/// <summary>
        /// Notifies a character finished training a skill.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account"></param>
        internal void NotifySkillCompletion(CCPCharacter character, QueuedSkill skill)
            var notification = new Notification(NotificationCategory.SkillCompletion, character);

            notification.Description = String.Format("{0} {1} completed.", skill.Skill.Name, Skill.GetRomanForInt(skill.Level));
            notification.Behaviour   = NotificationBehaviour.Cohabitate;
            notification.Priority    = NotificationPriority.Information;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Popup a tool tip for the provided skill, above the given point.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="skill">Skill to display</param>
 public void Display(QueuedSkill skill, Point pt)
     string format = "{0} {1}\n  Start{2}\t{3}\n  Ends\t{4}";
     string skillName = skill.SkillName;
     string skillLevel = Skill.GetRomanForInt(skill.Level);
     string skillStart = (skill.Owner.IsTraining ? skill.StartTime.ToLocalTime().ToAbsoluteDateTimeDescription(DateTimeKind.Local) : "Paused");
     string skillEnd = (skill.Owner.IsTraining ? skill.EndTime.ToLocalTime().ToAbsoluteDateTimeDescription(DateTimeKind.Local) : "Paused");
     string startText = (skill.StartTime < DateTime.UtcNow ? "ed" : "s");
     string text = String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, format, skillName, skillLevel, startText, skillStart, skillEnd);
     Display(text, pt);
        /// <summary>
        /// Popup a tool tip for the provided skill, above the given point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skill">Skill to display</param>
        public void Display(QueuedSkill skill, Point pt)
            string format     = "{0} {1}\n  Start{2}\t{3}\n  Ends\t{4}";
            string skillName  = skill.SkillName;
            string skillLevel = Skill.GetRomanForInt(skill.Level);
            string skillStart = (skill.Owner.IsTraining ? skill.StartTime.ToLocalTime().ToAbsoluteDateTimeDescription(DateTimeKind.Local) : "Paused");
            string skillEnd   = (skill.Owner.IsTraining ? skill.EndTime.ToLocalTime().ToAbsoluteDateTimeDescription(DateTimeKind.Local) : "Paused");
            string startText  = (skill.StartTime < DateTime.UtcNow ? "ed" : "s");
            string text       = String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, format, skillName, skillLevel, startText, skillStart, skillEnd);

            Display(text, pt);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the rectangle a skill rendes in within a specified rectange.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skill">Skill that exists within the queue</param>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the canvas</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the canvas</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Rectangle representing the area within the visual
        /// queue the skill occupies.
        /// </returns>
        internal static Rectangle GetSkillRect(QueuedSkill skill, int width, int height)
            TimeSpan relativeStart;
            TimeSpan relativeFinish;

            // Character is training ? we update the timespan
            if (skill.Owner.IsTraining)
                relativeStart = skill.StartTime.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow);
                relativeFinish = skill.EndTime.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow);

            // Timespan is stable
                relativeStart = skill.StartTime.Subtract(m_paintTime);
                relativeFinish = skill.EndTime.Subtract(m_paintTime);

            int TotalSeconds = (int)TimeSpan.FromHours(24).TotalSeconds;
            double Start = Math.Floor((relativeStart.TotalSeconds / TotalSeconds) * width);
            double Finish = Math.Floor((relativeFinish.TotalSeconds / TotalSeconds) * width);

            // If the start time is before now set it to zero
            if (Start < 0)
                Start = 0;

            return new Rectangle((int)Start, 0, (int)(Finish - Start), height);
        /// <summary>
        /// On mouse move, we hide the tooltip.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void lbSkills_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < lbSkillsQueue.Items.Count; i++)
                // Skip until we found the mouse location
                Rectangle rect = lbSkillsQueue.GetItemRectangle(i);
                if (!rect.Contains(e.Location))

                // Updates the tooltip
                m_item = lbSkillsQueue.Items[i] as QueuedSkill;

