public void ClusteredTriLaterationTest()
            MySQLClass MyDB = new MySQLClass("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=senseless;UID=root;PASSWORD=admin;OPTION=3;");

            Node BlindNode = new Node("Test", MyDB);
            BlindNode.NewAnchor("1", 50.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1);
            BlindNode.NewAnchor("2", 50.00, 2.00, 0.00, 1);
            BlindNode.NewAnchor("3", 50.00, 2.00, 2.00, 1);

            Node.FilterMethod filterMethod = RangeBasedPositioning.AverageFilter;
            Point expected = new Point(1,1);

            Point actual;

            actual = ClusterTrilateration.CalculatePosition(BlindNode, filterMethod, false);
            //Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Sub-function that takes a dataset which holds (a number of) sensormeasurements and saves these to the database.
        /// Note: the MAC-address (SunSpot) or the Unique ID (TelosB) has to be in the database or the measurement will be ignored and not saved tot he database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Set">DataSet with the table that contains the sensormeasurement.</param>
        /// <returns>The last UID of the inserted row (which means an int >= 1) anything else means the last insert failed.</returns>
        private DataSet AddSensorMeasurements(DataSet Set)
            DataSet returnSet = new DataSet();
            DataSet tempSet = new DataSet();

            double temp;
            int tempint;
            string cmd = "";

            foreach (DataRow row in Set.Tables[0].Rows) //Run through every sensor in the xml-message
                string CheckIfNodeInDB = "call getNodeID('" + row["ID"].ToString() + "');";

                    if (MySQLAllowedConn)
                        tempSet = MySQLConn.Query(CheckIfNodeInDB);
                catch (Exception e_mysql)
                    SocketServer.LogError(e_mysql, "LogServer.txt");

                #region add node to DB
                if (tempSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)  //If the sensor is in the database, proceed with inserting the new measurements into the database.
                    string addTelosb = "call addSensorToDBTelosb('" + row["ID"] + "'," + "2);";

                        //Update the MySQL-database (if it is available)
                        if (MySQLAllowedConn)
                            returnSet = MySQLConn.Query(addTelosb);
                        Console.WriteLine("Query OK");
                    catch (Exception e_mysql)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to add node to the DB");
                        SocketServer.LogError(e_mysql, "LogServer.txt");
                        //return Set;

                if (Set.DataSetName == "SensorMeasurements")
                    int TimeSecs;
                    if (int.TryParse(row["Time"].ToString(), out TimeSecs))
                        row["Time"] = ConvertUnixToLocalTimeStamp(TimeSecs);        //SunSpot sends the timestamp as unix-timestamp, convert it to normal timestamp.

                    //Create the command that we send to the database to insert the new row.
                    cmd = "call addSensorMeasurements('" +
                        row["ID"] + "','" +
                        row["Time"] + "','" +
                        row["Temp"] + "','" +
                        row["Light"] + "'," +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["Humidity"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["Humidity"] : "null") + "," +
                        ((int.TryParse(row["Power"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Power"] : "null") + "," +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["TiltX"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["TiltX"] : "null") + "," +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["TiltY"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["TiltY"] : "null") + "," +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["TiltZ"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["TiltZ"] : "null") + "," +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["AccX"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["AccX"] : "null") + "," +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["AccY"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["AccY"] : "null") + "," +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["AccZ"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["AccZ"] : "null") + ",'" +
                        ((int.TryParse(row["Button1"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Button1"] : "0") + "'," +
                        ((int.TryParse(row["Button2"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Button2"] : "null") + ",'" +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["LED1"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED1"] : "null") + "','" +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["LED2"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED2"] : "null") + "','" +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["LED3"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED3"] : "null") + "','" +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["LED4"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED4"] : "null") + "','" +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["LED5"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED5"] : "null") + "','" +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["LED6"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED6"] : "null") + "','" +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["LED7"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED7"] : "null") + "','" +
                        ((double.TryParse(row["LED8"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED8"] : "null") + "'," +
                        ((int.TryParse(row["Polling"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Polling"] : "null") + ");";
                    Console.WriteLine("AddSensorMeasurements OK");
                    Console.WriteLine("WSNID is: \n" + row["ID"].ToString());

