public Calibration.CameraCalibrationResult ComputeCalibration(int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, float near, float far) { string status; Vector2[] uvPoints = subsampling ? subsampledUV.ToArray() : uv.ToArray(); Vector3[] xyzPoints = subsampling ? subsampledXYZ.ToArray() : xyz.ToArray(); if (subsampling) { SubSample(); uvPoints = subsampledUV.ToArray(); xyzPoints = subsampledXYZ.ToArray(); } else { uvPoints = uv.ToArray(); xyzPoints = xyz.ToArray(); } //Compute calibration Debug.Log("Calibration requiested: #uv:" + uvPoints.Length + "#xyz:" + xyzPoints.Length); Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CalibType flags = Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CalibType.UseIntrinsicGuess; // uses the intrinsicMatrix as initial estimation, or generates an initial estimation using imageSize //flags |= CalibType.FixFocalLength; // if (CV_CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS) then: {fx,fy} are constant // flags |= CalibType.FixAspectRatio; // if (CV_CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS) then: fy is a free variable, fx/fy stays constant //flags |= CalibType.FixPrincipalPoint; // if (CV_CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS) then: {cx,cy} are constant /*flags |= (CalibType.FixK1 // Given CalibType.FixK{i}: if (CV_CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS) then: K{i} = distortionCoefficents[i], else:k ki = 0 | CalibType.FixK2 | CalibType.FixK3 | CalibType.FixK4 | CalibType.FixK5 | CalibType.FixK6); | // flags |= CalibType.FixIntrinsic; | flags |= CalibType.ZeroTangentDist; // tangential distortion is zero: {P1,P2} = {0,0} */ result = Calibration.ComputeCameraCalibration(xyzPoints, uvPoints, new System.Drawing.Size(pixelWidth, pixelHeight), new Emgu.CV.Matrix <double>(3, 3), out status, true, true, flags); Debug.Log(status); Debug.Log("distortion:" + result.distortion.ToString()); error = result.Error; PerspectiveMatrixAfter = result.intrinsics.ProjectionMatrix(near, far); if (targetCamera != null && PerspectiveMatrixAfter != Matrix4x4.identity) { PerspectiveMatrixBefore = targetCamera.projectionMatrix; result.extrinsics.ApplyToTransform(targetCamera.transform); targetCamera.projectionMatrix = PerspectiveMatrixAfter; } return(result); }
/// OH GOD this is here because a nice guy indicated there was a bug in the EmguCV code, and this is the patched version /// /// /// <summary> /// Estimates intrinsic camera parameters and extrinsic parameters for each of the views /// </summary> /// <param name="objectPoints">The 3D location of the object points. The first index is the index of image, second index is the index of the point</param> /// <param name="imagePoints">The 2D image location of the points. The first index is the index of the image, second index is the index of the point</param> /// <param name="imageSize">The size of the image, used only to initialize intrinsic camera matrix</param> /// <param name="rotationVectors">The output 3xM or Mx3 array of rotation vectors (compact representation of rotation matrices, see cvRodrigues2). </param> /// <param name="translationVectors">The output 3xM or Mx3 array of translation vectors</param>/// <param name="calibrationType">cCalibration type</param> /// <param name="termCriteria">The termination criteria</param> /// <param name="cameraMatrix">The output camera matrix (A) [fx 0 cx; 0 fy cy; 0 0 1]. If CV_CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS and/or CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATION are specified, some or all of fx, fy, cx, cy must be initialized</param> /// <param name="distortionCoeffs">The output 4x1 or 1x4 vector of distortion coefficients [k1, k2, p1, p2]</param> /// <returns>The final reprojection error</returns> public static double CalibrateCamera( MCvPoint3D32f[][] objectPoints, PointF[][] imagePoints, Size imageSize, IInputOutputArray cameraMatrix, IInputOutputArray