Esempio n. 1
        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            fpsCounter = 0;
            fpsStart   = DateTime.Now;
            double angle           = (double)e.Argument;
            int    counter         = 0;
            int    pctCounterValue = (trackBar1.Maximum * currentTimeFactor) / 100;

            if (pctCounterValue == 0)
                pctCounterValue = 1;
            //for (int ii = 0; ii < trackBar1.Maximum * currentTimeFactor; ii++)
            System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, trackBar1.Maximum * currentTimeFactor, (ii) =>
                int i = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
                if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                double currentTime = (double)i / currentTimeFactor;
                var tmpDists = new DistPoint[pictureBox2.Width, pictureBox2.Height];
                List <RendererHelper.StarMoved> stars = RendererHelper.GetAngledStars(root, currentTime, angle);
                renderer.Render(stars, tmpDists, flux, i);
                System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref fpsCounter);
                if (i % pctCounterValue == 0)
                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(i * 100 / trackBar1.Maximum, i);
Esempio n. 2
        private void rendererComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            renderer = renderers[rendererComboBox.SelectedIndex];
            List <RendererHelper.StarMoved> stars = RendererHelper.GetAngledStars(root, currentTime, Extensions.DegToRad(trackBar2.Value));

            DistPoint[,] tmpDists = LockDists();
            renderer.Render(stars, tmpDists, flux, currentTime * currentTimeFactor);
Esempio n. 3
        private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
            angleLabel.Text = trackBar2.Value.ToString() + "°";
            currentTime     = trackBar1.Value;
            List <RendererHelper.StarMoved> stars = RendererHelper.GetAngledStars(root, currentTime, Extensions.DegToRad(trackBar2.Value));

            DistPoint[,] tmpDists = LockDists();
            renderer.Render(stars, tmpDists, flux, currentTime * currentTimeFactor);

Esempio n. 4
        public static List <StarMoved> GetAngledStars(IPointObject obj, double angle)
            var    stars = new List <StarMoved>();
            double sin   = Math.Sin(angle);
            double cos   = Math.Cos(angle);

            foreach (Star origStar in RendererHelper.GetStars(obj))
                var star = new StarMoved(
                    radius: origStar.radius,
                    exitance: origStar.exitance,
                    y: * cos - * sin,
                    z: * sin - * cos
Esempio n. 5
        private Bitmap MakeRenderBitmap()
            Color[] palette = new Color[256];
            for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; i++)
                palette[i] = Color.FromArgb(i, i, i);

            double max = double.NegativeInfinity;

            foreach (var star in RendererHelper.GetStars(root))
                if (star.exitance > max)
                    max = star.exitance;

            DistPoint[,] tmpDists = LockDists();

            max /= 9;
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBox2.Width, pictureBox2.Height);

            for (int yy = 0; yy < pictureBox2.Height; yy++)
                for (int xx = 0; xx < pictureBox2.Width; xx++)
                    double br    = tmpDists[xx, yy].brightness / max;
                    int    color = (int)(Math.Log10(1 + br) * 250);
                    if (color > 255)
                        color = 255;
                    bmp.SetPixel(xx, yy, palette[color]);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Render(List <RendererHelper.StarMoved> stars, DistPoint[,] dists, double[] flux, int fluxIndex)

            stars.Sort((a, b) =>;

            double width, height;

            RendererHelper.GetBoundingBox(stars, out width, out height);

            // +++ HACK
            //width = 45;
            //height = 10;
            // -- HACK

            int    xxmax      = dists.GetLength(0);
            int    yymax      = dists.GetLength(1);
            double zoomX      = xxmax / width;
            double zoomY      = yymax / height;
            double zoom       = Math.Min(zoomX, zoomY);
            int    xxoffs     = xxmax / 2;
            int    yyoffs     = yymax / 2;
            double brightness = 0;

            foreach (RendererHelper.StarMoved star in stars)
                int x1 = (int)(( - star.radius) * zoom + xxoffs);
                int x2 = (int)(( + star.radius) * zoom + xxoffs + 1);
                int y1 = (int)(( - star.radius) * zoom + yyoffs);
                int y2 = (int)(( + star.radius) * zoom + yyoffs + 1);

                for (int yy = Math.Max(y1, 0); yy < Math.Min(y2, yymax); yy++)
                    for (int xx = Math.Max(x1, 0); xx < Math.Min(x2, xxmax); xx++)
                        //if (!Double.IsInfinity(dists[xx, yy].dist))
                        //{ continue; }

                        double x = (xx - xxoffs) / zoom;
                        double z = (yy - yyoffs) / zoom;

                        double dist = Extensions.Distance(x -, z -;
                        if ((dist <= star.radius))
                            double theta    = Math.Asin(dist / star.radius);
                            double cosTheta = Math.Cos(theta);