                    //#region NewSensorData

                    //XElementExtended payload = new XElementExtended("Event",
                    //    new XElementExtended("ID", row["ID"].ToString()),
                    //    new XElementExtended("Type", "NewSensorData"),
                    //    new XElementExtended("Data",
                    //        new XElementExtended("Temperature", row["Temp"].ToString()),
                    //        new XElementExtended("Light", row["Light"].ToString())));
                    ////payload["ID"] = row["ID"].ToString();
                    ////payload["Type"] = "NewSensorData";
                    ////payload["Data"] = new XElementExtended(new XElementExtended("Temperature", row["Temp"].ToString()),new XElementExtended("Light", row["Light"].ToString()));
                    //NewSensorDataEvent(this, new EventMessage("1", payload.ToString()));

                    if (NewSensorDataEvent != null)
                        EventMessage EventData = new EventMessage();
                        EventData.EventSubscriptionId = "1";
                        EventData.EventType = "NewSensorData";

                        EventData.TagBlink["TagID"] = row["idnode"].ToString();
                        EventData.TagBlink["Temperature"] = row["temperature"].ToString();
                        EventData.TagBlink["Light"] = row["Light"].ToString();

                        NewSensorDataEvent(this, EventData);


                else if (Set.DataSetName == "LocationMessage")
                    int TimeSecs;
                    if (int.TryParse(row["Time"].ToString(), out TimeSecs))
                        row["Time"] = ConvertUnixToLocalTimeStamp(TimeSecs);        //SunSpot sends the timestamp as unix-timestamp, convert it to normal timestamp.

                    currentID = row["ID"].ToString();
                    Positioning.Point pos = new Positioning.Point(0, 0);
                    Node CurrentBlindNode;

                    if (!BlindNodes.Exists(ExistsNode))
                        BlindNodes.Add(new Node(row["ID"].ToString(), MySQLConn, row["ANode"].ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(row["RSSI"].ToString())));
                        Console.WriteLine("Added new BN to be positioned\n\n\n");
                        CurrentBlindNode = BlindNodes.Find(ExistsNode);
                        CurrentBlindNode = BlindNodes.Find(ExistsNode);
                        CurrentBlindNode.AddAnchor(row["ANode"].ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(row["RSSI"].ToString()));

                    //TODO: switch on the bulletlist or whatever you use to select the algorithm

                    pos = CentroidLocalization.CalculatePosition(CurrentBlindNode);
                    Console.WriteLine("Position succesfully calculated, x = {0}, y = {1}", pos.x.ToString(), pos.y.ToString());

                    //Create the command that we send to the database to insert the new row.
                    cmd = "call addLocalizationData(" +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["RSSI"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["RSSI"] : "null") + "," +

                    pos.x.ToString() + "," +
                    pos.y.ToString() + "," +

                    ((int.TryParse(row["Z"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Z"] : "null") + "," +
                    row["ID"] + ",'" +
                    row["Time"] + "'," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["ANode"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["ANode"] : "null") + ",'" +
                    "Centroid Localization" + "');";
                    Console.WriteLine("Add location OK");

                    //#region NewPosition

                    //conform to the RTLS ANSI API
                    //XElementExtended payload = new XElementExtended("Event",
                    //    new XElementExtended("ID", row["ID"].ToString()),
                    //    new XElementExtended("Type", "NewPosition"),
                    //    new XElementExtended("Data",
                    //        new XElementExtended("X", row["X"].ToString()),
                    //        new XElementExtended("Y", row["Y"].ToString())));
                    //NewPositionEvent(this, new EventMessage("2" ,payload.ToString()));


                else if (Set.DataSetName == "StatusMessage")
                    int TimeSecs;
                    if (int.TryParse(row["Time"].ToString(), out TimeSecs))
                        row["Time"] = ConvertUnixToLocalTimeStamp(TimeSecs);        //SunSpot sends the timestamp as unix-timestamp, convert it to normal timestamp.

