; break;

                parameters = prm;
Esempio n. 20
 public ToConsoleColored(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue, object[] pParameters)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pValue, pParameters)
Esempio n. 21
 public ToNetComDebug(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pValue, null)
Esempio n. 22
 public ReceptionConfirmation(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pInstructionID)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pInstructionID, null)
Esempio n. 23
 public NofityIcon(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pValue, object[] pParameters)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pValue, pParameters)
Esempio n. 24
 public SimpleMessageBox(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver, string pMessage)
     : base(pSender, pReceiver, pMessage, null)
Esempio n. 25
 public TestSample(NetComUser pSender, NetComUser pReceiver) : base(pSender, pReceiver, null, null)