// Find and return this rule from the passed in objects
        private NodeReductionRule FindMyRule(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet Objectset)
            if (Objectset.Count == 0)


            object obj;

            obj = Objectset.Next();

            while (obj != null)
                if (obj is CustomRulesCS.NodeReductionRule)

                obj = Objectset.Next();

        // Find and return this rule from the passed in objects
        private BisectorRule FindMyRule(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet Objectset)
            if (Objectset.Count == 0)


            object obj;

            obj = Objectset.Next();

            while (obj != null)
                if (obj is BisectorRule)

                obj = Objectset.Next();

 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the form is applicable to the given set of objects. In this case
 /// only the Raster Function object is used to check compatibility.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objects">Set of object to check against.</param>
 /// <returns>Flag to specify whether the form is applicable.</returns>
 public bool Applies(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet objects)
     for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
         object currObject = objects.Next();
         if (currObject is IRasterFunction)
             IRasterFunction rasterFunction = (IRasterFunction)currObject;
             if (rasterFunction is IPersistVariant)
                 IPersistVariant myVariantObject = (IPersistVariant)rasterFunction;
                 // Compare the ID from the function object with the ID's supported by this UI page.
                 if (myVariantObject.ID.Compare(mySupportedID))
		public void SetObjects(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet objects)
			// supplies the page with the object(s) to be edited including the map, feature layer,
			//   feature class, and renderer
			// note:  the feature renderer passed in as part of Objects is the one created
			//   in CreateCompatibleObject

			object pObj = null;

			if (objects.Count <= 0)
			pObj = objects.Next();

			IMap pMap = null;
			IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoLayer = null;

			// in this implementation we need info from the map and the renderer
			while (pObj != null)
				if (pObj is IMap)
						pMap = pObj as IMap;
				if (pObj is IGeoFeatureLayer)
						pGeoLayer = pObj as IGeoFeatureLayer;
				if (pObj is IFeatureRenderer)
						m_pRend = pObj as IFeatureRenderer;

				pObj = objects.Next();
			if ((pMap != null) & (pGeoLayer != null) & (m_pRend != null))
				m_Page.InitControls(m_pRend as IMultivariateRenderer, pMap, pGeoLayer);

		public bool Applies(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet objects)

			object pObj = null;

			if (objects.Count <= 0)
				return false;
				return false;

			pObj = objects.Next();
			while (! (pObj is IFeatureRenderer))
				pObj = objects.Next();
				if (pObj == null)
					return false;
					return false;

			return (pObj is IMultivariateRenderer);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Supplies the page with the object(s) to be edited
        /// </summary>
        void IComPropertyPage.SetObjects(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet objects)
            if (objects == null || objects.Count == 0)

            m_activeView  = null;
            m_targetLayer = null;

            object testObject;

            while ((testObject = objects.Next()) != null)
                if (testObject is ILayer)
                    m_targetLayer = testObject as ILayer;
                else if (testObject is IActiveView)
                    m_activeView = testObject as IActiveView;
                //IApplication app = testObject as IApplication  //Use if needed
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Supplies the page with the object(s) to be edited
        /// </summary>
        void IComPropertyPage.SetObjects(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet objects)
            if (objects == null || objects.Count == 0)

            //Prepare to hold on to editable objects
            if (m_objectBag == null)
                m_objectBag = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            object testObject;

            while ((testObject = objects.Next()) != null)
                if (testObject != null)
                    m_editor = testObject as IEditor;

            if (m_editor != null)
                IExtensionManager extensionManager = m_editor as IExtensionManager;

                //for (int index = 0; index < extensionManager.ExtensionCount; index++)
                //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(extensionManager.Extension[index].Name);

                UID osmEditorExtensionCLSID = new UIDClass();
                osmEditorExtensionCLSID.Value = "{faa799f0-bdc7-4ca4-af0c-a8d591c22058}";
                OSMEditorExtension osmEditorExtension = m_editor.Parent.FindExtensionByCLSID(osmEditorExtensionCLSID) as OSMEditorExtension;

                if (osmEditorExtension != null)
                    m_osmbaseURL = osmEditorExtension.OSMBaseURL;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates if the page applies to the specified objects
        /// Do not hold on to the objects here.
        /// </summary>
        bool IComPropertyPage.Applies(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet objects)
            if (objects == null || objects.Count == 0)

            bool isEditable = false;

            object testObject;

            while ((testObject = objects.Next()) != null)
                if (testObject != null)
                    isEditable = true;

        void OnChangeFeature(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IObject obj)
            // Don't do anything if the extension is disabled
            if (IsExtensionEnabled != true)

            // Bail if this is not a valid NCGMP workspace
            if (m_DatabaseIsValid == false)

            #region "Groundwork"
            // Grab the FeatureClass name from the Row's Table (as an IDataset).
            IRow     theRow    = obj;
            ITable   theTable  = theRow.Table;
            IDataset theDS     = (IDataset)theTable;
            string   TableName = theDS.Name;

            // Parse the table name in order to strip out unneccessary bits of SDE tables
            ISQLSyntax nameParser = (ISQLSyntax)theDS.Workspace;
            string     parsedDbName, parsedOwnerName, parsedTableName;
            nameParser.ParseTableName(TableName, out parsedDbName, out parsedOwnerName, out parsedTableName);

            #region "Calculate SymbolRotation"
            if (m_DatabaseUsesRepresentation == true)
                if (parsedTableName == "OrientationPoints")
                    // Get the Azimuth from the feature - this is ugly -- why is this m_identifier a double?
                    int Azimuth = (int)Math.Round((double)theRow.get_Value(theTable.FindField("Azimuth")), 0);
                    // Calculate the stupid form of rotation...
                    int Rotation = CalculateSymbolRotation(Azimuth);
                    // Set the SymbolRotation Field
                    theRow.set_Value(theTable.FindField("SymbolRotation"), double.Parse(Rotation.ToString()));