                    //Create the command that we send to the database to insert the new row.
                    cmd = "call addStatus(" +
                    row["ID"] + ",'" +
                    row["Time"] + "'," +
                    row["Active"] + "," +
                    row["AN"] + "," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["X"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["X"] : "null") + "," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["Y"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Y"] : "null") + "," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["SampleRate"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["SampleRate"] : "null") + "," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["LocRate"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["LocRate"] : "null") + "," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["Leds"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Leds"] : "null") + "," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["Power"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Power"] : "null") + "," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["Frequency"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Frequency"] : "null") + "," +
                    ((int.TryParse(row["Conn"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Conn"] : "null") + ");";
                    Console.WriteLine("Add Status OK");

                    //Update the MySQL-database (if it is available)
                    if (MySQLAllowedConn)
                        returnSet = MySQLConn.Query(cmd);
                    Console.WriteLine("Query OK");

            return returnSet;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sub-function that takes a dataset which holds (a number of) sensormeasurements and saves these to the database.
        /// Note: the MAC-address (SunSpot) or the Unique ID (TelosB) has to be in the database or the measurement will be ignored and not saved tot he database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Set">DataSet with the table that contains the sensormeasurement.</param>
        /// <returns>The last UID of the inserted row (which means an int >= 1) anything else means the last insert failed.</returns>
        private DataSet AddSensorMeasurements(DataSet Set)
            DataSet returnSet = new DataSet();
            DataSet tempSet   = new DataSet();

            double temp;
            int    tempint;
            string cmd = "";

            foreach (DataRow row in Set.Tables[0].Rows) //Run through every sensor in the xml-message
                string CheckIfNodeInDB = "call getNodeID('" + row["ID"].ToString() + "');";

                    if (MySQLAllowedConn)
                        tempSet = MySQLConn.Query(CheckIfNodeInDB);
                catch (Exception e_mysql)
                    SocketServer.LogError(e_mysql, "LogServer.txt");

                #region add node to DB
                if (tempSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)  //If the sensor is in the database, proceed with inserting the new measurements into the database.
                    string addTelosb = "call addSensorToDBTelosb('" + row["ID"] + "'," + "2);";

                        //Update the MySQL-database (if it is available)
                        if (MySQLAllowedConn)
                            returnSet = MySQLConn.Query(addTelosb);
                        Console.WriteLine("Query OK");
                    catch (Exception e_mysql)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to add node to the DB");
                        SocketServer.LogError(e_mysql, "LogServer.txt");
                        //return Set;

                if (Set.DataSetName == "SensorMeasurements")
                    int TimeSecs;
                    if (int.TryParse(row["Time"].ToString(), out TimeSecs))
                        row["Time"] = ConvertUnixToLocalTimeStamp(TimeSecs);        //SunSpot sends the timestamp as unix-timestamp, convert it to normal timestamp.
                    //Create the command that we send to the database to insert the new row.
                    cmd = "call addSensorMeasurements('" +
                          row["ID"] + "','" +
                          row["Time"] + "','" +
                          row["Temp"] + "','" +
                          row["Light"] + "'," +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["Humidity"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["Humidity"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Power"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Power"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["TiltX"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["TiltX"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["TiltY"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["TiltY"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["TiltZ"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["TiltZ"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["AccX"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["AccX"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["AccY"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["AccY"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["AccZ"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["AccZ"] : "null") + ",'" +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Button1"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Button1"] : "0") + "'," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Button2"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Button2"] : "null") + ",'" +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["LED1"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED1"] : "null") + "','" +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["LED2"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED2"] : "null") + "','" +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["LED3"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED3"] : "null") + "','" +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["LED4"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED4"] : "null") + "','" +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["LED5"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED5"] : "null") + "','" +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["LED6"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED6"] : "null") + "','" +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["LED7"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED7"] : "null") + "','" +
                          ((double.TryParse(row["LED8"].ToString(), out temp)) ? row["LED8"] : "null") + "'," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Polling"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Polling"] : "null") + ");";
                    Console.WriteLine("AddSensorMeasurements OK");
                    Console.WriteLine("WSNID is: \n" + row["ID"].ToString());

                    //#region NewSensorData

                    //XElementExtended payload = new XElementExtended("Event",
                    //    new XElementExtended("ID", row["ID"].ToString()),
                    //    new XElementExtended("Type", "NewSensorData"),
                    //    new XElementExtended("Data",
                    //        new XElementExtended("Temperature", row["Temp"].ToString()),
                    //        new XElementExtended("Light", row["Light"].ToString())));
                    ////payload["ID"] = row["ID"].ToString();
                    ////payload["Type"] = "NewSensorData";
                    ////payload["Data"] = new XElementExtended(new XElementExtended("Temperature", row["Temp"].ToString()),new XElementExtended("Light", row["Light"].ToString()));
                    //NewSensorDataEvent(this, new EventMessage("1", payload.ToString()));

                    if (NewSensorDataEvent != null)
                        EventMessage EventData = new EventMessage();
                        EventData.EventSubscriptionId = "1";
                        EventData.EventType           = "NewSensorData";

