public void Can_Login_With_Valid_Credentials()
            //Arrange - Create a mock authentication provider
            Mock<IAuthProvider> mock = new Mock<IAuthProvider>();
            mock.Setup(m => m.Authenticate("admin", "password")).Returns(true);

            //Arrange - create the view model
            LoginViewModel model = new LoginViewModel
                UserName = "******",
                Password = "******"

            //Arrange - create the controller
            AccountController target = new AccountController(mock.Object);

            //Act - authenticate using valid credentials
            ActionResult result = target.Login(model, "/MyURL");

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(RedirectResult));
            Assert.AreEqual("/MyURL", ((RedirectResult)result).Url);
        public void Cannot_Login_With_Invalid_Credentials()
            //Arrange - Create a mock authentication provider
            Mock<IAuthProvider> mock = new Mock<IAuthProvider>();
            mock.Setup(m => m.Authenticate("badUser", "badPass")).Returns(false);

            //Arrange - create the view model
            LoginViewModel model = new LoginViewModel
                UserName = "******",
                Password = "******"

            //Arrange - create the controller
            AccountController target = new AccountController(mock.Object);

            //Act - authenticate use valid credentials
            ActionResult result = target.Login(model, "/MyURL");

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));