                            //double ydist = - dist;
                            double ydist = - star.radius * cosTheta;
                            if (dists[xx, yy].dist < ydist)

                            double br = Physics.LimbDarkening(star.exitance, cosTheta);
                            dists[xx, yy].dist       = ydist;
                            dists[xx, yy].brightness = br;
                            brightness += br;

            #region Naivni

             * foreach (Star star in stars)
             * {
             *  for (int yy = 0; yy < yymax; yy++)
             *  {
             *      for (int xx = 0; xx < xxmax; xx++)
             *      {
             *          double x = (xx - xxoffs) / zoom;
             *          double z = (yy - yyoffs) / zoom;
             *          double dist = Extensions.Distance(x - star.x, z);
             *          double ydist = star.y;
             *          if ((dist <= star.radius) && (dists[xx, yy].dist > ydist))
             *          {
             *              double theta = dist / star.radius;
             *              dists[xx, yy].dist = ydist;
             *              dists[xx, yy].brightness = (int)(Math.Cos(theta * Math.PI / 2) * 200) + 50;
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * for (int yy = 0; yy < yymax; yy++)
             * {
             *  for (int xx = 0; xx < xxmax; xx++)
             *  { brightness += dists[xx, yy].brightness; }
             * }


            flux[fluxIndex] = brightness / (zoom * zoom);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Render(List <RendererHelper.StarMoved> stars, DistPoint[,] dists, double[] flux, int fluxIndex)

            double width, height;

            RendererHelper.GetBoundingBox(stars, out width, out height);

            // +++ HACK
            //width = 45;
            //height = 10;
            // -- HACK

            double viewAngle = 0;

            int    xxmax      = dists.GetLength(0);
            int    yymax      = dists.GetLength(1);
            double zoomX      = xxmax / width;
            double zoomY      = yymax / height;
            double zoom       = Math.Min(zoomX, zoomY);
            int    xxoffs     = xxmax / 2;
            int    yyoffs     = yymax / 2;
            double brightness = 0;

            double wdy = Math.Cos(viewAngle);
            double wdz = Math.Sin(viewAngle);

            double woy = -200 * wdy;
            double woz = -200 * wdz;

            for (int yy = 0; yy < yymax; yy++)
                double y = (yy - yyoffs) / zoom;

                for (int xx = 0; xx < xxmax; xx++)
                    Geometry.Line ray = new Geometry.Line(
                        origin: new Geometry.Point(
                            x: (xx - xxoffs) / zoom,
                            y: woy - y * wdz,
                            z: woz + y * wdy
                        vector: new Geometry.Vector(
                            dx: 0,
                            dy: wdy,
                            dz: wdz

                    RendererHelper.StarMoved star;
                    double t = FindIntersection(stars, null, ray, out star);

                    if (star != null)
                        dists[xx, yy].dist = t;
                        Geometry.Point  hitPoint = ray.GetPoint(t);
                        Geometry.Vector normal   = star.sphere.GetNormal(hitPoint);
                        Geometry.Line   view     = new Geometry.Line(hitPoint, normal);
                        double          cosTheta = -Geometry.DotProduct(ray.vector, normal); // should be Geometry.CosAngle(...) but as both vectors are normalized this is the same
                        double          br       = Physics.LimbDarkening(star.exitance, cosTheta);

                        // ILLUMINATION
                            foreach (RendererHelper.StarMoved star2 in stars)
                                if (star2 == star)

                                Geometry.Vector toStar2     = new Geometry.Vector(hitPoint,;
                                double          toStar2Size = toStar2.Size;
                                toStar2 = toStar2.Normalize();
                                double dp = Geometry.DotProduct(toStar2, normal);
                                if (dp > 0)
                                    double shadow = double.PositiveInfinity;
                                    foreach (RendererHelper.StarMoved star3 in stars)
                                        if ((star3 == star) || (star3 == star2))

                                        double p = Geometry.GetIntersectionMin(hitPoint, toStar2, star3.sphere);
                                        if (double.IsNaN(p) || double.IsInfinity(p))

                                        if (p < shadow)
                                            shadow = p;
                                    double d = toStar2Size - star2.radius;
                                    //if ((d > star2.radius / 10) && (d < shadow))
                                    if (d < shadow)
                                        br += star2.exitance * dp / (d * d);