                        EventData.TagBlink["TagID"]       = row["idnode"].ToString();
                        EventData.TagBlink["Temperature"] = row["temperature"].ToString();
                        EventData.TagBlink["Light"]       = row["Light"].ToString();

                        NewSensorDataEvent(this, EventData);

                else if (Set.DataSetName == "LocationMessage")
                    int TimeSecs;
                    if (int.TryParse(row["Time"].ToString(), out TimeSecs))
                        row["Time"] = ConvertUnixToLocalTimeStamp(TimeSecs);        //SunSpot sends the timestamp as unix-timestamp, convert it to normal timestamp.
                    currentID = row["ID"].ToString();
                    Positioning.Point pos = new Positioning.Point(0, 0);
                    Node CurrentBlindNode;

                    if (!BlindNodes.Exists(ExistsNode))
                        BlindNodes.Add(new Node(row["ID"].ToString(), MySQLConn, row["ANode"].ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(row["RSSI"].ToString())));
                        Console.WriteLine("Added new BN to be positioned\n\n\n");
                        CurrentBlindNode = BlindNodes.Find(ExistsNode);
                        CurrentBlindNode = BlindNodes.Find(ExistsNode);
                        CurrentBlindNode.AddAnchor(row["ANode"].ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(row["RSSI"].ToString()));

                    //TODO: switch on the bulletlist or whatever you use to select the algorithm

                    pos = CentroidLocalization.CalculatePosition(CurrentBlindNode);
                    Console.WriteLine("Position succesfully calculated, x = {0}, y = {1}", pos.x.ToString(), pos.y.ToString());

                    //Create the command that we send to the database to insert the new row.
                    cmd = "call addLocalizationData(" +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["RSSI"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["RSSI"] : "null") + "," +

                          pos.x.ToString() + "," +
                          pos.y.ToString() + "," +

                          ((int.TryParse(row["Z"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Z"] : "null") + "," +
                          row["ID"] + ",'" +
                          row["Time"] + "'," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["ANode"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["ANode"] : "null") + ",'" +
                          "Centroid Localization" + "');";
                    Console.WriteLine("Add location OK");

                    //#region NewPosition

                    //conform to the RTLS ANSI API
                    //XElementExtended payload = new XElementExtended("Event",
                    //    new XElementExtended("ID", row["ID"].ToString()),
                    //    new XElementExtended("Type", "NewPosition"),
                    //    new XElementExtended("Data",
                    //        new XElementExtended("X", row["X"].ToString()),
                    //        new XElementExtended("Y", row["Y"].ToString())));
                    //NewPositionEvent(this, new EventMessage("2" ,payload.ToString()));

                else if (Set.DataSetName == "StatusMessage")
                    int TimeSecs;
                    if (int.TryParse(row["Time"].ToString(), out TimeSecs))
                        row["Time"] = ConvertUnixToLocalTimeStamp(TimeSecs);        //SunSpot sends the timestamp as unix-timestamp, convert it to normal timestamp.
                    //Create the command that we send to the database to insert the new row.
                    cmd = "call addStatus(" +
                          row["ID"] + ",'" +
                          row["Time"] + "'," +
                          row["Active"] + "," +
                          row["AN"] + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["X"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["X"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Y"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Y"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["SampleRate"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["SampleRate"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["LocRate"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["LocRate"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Leds"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Leds"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Power"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Power"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Frequency"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Frequency"] : "null") + "," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["Conn"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Conn"] : "null") + ");";
                    Console.WriteLine("Add Status OK");

                    //Update the MySQL-database (if it is available)
                    if (MySQLAllowedConn)
                        returnSet = MySQLConn.Query(cmd);
                    Console.WriteLine("Query OK");

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the blind node data
        /// Adds the node to BlindNodes
        /// Updates the RSS
        /// Performs the requested localization algorithm
        /// Forms the query to put the RSS and postion in the database
        /// Possibly throws an event as described in the event section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string ParseBlind(DataRow row, string nodeId)
            string cmd, currentID;
            int tempint;

                int TimeSecs;
                if (int.TryParse(row["Time"].ToString(), out TimeSecs))
                    row["Time"] = ConvertUnixToLocalTimeStamp(TimeSecs);
                        //SunSpot sends the timestamp as unix-timestamp, convert it to normal timestamp.