            // If we went so far, we're not over anything.
            m_lastTooltipItem = null;
            ttToolTip.Active = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// On a mouse down event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void lbSkills_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // Retrieve the item at the given point and quit if none
            int index = lbSkillsQueue.IndexFromPoint(e.X, e.Y);
            if (index < 0 || index >= lbSkillsQueue.Items.Count)

            // Beware, this last index may actually means a click in the whitespace at the bottom
            // Let's deal with this special case
            if (index == lbSkillsQueue.Items.Count - 1)
                Rectangle itemRect = lbSkillsQueue.GetItemRectangle(index);
                if (!itemRect.Contains(e.Location))

            // Right click for skills below lv5 : we display a context menu to plan higher levels.
            m_item = lbSkillsQueue.Items[index] as QueuedSkill;
            var skill = m_item.Skill;
            if (skill != null)
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                    // "Show in Skill Explorer" menu item
                    var tmSkillExplorer = new ToolStripMenuItem("Show In Skill Explorer", CommonProperties.Resources.LeadsTo);
                    tmSkillExplorer.Click += tmSkillExplorer_Click;
                    tmSkillExplorer.Tag = skill;

                    // Add to the context menu

                    if (skill.Level < 5)
                        // Reset the menu.
                        var tm = new ToolStripMenuItem(String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Add {0}", skill.Name));

                        // Build the level options.
                        int nextLevel = Math.Min(5, skill.Level + 1);
                        for (var level = nextLevel; level < 6; level++)
                            var menuLevel = new ToolStripMenuItem(String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture,
                                                                                "Level {0} to", Skill.GetRomanForInt(level)));

                            int level1 = level;
                            Character.Plans.AddTo(menuLevel.DropDownItems, (menuPlanItem, plan) =>
                                                        menuPlanItem.Click += menuPlanItem_Click;
                                                        menuPlanItem.Tag = new Pair<Plan, SkillLevel>(
                                                                                            plan, new SkillLevel(skill, level1));

                        // Add to the context menu
                        contextMenuStripPlanPopup.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());

                    // Display the context menu
                    contextMenuStripPlanPopup.Show((Control) sender, new Point(e.X, e.Y));

            // Non-right click or already lv5, display the tooltip
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the DrawItem event of the lbSkillsQueue control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void lbSkillsQueue_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Index < 0)

            m_item = lbSkillsQueue.Items[e.Index] as QueuedSkill;
            DrawItem(m_item, e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the tooltip text for the given skill
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skill"></param>
        private string GetTooltip(QueuedSkill skill)
            if (skill.Skill == null)
                return String.Empty;

            int sp = skill.Skill.SkillPoints;
            int nextLevel = Math.Min(5, skill.Level);
            double percentCompleted = 0;
            if (skill.Level == skill.Skill.Level + 1)
                percentCompleted = skill.Skill.PercentCompleted;

            if (skill.Level > skill.Skill.Level + 1)
                sp = skill.CurrentSP;

            int nextLevelSP = skill.Skill.StaticData.GetPointsRequiredForLevel(nextLevel);
            int pointsLeft = nextLevelSP - sp;
            TimeSpan timeSpanFromPoints = skill.Skill.GetTimeSpanForPoints(pointsLeft);
            string remainingTimeText = timeSpanFromPoints.ToDescriptiveText(
                DescriptiveTextOptions.IncludeCommas | DescriptiveTextOptions.UppercaseText);

            if (sp < skill.Skill.StaticData.GetPointsRequiredForLevel(1))
                // Training hasn't got past level 1 yet
                var untrainedToolTip = new StringBuilder();
                untrainedToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Not yet trained to Level I ({0}%)\n",
                                              "Next level I: {0:#,##0} skill points remaining\n", pointsLeft);
                untrainedToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Training time remaining: {0}",
                AddSkillBoilerPlate(untrainedToolTip, skill.Skill);
                return untrainedToolTip.ToString();

