Esempio n. 1
 public Biome(string name, Ecoregion[] Locations)
     #region Constructor for instantiation with a list of pre-instantiated Ecoregion objects
     locations = Locations;
     maxSelectionValue = Locations[Locations.Length - 1].GetRangeHigh();
     BiomeName = name;
Esempio n. 2
 public Biome(string name, string[] LocationNames, int[][] LocationCriteria, int[][] SelectionInfo)
     #region Constructor for instantiation with information directly from a biome file
     int numLocations = LocationNames.Length;
     locations = new Ecoregion[numLocations];
     for (int index = 0; index < numLocations; index++)
         locations[index] = new Ecoregion(LocationNames[index], LocationCriteria[index],
             SelectionInfo[index][0], SelectionInfo[index][1]);
     maxSelectionValue = SelectionInfo[numLocations - 1][1];
     BiomeName = name;