                currentID = row["ID"].ToString();
                Positioning.Point pos = new Positioning.Point(0, 0);
                Node CurrentNode;

                    if (!BlindNodes.Exists(BN => BN.WsnIdProperty == currentID))
                        BlindNodes.Add(new Node(row["ID"].ToString(), MySQLConn));
                        Console.WriteLine("Added new BN to be positioned\n\n\n");
                        CurrentNode = BlindNodes.Find(BN => BN.WsnIdProperty == currentID);
                        CurrentNode.UpdateAnchors(row["ANode"].ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(row["RSSI"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(row["VANs"]), DateTime.Now);

                        //TODO: check if automatically updated
                        CurrentNode = BlindNodes.Find(BN => BN.WsnIdProperty == currentID);

                    Node.FilterMethod myFilter = new Node.FilterMethod(RangeBasedPositioning.MedianFilter);;
                    Node.RangingMethod myRanging;

                    if (SelectedCalibration != "Disabled")
                        myRanging = new Node.RangingMethod(RangeBasedPositioning.Ranging);
                        myRanging = new Node.RangingMethod(RangeBasedPositioning.DefaultRanging);

                    switch (SelectedFilter)
                        case "Median":
                            myFilter = new Node.FilterMethod(RangeBasedPositioning.MedianFilter);
                        case "Average":
                            myFilter = new Node.FilterMethod(RangeBasedPositioning.AverageFilter);
                        case "NoFilter":
                            myFilter = new Node.FilterMethod(RangeBasedPositioning.NoFilter);

                    switch (SelectedAlgorithm)
                        case "CentroidLocalization":
                            //pos = CentroidLocalization.CalculatePosition(CurrentNode);
                            pos = CentroidLocalization.CalculatePosition(CurrentNode);
                        case "MinMax":
                            pos = MinMax.CalculatePosition(CurrentNode, myFilter, myRanging, UseMultihop);
                        case "Trilateration":
                            pos = ExtendedTrilateration.CalculatePosition(CurrentNode, myFilter, myRanging, UseMultihop);
                        case "ExtendedTrilateration":
                            pos = ExtendedTrilateration.CalculatePosition(CurrentNode, myFilter, myRanging, UseMultihop);
                        case "ExtendedMinMax":
                            pos = MinMaxExtended.CalculatePosition(CurrentNode, myFilter, myRanging, UseMultihop);
                        case "WeightedCentroidLocalization":
                            pos = WCL.CalculatePosition(CurrentNode, myFilter);
                        case "LSTrilateration":
                            pos = LSTrilateration.CalculatePosition(CurrentNode, myFilter, myRanging, UseMultihop);

                    if (pos != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Position was calculated for node: " + row["ID"] + " X = " + pos.x.ToString() + " Y = " + pos.y.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Position for node: " + row["ID"] + " could not be calculated");
                        if (CurrentNode.Anchors.Count < 3)
                            Console.WriteLine("Reason: too few anchor nodes!: " + CurrentNode.Anchors.Count.ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Unspecified error");

                    //Create the command that we send to the database to insert the new row.
                    cmd = "call addLocalizationData(" +
                  ((int.TryParse(row["RSSI"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["RSSI"] : "null") + ",";

                          if (pos != null)
                              cmd += pos.x.ToString().Replace(',','.') + ", " + pos.y.ToString().Replace(',','.') + ", ";
                              cmd += "null, null, ";

                          cmd += ((int.TryParse(row["Z"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["Z"] : "null") + "," +
                          row["ID"] + ",'" +
                          row["Time"] + "'," +
                          ((int.TryParse(row["ANode"].ToString(), out tempint)) ? row["ANode"] : "null") + ",'" +
                          SelectedAlgorithm + "');";

                    //add the position to the position table
                     AddPosition(row, pos, 0);

            #region LocationUpdated

                    if (LocationUpdated != null && pos != null)
                        EventMessage EventData = new EventMessage();
                        //EventData.EventType = "LocationUpdated";

                        EventData.TagBlink["TagID"] = nodeId;
                        EventData.TagBlink["Accuracy"] = WsnEngine.CheckMapBounds(ref pos.x, ref pos.y, "2");
                        EventData.TagBlink["MapID"] = "WsnEngine1map2";
                        EventData.TagBlink["X"] = pos.x.ToString();
                        EventData.TagBlink["Y"] = pos.y.ToString();

                        LocationUpdated(this, EventData);


                return cmd;