Esempio n. 1
        public static GameState Pass(GameState gameState, PrivateAuctionRound round, Player passingPlayer)
            if (round.CurrentAuction != null)
                var newAuction = round.CurrentAuction.Pass(passingPlayer);
                if (newAuction.IsComplete)
                    return CompleteAuction(gameState, round);

                // auction continues                    
                round = round.Update(auction: newAuction, activePlayer: newAuction.GetNextPlayer());
                return gameState.WithRound(round);                    
            else if (round.ActivePlayer == round.LastToAct)
                // Exit the auction round early as everyone passed
                var priorityDeal = round.Players.GetPlayerAfter(round.LastToAct);
                var newRound = StockRound.StartOfRound(round.Players, 1, priorityDeal);
                return new GameState(gameState.Game, newRound, priorityDeal, gameState.PlayerStates, gameState.CompanyStates);
                // player elects not to put anything up for auction
                var newRound = round.Update( activePlayer: gameState.Game.Players.GetPlayerAfter(passingPlayer));
                return gameState.WithRound(newRound);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void ValidateBid(GameActionValidator validator, PrivateAuctionRound round, PlayerState actingPlayerState, PrivateCompany selection, int bid)
            var currentAuction = round.CurrentAuction;
            if (currentAuction != null)
                validator.Validate(selection == currentAuction.Selection,
                    $"Bid on '{selection}' is not legal - there is already an auction for '{currentAuction.Selection}' in progress.");
                validator.Validate(bid > currentAuction.HighBid,
                    $"Bid of '{bid}' is not legal - the current high bid is '{currentAuction.HighBid}'.");

            validator.ValidateMultipleOf(5, bid, $"Bid of '{bid}' is not legal - must be a multiple of 5.");
            validator.Validate(bid <= selection.Value, $"Bid of '{bid}' is not legal - overbidding is not permitted.");
            validator.Validate(round.SeedMoney >= selection.Value - bid, $"Bid of '{bid}' is not legal - not enough seed money.");

            validator.Validate(bid <= actingPlayerState.Money, $"Bid of '{bid}' is not legal - player '{actingPlayerState.Player}' has only {actingPlayerState.Money} cash available.");
Esempio n. 3
        public static GameState MakeBid(GameState gameState, PrivateAuctionRound round, PlayerState biddingPlayerState, PrivateCompany selection, int bid)
            if (round.CurrentAuction == null)
                // No auction is in progress so start a new auction for the selected private 
                round = round.StartAuction(biddingPlayerState.Player, selection, bid);
                // Apply the new bid to the current auction
                var newAuction = round.CurrentAuction.MakeBid(selection, biddingPlayerState.Player, bid);
                round = round.Update(auction: newAuction, activePlayer: newAuction.GetNextPlayer());

            if (bid == selection.Value)
                // Maximum bid was made, auction terminates                                
                return CompleteAuction(gameState, round);

            return gameState.WithRound(round);
Esempio n. 4
        private static GameState CompleteAuction(GameState gameState, PrivateAuctionRound round)
            var currentAuction = round.CurrentAuction;
            var stateForWinningPlayer = gameState.GetPlayerState(currentAuction.HighBidder);
            var winningPlayerPrivates = stateForWinningPlayer.PrivateCompanies.Add(currentAuction.Selection);

            var newPlayerStates = gameState.PlayerStates.Replace(stateForWinningPlayer, 
                new PlayerState(stateForWinningPlayer.Player, stateForWinningPlayer.Money - currentAuction.HighBid, winningPlayerPrivates));                

            var seedFunding = currentAuction.Selection.Value - currentAuction.HighBid;
            var remainingPrivates = round.Privates.Remove(currentAuction.Selection);
            var nextPlayer = round.Players.GetPlayerAfter(round.LastToAct);

            Round newRound;            
            if (remainingPrivates.IsEmpty)
                newRound = StockRound.StartOfRound(round.Players, 1, nextPlayer);
                return new GameState(gameState.Game, newRound, nextPlayer, newPlayerStates, gameState.CompanyStates);
                newRound = new PrivateAuctionRound(round.Players, remainingPrivates, null, nextPlayer, round.LastToAct, round.SeedMoney - seedFunding);
                return new GameState(gameState.Game, newRound, gameState.PlayerWithPriority, newPlayerStates, gameState.CompanyStates);