            // So, it's a left click on a skill, we display the tool tip
            // Currently training skill?
            if (skill.Skill.IsTraining && percentCompleted != 0)
                var partiallyTrainedToolTip = new StringBuilder();
                partiallyTrainedToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Partially Completed ({0}%)\n",
                                                     "Training to level {0}: {1:#,##0} skill points remaining\n",
                                                     Skill.GetRomanForInt(nextLevel), pointsLeft);
                partiallyTrainedToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Training time remaining: {0}",
                AddSkillBoilerPlate(partiallyTrainedToolTip, skill.Skill);
                return partiallyTrainedToolTip.ToString();

            // Currently training skill but next queued level?
            if (skill.Skill.IsTraining && percentCompleted == 0)
                var partiallyTrainedToolTip = new StringBuilder();
                                                     "Previous level not yet completed\n");
                                                     "Queued to level {0}: {1:#,##0} skill points remaining\n",
                                                     Skill.GetRomanForInt(nextLevel), pointsLeft);
                partiallyTrainedToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Training time to next level: {0}",
                AddSkillBoilerPlate(partiallyTrainedToolTip, skill.Skill);
                return partiallyTrainedToolTip.ToString();

            // Partially trained skill and not in training?
            if (skill.Skill.IsPartiallyTrained && !skill.Skill.IsTraining)
                var partiallyTrainedToolTip = new StringBuilder();
                partiallyTrainedToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Partially Completed ({0}%)\n",
                                                     "Queued to level {0}: {1:#,##0} skill points remaining\n",
                                                     Skill.GetRomanForInt(nextLevel), pointsLeft);
                partiallyTrainedToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Training time remaining: {0}",
                AddSkillBoilerPlate(partiallyTrainedToolTip, skill.Skill);
                return partiallyTrainedToolTip.ToString();

            // We've completed all the skill points for the current level
            if (!skill.Skill.IsPartiallyTrained && skill.Level != 5)
                var levelCompleteToolTip = new StringBuilder();
                                                  "Completed Level {0}: {1:#,##0}/{2:#,##0}\n",
                                                  Skill.GetRomanForInt(skill.Level - 1), sp, nextLevelSP);
                                                  "Queued level {0}: {1:#,##0} skill points required\n",
                                                  Skill.GetRomanForInt(nextLevel), pointsLeft);
                levelCompleteToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Training time to next level: {0}",
                AddSkillBoilerPlate(levelCompleteToolTip, skill.Skill);
                return levelCompleteToolTip.ToString();

            // Error in calculating SkillPoints
            var calculationErrorToolTip = new StringBuilder();
            calculationErrorToolTip.AppendLine("Partially Trained (Could not calculate all skill details)");
                                                 "Next level {0}: {1:#,##0} skill points remaining\n", nextLevel,
            calculationErrorToolTip.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Training time remaining: {0}",
            AddSkillBoilerPlate(calculationErrorToolTip, skill.Skill);
            return calculationErrorToolTip.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the tooltip for the given skill.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        private void DisplayTooltip(QueuedSkill item)
            if (ttToolTip.Active && m_lastTooltipItem != null && m_lastTooltipItem == item)

            m_lastTooltipItem = item;

            ttToolTip.Active = false;
            ttToolTip.SetToolTip(lbSkillsQueue, GetTooltip(item));
            ttToolTip.Active = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the queue list has changed
        /// </summary>
        public bool QueueHasChanged(QueuedSkill[] queue)
            if (m_skillQueue == null)
                return true;

            if (queue.Length != m_skillQueue.Length)
                return true;

            for (int i = 0; i < queue.Length; i++)
                if (queue[i] != m_skillQueue[i])
                    return true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the list item for the given skill
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skill"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void DrawItem(QueuedSkill skill, DrawItemEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            // Draw background
            if (e.Index%2 == 0)
                // Not in training - odd
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, e.Bounds);
                // Not in training - even
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, e.Bounds);

