public void DrawAST() { DrawAST DD = new DrawAST(); DD.root = ParseRoot; DD.Show(); }
public object RUN(Node Root, int NexStateIndex) { if (Root != null) { string Next = ""; if (Root.NodeKind.ToLower() == "conjunction" || Root.NodeKind.ToLower() == "disjunction" || Root.NodeKind.ToLower() == "block" || Root.NodeKind.ToLower() == "mathexp") { Next = Root.NodeKind; } else if (Root.nextstates.Count > 0 && Root.nextstates[0] != null) { Next = ((Node)Root.nextstates[NexStateIndex]).NodeKind; } else { if (Root.NodeKind == "String") { return(Root.RunValue); } if (Root.NodeKind == "_" || Root.NodeKind == "+" || Root.NodeKind == "." || Root.NodeKind == "-" || Root.NodeKind == "*" || Root.NodeKind == "/" || Root.NodeKind == "if" || Root.NodeKind == "then" || Root.NodeKind == "else") { return(Root.NodeKind); } else { return(""); } } Next = Next.ToLower(); switch (Next) { case "conjunction": string DisResult = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Root.nextstates.Count; i++) { if (i == 1) { DisResult += " AND "; } else { DisResult += (string)RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[i], i); } } return(DisResult); case "disjunction": DisResult = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Root.nextstates.Count; i++) { if (i == 1) { DisResult += " OR "; } else { DisResult += (string)RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[i], i); } } return(DisResult); case "block": int SuccessNum = 0; string StringResult = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Root.nextstates.Count; i++) { object RE = null; if (((Node)Root.nextstates[0]).NodeKind == "MathExp") { RE = RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[0], 0); } else { RE = RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[i], 0); } if (RE != null) { try { bool R = (bool)RE; return(R); } catch (Exception ex) { if ((string)RE != "") { StringResult += " " + (string)RE + " "; } } } } return(StringResult); case "encode": string encodedData = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ((Node)Root.nextstates[1]).nextstates.Count; i++) { if (((Node)((Node)Root.nextstates[1]).nextstates[i]).NodeKind == "MathExp") { encodedData += RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[1], i); } else { encodedData += RUN((Node)((Node)Root.nextstates[1]).nextstates[i], i); } } string Res = CD.getStringBitStream(CD.HoffmanCompress(encodedData), encodedData); if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\nEncoding Result: " + Res; } TExtRef.Text += "\nEncoding Result: " + Res; return(Res); break; case "htree": DrawHoffmanTree(); break; case "addf": string Data = ""; bool checkSource = false; if (((Node)((Node)Root.nextstates[1]).nextstates[0]).NodeKind == "MathExp") { Data += RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[1], 0); checkSource = true; } else { Data += RUN((Node)((Node)Root.nextstates[1]).nextstates[1], 0); } ES_Lib.Fact F = new Fact(Data); F.Index = FactCount; F.ProcessFact(); FactCount++; Facts.Add(F); foreach (Rule R in Rules) { for (int i = 0; i < R.IFPART.Count; i++) { Rule.InnerStruct IS = (Rule.InnerStruct)R.IFPART[i]; if (IS.IFPart.Trim() == F.Data.Trim()) { R.IFPART.Remove(IS); IS.IsTrue = true; R.IFPART.Add(IS); } } } if (!checkSource && !AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\nAdded Fact: " + F.Data; TExtRef.Text += "\nAdded Fact: " + F.Data; } if (Data != "" && F != null) { return(true); } break; case "addr": Data = ""; if (((Node)Root.nextstates[2]).NodeKind != "Rule" && !AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\nCannot Add Rule : No Rule To be Added."; TExtRef.Text += "\nCannot Add Rule : No Rule To be Added."; return(null); } bool ifPart = false; for (int i = 0; i < ((Node)Root.nextstates[2]).nextstates.Count; i++) { string LocalData = RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[2], NexStateIndex) + " "; Data += LocalData; NexStateIndex++; if (LocalData.Trim() == "if" || LocalData.Trim() == "then" || LocalData.Trim() == "else") { try { Data += RUN((Node)((Node)Root.nextstates[2]).nextstates[i + 1], NexStateIndex).ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Data += (string)RUN((Node)((Node)Root.nextstates[2]).nextstates[i + 1], NexStateIndex); } NexStateIndex++; i++; } } NexStateIndex = 0; Rule RD = new Rule(Data); float CF = 1; try { CF = (float)Convert.ToDouble(((Node)Root.nextstates[4]).RunValue); } catch (Exception ex) { } RD.CertaintyFactor = CF; RD.Index = RuleCount; RuleCount++; RD.ProcessRule(ifPart); Rules.Add(RD); if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + RD.Data; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + RD.Data; } break; case "rule": ifPart = false; Data = ""; NexStateIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ((Node)Root.nextstates[0]).nextstates.Count; i++) { if ((i == 3 && !ifPart) || (i == 5 && ifPart)) { NexStateIndex++; continue; } object REsp = RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[0], NexStateIndex); try { string LocalData = (string)REsp + " "; Data += LocalData; if (i == 1) { for (int j = 0; j < Facts.Count; j++) { Fact TF = (Fact)Facts[j]; if (TF.Data == LocalData.Trim()) { ifPart = true; break; } } } else if (LocalData.Trim() != "then" && LocalData.Trim() != "else" && LocalData.Trim() != "if" && !AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + LocalData; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + LocalData; } } catch (Exception ex) { bool boolRES = (bool)REsp; if (i == 1 && boolRES) { ifPart = true; } } NexStateIndex++; } break; case "modr,": string[] Old_New = new string[2]; for (int j = 0; j < Old_New.Length; j++) { Old_New[j] = (string)RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[j], 