                                #region failed attempt to count in nonzero radius

                                 * failed attempt to count in nonzero radius
                                 * Geometry.Point star2Closest = view.GetClosestPointTo(;
                                 * Geometry.Vector star2ToClosest = new Geometry.Vector(, star2Closest);
                                 * double u = Math.Min(star2ToClosest.Size, star2.radius);
                                 * Geometry.Point star2ViewClosest = new Geometry.Line(, star2ToClosest).GetPoint(u);
                                 * Geometry.Vector toStar2ViewClosest = new Geometry.Vector(hitPoint, star2ViewClosest);
                                 * toStar2ViewClosest.Normalize();
                                 * double dp2 = -Geometry.DotProduct(toStar2ViewClosest, normal);
                                 * if (dp2 > 0)
                                 * {
                                 *  double p1;
                                 *  double p2;
                                 *  Geometry.Line viewToClosest = new Geometry.Line(hitPoint, toStar2ViewClosest);
                                 *  int results = Geometry.GetIntersections(viewToClosest, star2.sphere, out p1, out p2);
                                 *  if (results > 0)
                                 *  {
                                 *      double p;
                                 *      if (p1 < 0)
                                 *      { p = p2; }
                                 *      else if (p2 < 0)
                                 *      { p = p1; }
                                 *      else
                                 *      { p = Math.Min(p1, p2); }
                                 *      if (p > 0)
                                 *      {
                                 *          br += star2.exitance;// / (p * p));
                                 *      }
                                 *  }
                                 * }

                        #region NORMAL ILLUMINATION

                         * {
                         *  Geometry.Sphere star2;
                         *  double t2 = FindIntersection(stars, star, star.origin, normal, out star2);
                         *  if (star2 != null)
                         *  { br += star2.exitance / (t2 * t2); }
                         * }

                        #region REFLECTION

                         * {
                         *  var reflection = new Geometry.Vector(normal);
                         *  reflection.Multiply(2 * -Geometry.DotProduct(ray.vector, normal));
                         *  reflection.Add(ray.vector);
                         *  RendererHelper.StarMoved star2;
                         *  double t2 = FindIntersection(stars, star, hitPoint, reflection, out star2);
                         *  if (star2 != null)
                         *  { br += star2.exitance / (t2 * t2); }
                         * }

                        #region REFRACTION

                         * {
                         *  double c1 = -Geometry.DotProduct(ray.vector, normal);
                         *  double n = 1.3;
                         *  double c2 = Math.Sqrt(1 - n * n * (1 - c1 * c1));
                         *  var V = new Geometry.Vector(ray.vector);
                         *  V.Multiply(n);
                         *  var refraction = new Geometry.Vector(normal);
                         *  refraction.Multiply(n * c1 - c2);
                         *  refraction.Add(V);
                         *  Star star2;
                         *  double t2 = FindIntersection(stars, star, hitPoint, refraction, out star2);
                         *  if (star2 != null)
                         *  { br += star2.exitance / (t2 * t2); }
                         * }

                        dists[xx, yy].brightness = br;
                        brightness += br;

            flux[fluxIndex] = brightness / (zoom * zoom);
Esempio n. 8
        private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), pictureBox1.Size));

            // +++ HACK
            //Bitmap bmp = MakeRenderBitmap();
            //g.DrawImage(bmp, (pictureBox1.Width - bmp.Width) / 2, 0);

            //double minFlux = double.PositiveInfinity;
            //double maxFlux = double.NegativeInfinity;
            //for (int i = 0; i < flux.Length; i++)
            //    if (flux[i] < minFlux)
            //    { minFlux = flux[i]; }
            //    if (flux[i] > maxFlux)
            //    { maxFlux = flux[i]; }

            //g.DrawString("© Václav Přibík", DefaultFont, Brushes.DarkOrange, new PointF(510, 480));

            //if (double.IsInfinity(minFlux) || (minFlux >= maxFlux))
            //{ return; }

            //// CzeV343
            ////minFlux = 0.0000000000000081410896090826384;
            ////maxFlux = 0.00000000000001076468493898098;
            //// Zasche
            //minFlux = 1.986293394705849;
            //maxFlux = 2.1336499894654914;

            //int maxWidth = pictureBox1.Width;
            //int maxHeight = 200;
            //int yOffs = bmp.Height;

            //for (int i = 0; i < flux.Length; i++)
            //{ mags[i] = -2.5 * Math.Log10(flux[i] / maxFlux); }

            //double minMag = -2.5 * Math.Log10(minFlux / maxFlux);
            //int logStep = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10(minMag)) - 1;
            //double magStepFactor = Math.Pow(10, logStep);

            //int minX = int.MinValue;
            //for (int i = 0; i < flux.Length; i++)
            //    int x = i * maxWidth / flux.Length;
            //    double mag = mags[i];
            //    if ((flux[i] > int.MinValue) && !double.IsNaN(mag) && !double.IsInfinity(mag))
            //    {
            //        int y = yOffs + (int)(mag * (maxHeight - 20) / minMag + 10);
            //        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, x, y, 2, 2);
            //        if ((minX == int.MinValue) && (mags[i] == minMag))
            //        { minX = x; }
            //    }

            // --- HACK

            double w, h;

            RendererHelper.GetBoundingBoxTop(root, out w, out h);
            float max = (float)Math.Max(w, h);

            float zoom = pictureBox1.Width * 1f / max;

            PaintPoint(g, zoom, pictureBox1.Width / 2, root);