Esempio n. 1
        // Public methods
        public string Encode(string pSource)
            string         encoded = null;
            StringBuilder  buffer  = null;
            EncodingOption option  = null;
            UTF32String    source  = null;
            UTF32String    label   = null;

            UTF32String[] labelArray = null;

            // check if we have encoder or not
            if (null == m_converter)
                throw new ACEException("No ace converter defined");

            pSource = StringUtil.Normalize(pSource);
            if (null == pSource)
                throw new ACEException("Encoding error, invalid input(null, Encode)");

            // Initializes
            buffer     = new StringBuilder();
            source     = new UTF32String(pSource);
            option     = new EncodingOption();
            labelArray = source.Split(Converter.SEPERATORS);

            // for each label do the encoding
            for (int index = 0; index < labelArray.Length; index++)
                label = StringUtil.Normalize(labelArray[index]);
                if (null == label)
                    throw new ACEException(string.Format("Encoding error, empty label: {0}", pSource.ToString()));

                // encode each label
                encoded = this.Encode(label, option);

                // append the encoded
                if (index < (labelArray.Length - 1))
                    // Based on RFC3492, only allow FULL_STOP in
                    // encoded string as seperator

            // return the encoded string
Esempio n. 2
        public string Decode(string pSource)
            string label = null;

            string[]       labelArray = null;
            StringBuilder  buffer     = null;
            EncodingOption option     = null;
            UTF32String    decoded    = null;

            // check if we have encoder or not
            if (null == m_converter)

            if (null == pSource)

            // Initializes
            buffer = new StringBuilder();
            option = new EncodingOption();

            // SHOULD ONLY contain FULL_STOP as seperator(RFC3492)
            labelArray = pSource.Split('.');

            // for each label do the decoding
            for (int index = 0; index < labelArray.Length; index++)
                label   = labelArray[index];
                decoded = StringUtil.Normalize(this.Decode(label, option));
                if (null == decoded)
                    throw new ACEException(string.Format("Decoding error, empty label: {0}", pSource));

                // append the decoded
                if (index < (labelArray.Length - 1))
                    // Based on RFC3492, only allow FULL_STOP in
                    // string as seperator after decoding

            // return the decoded string