Esempio n. 1
        public JtPlacement2dInt(FamilyInstance fi)
            LocationPoint lp = fi.Location as LocationPoint;

            Debug.Assert(null != lp,
                         "expected valid family instanace location point");

            Translation = new Point2dInt(lp.Point);

            Rotation = Util.ConvertRadiansToDegrees(lp.Rotation);

            SymbolId = fi.Symbol.UniqueId;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Expand bounding box to contain
 /// the given new point.
 /// </summary>
 public void ExpandToContain(Point2dInt p)
     if (p.X < xmin)
         xmin = p.X;
     if (p.Y < ymin)
         ymin = p.Y;
     if (p.X > xmax)
         xmax = p.X;
     if (p.Y > ymax)
         ymax = p.Y;
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a dummy placement for a non-instance
 /// part, i.e. a nomral BIM element with a given
 /// unique id, just for GeoSnoop graphical
 /// debugging purposes.
 /// </summary>
 public JtPlacement2dInt(string uidPart)
     Translation = new Point2dInt(0, 0);
     Rotation    = 0;
     SymbolId    = uidPart;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Display room and the furniture contained in it
        /// in a bitmap generated on the fly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roomLoops">Room boundary loops</param>
        /// <param name="geometryLoops">Family symbol geometry</param>
        /// <param name="familyInstances">Family instances</param>
        public static Bitmap DisplayRoom(
            JtLoops roomLoops,
            Dictionary <string, JtLoop> geometryLoops,
            List <JtPlacement2dInt> familyInstances)
            JtBoundingBox2dInt bbFrom = roomLoops.BoundingBox;

            // Adjust target rectangle height to the
            // displayee loop height.

            int width  = _form_width;
            int height = (int)(width * bbFrom.AspectRatio + 0.5);

            //SizeF fsize = new SizeF( width, height );

            //SizeF scaling = new SizeF( 1, 1 );
            //PointF translation = new PointF( 0, 0 );

            //GetTransform( fsize, bbFrom,
            //  ref scaling, ref translation, true );

            //Matrix transform1 = new Matrix(
            //  new Rectangle(0,0,width,height),
            //  bbFrom.GetParallelogramPoints());

            // the bounding box fills the rectangle
            // perfectly and completely, inverted and
            // non-uniformly distorted:

            //Point2dInt pmin = bbFrom.Min;
            //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
            //  pmin.X, pmin.Y, bbFrom.Width, bbFrom.Height );
            //Point[] parallelogramPoints = new Point [] {
            //  new Point( 0, 0 ), // upper left
            //  new Point( width, 0 ), // upper right
            //  new Point( 0, height ) // lower left

            // the bounding box fills the rectangle
            // perfectly and completely, inverted and
            // non-uniformly distorted:

            // Specify transformation target rectangle
            // including a margin.

            int bottom = height - (_margin + _margin);

            Point[] parallelogramPoints = new Point[] {
                new Point(_margin, bottom),         // upper left
                new Point(width - _margin, bottom), // upper right
                new Point(_margin, _margin)         // lower left

            // Transform from native loop coordinate system
            // to target display coordinates.

            Matrix transform = new Matrix(
                bbFrom.Rectangle, parallelogramPoints);

            Bitmap   bmp      = new Bitmap(width, height);
            Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);


                                roomLoops.GetGraphicsPathLines(), transform);

            if (null != familyInstances)
                List <Point[]> loops = new List <Point[]>(1);
                loops.Add(new Point[] { });

                foreach (JtPlacement2dInt i in familyInstances)
                    Point2dInt v         = i.Translation;
                    Matrix     placement = new Matrix();
                    placement.Translate(v.X, v.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);
                    placement.Multiply(transform, MatrixOrder.Append);
                    loops[0] = geometryLoops[i.SymbolId]

                    DrawLoopsOnGraphics(graphics, loops, placement);