            // Measure texts
            var format = TextFormatFlags.NoPadding | TextFormatFlags.NoClipping;

            double percentCompleted = 0;
            int skillPoints = (skill.Skill == null ? 0 : skill.Skill.SkillPoints);
            int skillPointsToNextLevel = (skill.Skill == null
                                              ? 0
                                              : skill.Skill.StaticData.GetPointsRequiredForLevel(
                                                    Math.Min(skill.Level, 5)));

            if (skill.Skill != null && skill.Level == skill.Skill.Level + 1)
                percentCompleted = skill.Skill.PercentCompleted;

            if (skill.Skill != null && skill.Level > skill.Skill.Level + 1)
                skillPoints = skill.CurrentSP;

            string rankText = String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, " (Rank {0})",
                                            (skill.Skill == null ? 0 : skill.Skill.Rank));
            string spText = String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "SP: {0:#,##0}/{1:#,##0}", skillPoints,
            string levelText = String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Level {0}", skill.Level);
            string pctText = String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{0}% Done", Math.Floor(percentCompleted));

            Size skillNameSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, skill.SkillName, m_boldSkillsQueueFont, Size.Empty, format);
            Size rankTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, rankText, m_skillsQueueFont, Size.Empty, format);
            Size levelTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, levelText, m_skillsQueueFont, Size.Empty, format);
            Size spTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, spText, m_skillsQueueFont, Size.Empty, format);
            Size pctTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, pctText, m_skillsQueueFont, Size.Empty, format);

            // Draw texts
            Color highlightColor = Color.Black;

            TextRenderer.DrawText(g, skill.SkillName, m_boldSkillsQueueFont,
                                  new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + PadLeft, e.Bounds.Top + PadTop,
                                                skillNameSize.Width + PadLeft, skillNameSize.Height), highlightColor);
            TextRenderer.DrawText(g, rankText, m_skillsQueueFont,
                                  new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + PadLeft + skillNameSize.Width, e.Bounds.Top + PadTop,
                                                rankTextSize.Width + PadLeft, rankTextSize.Height), highlightColor);
            TextRenderer.DrawText(g, spText, m_skillsQueueFont,
                                  new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + PadLeft,
                                                e.Bounds.Top + PadTop + skillNameSize.Height + LineVPad,
                                                spTextSize.Width + PadLeft, spTextSize.Height), highlightColor);

            // Boxes
                            new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - BoxWidth - PadRight, e.Bounds.Top + PadTop, BoxWidth,

            int levelBoxWidth = (BoxWidth - 4 - 3)/5;
            for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++)
                var brect =
                    new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - BoxWidth - PadRight + 2 + (levelBoxWidth * (level - 1)) + (level - 1),
                                  e.Bounds.Top + PadTop + 2, levelBoxWidth, BoxHeight - 3);

                if (skill.Skill != null && level <= skill.Skill.Level)
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, brect);
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGray, brect);

                // Color indicator for a queued level
                SkillQueue skillQueue = m_ccpCharacter.SkillQueue;
                if (skill.Skill != null)
                    Brush brush = (Settings.UI.SafeForWork ? Brushes.Gray : Brushes.RoyalBlue);

                    foreach (QueuedSkill qskill in skillQueue)
                        if ((!skill.Skill.IsTraining && skill == qskill && level == qskill.Level)
                            || (skill == qskill && level <= qskill.Level && level > skill.Skill.Level
                            && percentCompleted == 0))
                            g.FillRectangle(brush, brect);

                        // Blinking indicator of skill level in training
                        if (skill.Skill.IsTraining && skill == qskill && level == skill.Level
                            && percentCompleted > 0)
                            if (m_count == 0)
                                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, brect);

                            if (m_count == 1)
                                m_count = -1;


            // Draw progression bar
                            new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - BoxWidth - PadRight,
                                          e.Bounds.Top + PadTop + BoxHeight + BoxVPad, BoxWidth, LowerBoxHeight));

            var pctBarRect = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - BoxWidth - PadRight + 2,
                                           e.Bounds.Top + PadTop + BoxHeight + BoxVPad + 2,
                                           BoxWidth - 3, LowerBoxHeight - 3);