0); } try { int RIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Old_New[0]); for (int j = 0; j < Rules.Count; j++) { Rule NewR = (Rule)Rules[j]; if (NewR.Index == RIndex) { NewR.Data = Old_New[1]; if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + NewR.Data; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + NewR.Data; } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { for (int j = 0; j < Rules.Count; j++) { Rule NewR = (Rule)Rules[j]; if (NewR.Data == Old_New[0]) { NewR.Data = Old_New[1]; if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + NewR.Data; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + NewR.Data; } break; } } } break; case "modf,": string[] Old_New2 = new string[2]; for (int j = 0; j < Old_New2.Length; j++) { Old_New2[j] = (string)RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[j], 0); } try { int RIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Old_New2[0]); for (int j = 0; j < Facts.Count; j++) { Fact NewR = (Fact)Facts[j]; if (NewR.Index == RIndex) { NewR.Data = Old_New2[1]; if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + NewR.Data; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + NewR.Data; } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { for (int j = 0; j < Rules.Count; j++) { Fact NewR = (Fact)Facts[j]; if (NewR.Data == Old_New2[0]) { NewR.Data = Old_New2[1]; if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + NewR.Data; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + NewR.Data; } break; } } } break; case "clear": Facts.Clear(); break; case "ast": DrawAST DD = new DrawAST(); Node Temp = new Node(); Temp.NodeKind = "Main"; Temp.isInitial = true; Temp.Value = "."; Temp.nextstates.Add(ASTDrawRoot); DD.root = ASTDrawRoot; DD.Show(); break; case "explain": if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n Under Construction.."; } TExtRef.Text += "\n Under Construction.."; break; case "facts": string FactsData = ""; Fact FCC = null; for (int j = 0; j < Facts.Count; j++) { FCC = (Fact)Facts[j]; if (FCC.DegreeOfBelieve > -1) { FactsData += FCC.Index + " : " + FCC.Data + " with " + FCC.DegreeOfBelieve + " degree of believe.\n"; } else { FactsData += FCC.Index + " : " + FCC.Data + "\n"; } } if (!AbstractUse) { if (FCC != null && FCC.DegreeOfBelieve != -1) { ResultText += "\n" + FactsData; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + FactsData; } else { ResultText += "\n" + FactsData; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + FactsData; } } return(FactsData); break; case "rrules": for (int j = 0; j < Rules.Count; j++) { Rule FC = (Rule)Rules[j]; if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + FC.Index + " : " + FC.Data; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + FC.Index + " : " + FC.Data; } } break; case "delf": if (Root.nextstates.Count == 0) { Parse.ErrorTracing.Push("Cannot Delete Fact."); return(null); } string Data2 = (string)RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[0], 0); for (int j = 0; j < Facts.Count; j++) { Fact FT = (Fact)Facts[j]; if (FT.Data == Data2) { Facts.Remove(FT); if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\nDeleted at index " + FT.Index; TExtRef.Text += "\nDeleted at index " + FT.Index; } if (Facts.Count > 0) { j--; } } } break; case "delr": string Data3 = (string)RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[0], 0); for (int j = 0; j < Rules.Count; j++) { Rule RE = (Rule)Rules[j]; if (RE.Data == Data3) { Rules.Remove(RE); if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\nDeleted at index " + RE.Index; TExtRef.Text += "\nDeleted at index " + RE.Index; } if (Rules.Count > 0) { j--; } } } break; case "mathexp": string MathData = ""; for (int j = 1; j < Root.nextstates.Count - 1; j++) { MathData += RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[j], 0); } if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + Parse.MathParsing(MathData); TExtRef.Text += "\n" + Parse.MathParsing(MathData); } return(Parse.MathParsing(MathData)); break; case "save": string FilePath = ((Node)((Node)Root.nextstates[1]).nextstates[1]).Value; string SavedData = (string)RUN((Node)((Node)Root.nextstates[1]).nextstates[3], 0); string[] RealSavedData = SavedData.Split('\n'); try { File.WriteAllLines(FilePath, RealSavedData); if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\nData has been saved successfully."; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!AbstractUse) { ResultText += "\n" + ex.Message; TExtRef.Text += "\n" + ex.Message; } } break; //savef<"path",data> case "commands": break; // list engine commands case "getf": break; case "getr": break; case "getfs": break; //make facts group case "getrs": break; case "oc": break; // Open channel case "send": break; // send none encrypted data case "sendc": break; //send cyphered text case "listen": break; //listen to the opened channel case "listenc": break; //listen to the cyphered opened channel case "fattrib": break; //get fact attribute (Indexed) case "clears": ResultText = ""; TExtRef.Text = ""; break;//Clear Screen case "exit": Application.Exit(); break; default: if (Root.NodeKind.ToLower() == "lstatement" || Root.NodeKind.ToLower() == "dstatement" || Root.NodeKind.ToLower() == "pstatement" || Root.NodeKind.ToLower() == "mstatement") { if (Root.nextstates.Count >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < Root.nextstates.Count; i++) { Root.RunValue = Root.RunValue + RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[i], 0); } return(Root.RunValue); } else { return(Root.RunValue); } } else { return(RUN((Node)Root.nextstates[NexStateIndex], 0)); } break; } } return(""); }