            // Debugging flag to turn off repositioning of related data when stations are edited:
            bool adjustLocations = false;

            if (adjustLocations == true)
                #region "Adjust Samples/OrientationPoints to Match Stations"
                if (parsedTableName == "Stations")
                    // Cast the obj as a Feature in order to access Geometry information
                    IFeature  theStation  = (IFeature)obj;
                    IGeometry stationGeom = theStation.ShapeCopy;

                    // Find related Samples
                    IRelationshipClass          stationSampleLink = commonFunctions.OpenRelationshipClass(m_EditWorkspace, "StationSampleLink");
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet relatedSamples    = stationSampleLink.GetObjectsRelatedToObject(obj);

                    // Loop through the related Samples and set their Geometry to that of the Station
                    IFeature aSample = (IFeature)relatedSamples.Next();
                    while (aSample != null)
                        aSample.Shape = stationGeom;
                        aSample = (IFeature)relatedSamples.Next();

                    // Find related OrientationPoints
                    IRelationshipClass          stationStructureLink = commonFunctions.OpenRelationshipClass(m_EditWorkspace, "StationOrientationPointsLink");
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet relatedStructures    = stationStructureLink.GetObjectsRelatedToObject(obj);

                    // Loop through the related OrientationPoints and set their Geometry to that of the Station
                    IFeature aStructure = (IFeature)relatedStructures.Next();
                    while (aStructure != null)
                        aStructure.Shape = stationGeom;
                        aStructure = (IFeature)relatedStructures.Next();
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the necessary objects required for the form. In this case
        /// the form is given an arguments object in edit mode, or is required
        /// to create one in create mode. After getting or creating the arguments
        /// object, template mode is checked for and handled. The template mode
        /// requires all parameters of the arguments object to converted to variables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objects">Set of objects required for the form.</param>
        public void SetObjects(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet objects)
                // Recurse through the objects
                for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
                    object currObject = objects.Next();
                    // Find the properties to be set.
                    if (currObject is IPropertySet)
                        IPropertySet uiParameters = (IPropertySet)currObject;
                        object       names, values;
                        uiParameters.GetAllProperties(out names, out values);

                        bool disableForm = false;
                        try { disableForm = Convert.ToBoolean(uiParameters.GetProperty("RFxPropPageIsReadOnly")); }
                        catch (Exception) { }

                        if (disableForm)
                            isFormReadOnly = true;
                            isFormReadOnly = false;

                        // Check if the arguments object exists in the property set.
                        object functionArgument = null;
                        try { functionArgument = uiParameters.GetProperty("RFxArgument"); }
                        catch (Exception) { }
                        // If not, the form is in create mode.
                        if (functionArgument == null)
                            #region Create Mode
                            // Create a new arguments object.
                            myArgs = new NDVICustomFunctionArguments();
                            // Create a new property and set the arguments object on it.
                            uiParameters.SetProperty("RFxArgument", myArgs);
                            // Check if a default raster is supplied.
                            object defaultRaster = null;
                            try { defaultRaster = uiParameters.GetProperty("RFxDefaultInputRaster"); }
                            catch (Exception) { }
                            if (defaultRaster != null) // If it is, set it to the raster property.
                                myArgs.Raster = defaultRaster;
                            // Check if the form is in template mode.
                            templateMode = (bool)uiParameters.GetProperty("RFxTemplateEditMode");
                            if (templateMode)
                                // Since we are in create mode already, new variables have to be
                                // created for each property of the arguments object.
                                #region Create Variables
                                if (defaultRaster != null)
                                    // If a default raster is supplied and it is a variable,
                                    // there is no need to create one.
                                    if (defaultRaster is IRasterFunctionVariable)
                                        myRasterVar = (IRasterFunctionVariable)defaultRaster;
                                        // Create variable object for the InputRaster property.
                                        myRasterVar           = new RasterFunctionVariableClass();
                                        myRasterVar.Value     = defaultRaster;
                                        myRasterVar.Name      = "InputRaster";
                                        myRasterVar.IsDataset = true;

                                // Create a variable for the BandIndices property.
                                myBandIndicesVar      = new RasterFunctionVariableClass();
                                myBandIndicesVar.Name = "BandIndices";
                                // Use the default value from the arguments object
                                myBandIndicesVar.Value = myArgs.BandIndices;

                                // Set the variables created as properties on the arguments object.
                                IRasterFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArgs =
                                rasterFunctionArgs.PutValue("Raster", myRasterVar);
                                rasterFunctionArgs.PutValue("BandIndices", myBandIndicesVar);
                            #region  Edit Mode
                            // Get the arguments object from the property set.
                            myArgs = (INDVICustomFunctionArguments)functionArgument;
                            // Check if the form is in template mode.
                            templateMode = (bool)uiParameters.GetProperty("RFxTemplateEditMode");
                            if (templateMode)
                                #region Edit Template
                                // In template edit mode, the variables from the arguments object
                                // are extracted.
                                IRasterFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArgs =
                                object raster = rasterFunctionArgs.GetValue("Raster");

                                // Create or Open the Raster variable.
                                if (raster is IRasterFunctionVariable)
                                    myRasterVar = (IRasterFunctionVariable)raster;
                                    myRasterVar       = new RasterFunctionVariableClass();
                                    myRasterVar.Name  = "InputRaster";
                                    myRasterVar.Value = raster;
            catch (Exception exc)
                string errorMsg = exc.Message;