distortionCoeffs, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CalibType calibrationType, MCvTermCriteria termCriteria, out Mat[] rotationVectors, out Mat[] translationVectors) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(objectPoints.Length == imagePoints.Length, "The number of images for objects points should be equal to the number of images for image points"); int imageCount = objectPoints.Length; using (VectorOfVectorOfPoint3D32F vvObjPts = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint3D32F(objectPoints)) using (VectorOfVectorOfPointF vvImgPts = new VectorOfVectorOfPointF(imagePoints)) { double reprojectionError; using (VectorOfMat rVecs = new VectorOfMat()) using (VectorOfMat tVecs = new VectorOfMat()) { reprojectionError = CvInvoke.CalibrateCamera( vvObjPts, vvImgPts, imageSize, cameraMatrix, distortionCoeffs, rVecs, tVecs, calibrationType, termCriteria); rotationVectors = new Mat[imageCount]; translationVectors = new Mat[imageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < imageCount; i++) { rotationVectors[i] = new Mat(); using (Mat matR = rVecs[i]) matR.CopyTo(rotationVectors[i]); translationVectors[i] = new Mat(); using (Mat matT = tVecs[i]) matT.CopyTo(translationVectors[i]); } } return reprojectionError; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { MCvPoint3D32f objectp_1 = new MCvPoint3D32f(1f, 1f, 1f); MCvPoint3D32f objectp_2 = new MCvPoint3D32f(1f, 1f, 1f); MCvPoint3D32f objectp_3 = new MCvPoint3D32f(1f, 1f, 1f); //List<MCvPoint3D32f> objectPoints = new List<MCvPoint3D32f> { objectp_1, objectp_2, objectp_3 }; MCvPoint3D32f[][] objectPoints = new MCvPoint3D32f[][] { new MCvPoint3D32f[] { objectp_1, objectp_1, objectp_1, objectp_1 } }; PointF imagep_1 = new PointF(1f, 1f); PointF imagep_2 = new PointF(1f, 1f); PointF imagep_3 = new PointF(1f, 1f); //List<PointF> imagePoints = new List<PointF> { imagep_1, imagep_2, imagep_3 }; PointF[][] imagePoints = new PointF[][] { new PointF[] { imagep_1, imagep_1, imagep_1, imagep_1 } }; Size imageSize = new Size(500, 500); Mat cameraMat = new Mat(new Size(3, 3), DepthType.Cv32F, 1); cameraMat.SetValue(0, 0, 302); cameraMat.SetValue(0, 1, 0); cameraMat.SetValue(0, 2, 101); cameraMat.SetValue(1, 0, 0); cameraMat.SetValue(1, 1, 411); cameraMat.SetValue(1, 2, 106); cameraMat.SetValue(2, 0, 0); cameraMat.SetValue(2, 1, 0); cameraMat.SetValue(2, 1, 1); Matrix <double> cameraMatrix = new Matrix <double>(new double[, ] { { 302, 0, 101 }, { 0, 411, 106 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }); cameraMat.ToImage <Gray, byte>().Save("test.jpg"); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 0, 0, 302); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 0, 1, 0); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 0, 2, 101); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 1, 0, 0); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 1, 1, 411); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 1, 2, 106); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 2, 0, 0); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 2, 1, 0); //CvInvoke.cvSetReal2D(cameraMat.DataPointer, 2, 2, 1); Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CalibType calibrationType = Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CalibType.UseIntrinsicGuess; Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvTermCriteria termCriteria = new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvTermCriteria(50); Mat _distortionCoeffs = new Mat(new Size(1, 5), DepthType.Cv32F, 1); Emgu.CV.ExtrinsicCameraParameters[] extrinsicParams; Mat[] rotation; // = new Mat(new Size(3, 3), DepthType.Cv32F, 1); Mat[] translation; //= new Mat(new Size(3, 3), DepthType.Cv32F, 1); var result = CvInvoke.CalibrateCamera(objectPoints, imagePoints, imageSize, cameraMatrix, _distortionCoeffs, calibrationType, termCriteria, out rotation, out translation); double t = rotation[0].GetValue(0, 0); double t2 = rotation[0].GetValue(2, 0); }