            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGray, pctBarRect);
            var fillWidth = (int)(pctBarRect.Width * (percentCompleted / 100));
            if (fillWidth > 0)
                var fillRect = new Rectangle(pctBarRect.X, pctBarRect.Y, fillWidth, pctBarRect.Height);
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, fillRect);

            // Draw level and percent texts
            TextRenderer.DrawText(g, levelText, m_skillsQueueFont, new Rectangle(
                                                                       e.Bounds.Right - BoxWidth - PadRight - BoxHPad -
                                                                       e.Bounds.Top + PadTop,
                                                                       levelTextSize.Width + PadRight,
                                                                       levelTextSize.Height), Color.Black);

            TextRenderer.DrawText(g, pctText, m_skillsQueueFont, new Rectangle(
                                                                     e.Bounds.Right - BoxWidth - PadRight - BoxHPad -
                                                                     e.Bounds.Top + PadTop + levelTextSize.Height +
                                                                     LineVPad, pctTextSize.Width + PadRight,
                                                                     pctTextSize.Height), Color.Black);

            // Draw the queue color bar
            DrawQueueColorBar(g, e);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a mail alert for a skill completion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queueList">Current Skill Queue</param>
        /// <param name="skill">Skill that has just completed</param>
        /// <param name="character">Character affected</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool SendSkillCompletionMail(IList <QueuedSkill> queueList, QueuedSkill skill, Character character)
            CCPCharacter ccpCharacter = character as CCPCharacter;

            // Current character isn't a CCP character, so can't have a Queue.
            if (ccpCharacter == null)

            string charName         = character.Name;
            string skillName        = skill.SkillName;
            string skillLevelString = Skill.GetRomanForInt(skill.Level);

            var      skillQueueEndTime = ccpCharacter.SkillQueue.EndTime;
            bool     freeTime          = skillQueueEndTime < DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24);
            TimeSpan timeLeft          = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24).Subtract(skillQueueEndTime);
            string   timeLeftText      = timeLeft.ToDescriptiveText(DescriptiveTextOptions.IncludeCommas, false);

            // Message's first line
            StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();

            body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{0} has finished training {1} {2}.{3}{3}", charName, skillName, skillLevelString, Environment.NewLine);

            // Next skills in queue
            if (queueList[0] != null)
                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Next skill{0} in queue:{1}", (queueList.Count > 1 ? "s" : String.Empty), Environment.NewLine);
                foreach (var qskill in queueList)
                    body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "- {0}{1}", qskill, Environment.NewLine);
                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Character is not training.{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine);

            // Free room in skill queue
            if (freeTime)
                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "There is also {0} free room in skill queue.{1}", timeLeftText, Environment.NewLine);

            // Short format (also for SMS)
            if (Settings.Notifications.UseEmailShortFormat)
                return(SendMail(Settings.Notifications, String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "[STC] {0} :: {1} {2}", charName, skillName, skillLevelString), body.ToString()));

            // Long format
            if (character.Plans.Count > 0)
                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Next skills listed in plans:{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine);

            foreach (var plan in character.Plans)
                if (plan.Count > 0)
                    // Print plan name
                    CharacterScratchpad scratchpad = new CharacterScratchpad(character);
                    body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{0}:{1}", plan.Name, Environment.NewLine);

                    // Scroll through entries
                    int i       = 0;
                    int minDays = 1;
                    foreach (PlanEntry entry in plan)
                        TimeSpan trainTime = scratchpad.GetTrainingTime(entry.Skill, entry.Level, TrainingOrigin.FromPreviousLevelOrCurrent);

                        // Only print the first three skills, and the very long skills
                        // (first limit is one day, then we add skills duration)
                        if (++i <= 3 || trainTime.Days > minDays)
                            if (i > 3)
                                // Print long message once
                                if (minDays == 1)
                                    body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{1}Longer skills from {0}:{1}", plan.Name, Environment.NewLine);

