public PartialViewResult EditDistance(string tags, string search)
            //add in delim characters
            char[] delim = { ',', '.', ' ', ';' };
            //get rid of white space if there is any
            tags.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
            search.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
            //split the tags with the defined delimiters
            string[] seperated = tags.Split(delim);

            tag[] terms = new tag[seperated.Length];

            //loop through and compute the Levenshtein distance with each tag
            for (int i = 0; i < seperated.Length; i++)
                terms[i] = new tag();
                terms[i].Name = seperated[i];
                terms[i].MinDistance = ComputeLevenshtein(search, seperated[i]);

            //sort the items from least to greatest

            //pass the terms to the view to display
            ViewBag.result = terms;
            return PartialView("SearchResults");
        //simple bubble sort: innefficient
        public void Sort(tag[] terms)
            tag temp = new tag();

            for(int i=0; i<terms.Length; i++)
                for(int j=i+1; j<terms.Length; j++)
                    if(terms[i].MinDistance > terms[j].MinDistance)
                        temp = terms[i];
                        terms[i] = terms[j];
                        terms[j] = temp;