public override void Execute(object parameter)
            // Create UI control
            configureControlsControl = new ConfigureControlsControl();

            // Create view model that interacts with UI and associate it as the data context so all elements
            // of the UI can use XAML binding to utilize the view model.
            ConfigureControlsViewModel vm = new ConfigureControlsViewModel();

            IApplicationAdmin appAdmin = MapApplication.Current as IApplicationAdmin;
            if (appAdmin != null && appAdmin.ConfigurableControls != null)
            // Process each element in the configurable controls collection, looking for those that support configuration
                foreach (FrameworkElement elem in appAdmin.ConfigurableControls)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elem.Name))

                ISupportsConfiguration supportsConfig = elem as ISupportsConfiguration;
                if (supportsConfig != null)
                    string displayName = ElementExtensions.GetDisplayName(elem);
                    ConfigureControlDataItem ccdi = new ConfigureControlDataItem()
                        Label = displayName ?? elem.Name.InsertSpaces(),
                        Element = elem

                    // Add this element to the list within the view model

            // Associate close command with method that will hide the UI
            vm.Closed += new System.EventHandler(vm_Closed);

            // Assign view model as data context for UI
            configureControlsControl.DataContext = vm;

            // Display UI
                configureControlsControl, true);
 void vm_Closed(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     configureControlsControl = null;