                                minDays = trainTime.Days + minDays;
                            body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "\t{0}", entry);

                            // Notes
                            if (entry.Notes != null && entry.Notes.Length > 0)
                                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, " ({0})", entry.Notes);

                            // Training time
                            if (trainTime.Days > 0)
                                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, " - {0}d, {1}", trainTime.Days, trainTime);
                                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, " - {0}", trainTime);


            string subject = String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{0} has finished training {1} {2}", charName, skillName, skillLevelString);

            return(SendMail(Settings.Notifications, subject, body.ToString()));
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a mail alert for a skill completion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queueList">Current Skill Queue</param>
        /// <param name="skill">Skill that has just completed</param>
        /// <param name="character">Character affected</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
		public static bool SendSkillCompletionMail(IList<QueuedSkill> queueList, QueuedSkill skill, Character character)
            CCPCharacter ccpCharacter = character as CCPCharacter;

            // Current character isn't a CCP character, so can't have a Queue.
            if (ccpCharacter == null)
                return false;
            string charName = character.Name;
            string skillName = skill.SkillName;
            string skillLevelString = Skill.GetRomanForInt(skill.Level);

            var skillQueueEndTime = ccpCharacter.SkillQueue.EndTime;
            bool freeTime = skillQueueEndTime < DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24);
            TimeSpan timeLeft = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24).Subtract(skillQueueEndTime);
            string timeLeftText = timeLeft.ToDescriptiveText(DescriptiveTextOptions.IncludeCommas, false);

            // Message's first line
            StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
            body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{0} has finished training {1} {2}.{3}{3}", charName, skillName, skillLevelString, Environment.NewLine);
            // Next skills in queue
            if (queueList[0] != null)
                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Next skill{0} in queue:{1}", (queueList.Count > 1 ? "s" : String.Empty), Environment.NewLine);
                foreach (var qskill in queueList)
                    body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "- {0}{1}", qskill, Environment.NewLine);
                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Character is not training.{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine);

            // Free room in skill queue
            if (freeTime)
                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "There is also {0} free room in skill queue.{1}", timeLeftText, Environment.NewLine);

            // Short format (also for SMS)
            if (Settings.Notifications.UseEmailShortFormat)
                return SendMail(Settings.Notifications, String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "[STC] {0} :: {1} {2}", charName, skillName, skillLevelString), body.ToString());

            // Long format
            if (character.Plans.Count > 0) body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "Next skills listed in plans:{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine);

            foreach (var plan in character.Plans)
				if (plan.Count > 0)
                    // Print plan name
                    CharacterScratchpad scratchpad = new CharacterScratchpad(character);
                    body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{0}:{1}", plan.Name, Environment.NewLine);

                    // Scroll through entries
					int i = 0;
					int minDays = 1;
					foreach (PlanEntry entry in plan)
						TimeSpan trainTime = scratchpad.GetTrainingTime(entry.Skill, entry.Level, TrainingOrigin.FromPreviousLevelOrCurrent);

						// Only print the first three skills, and the very long skills
                        // (first limit is one day, then we add skills duration)
						if (++i <= 3 || trainTime.Days > minDays)
							if (i > 3)
								// Print long message once
								if (minDays == 1)
                                    body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{1}Longer skills from {0}:{1}", plan.Name, Environment.NewLine);

								minDays = trainTime.Days + minDays;
                            body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "\t{0}", entry);

                            // Notes
							if (entry.Notes != null && entry.Notes.Length > 0)
                                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, " ({0})", entry.Notes);

                            // Training time
							if (trainTime.Days > 0)
                                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, " - {0}d, {1}", trainTime.Days, trainTime);
                                body.AppendFormat(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, " - {0}", trainTime);


            string subject = String.Format(CultureConstants.DefaultCulture, "{0} has finished training {1} {2}", charName, skillName, skillLevelString);
			return SendMail(Settings.Notifications, subject, body.ToString());