Esempio n. 1
        public static LogWhoEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = WhoRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogWhoEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = m.Groups[1].Value,
                    Class = ParseClass(m.Groups[3].Success ? m.Groups[3].Value : null),
                    Level = m.Groups[2].Success ? Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value) : 0

            m = TargetPlayerRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogWhoEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = m.Groups[1].Value,

Esempio n. 2
        public static LogAAPurchaseEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = Rank1Regex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogAAPurchaseEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = m.Groups[1].Value,
                    Cost = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value)

            m = Rank2Regex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogAAPurchaseEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = m.Groups[1].Value,
                    Cost = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value)

Esempio n. 3
        public static LogZoneEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = ZoneChangedRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                var zone = m.Groups[1].Value;
                if (zone == "an area where levitation effects do not function" ||
                    zone == "an Arena (PvP) area" ||
                    zone == "an area where Bind Affinity is allowed" ||
                    zone == "an area where Bind Affinity is not allowed" ||
                    zone == "the Drunken Monkey stance adequately")

                return(new LogZoneEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = zone

Esempio n. 4
        public static LogLootEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = ItemLootedRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogLootEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Char = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Item = m.Groups[3].Value.Trim(),
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[4].Value.Replace("'s corpse", "")),
                    Qty = System.Char.IsDigit(m.Groups[2].Value[0]) ? Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value) : 1,

            m = ItemGrabbedRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogLootEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Char = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Item = m.Groups[2].Value.Trim(),
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[3].Value.Replace("'s corpse", "").TrimEnd()),
                    Qty = 1,

Esempio n. 5
        public static LogOutputFileEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = OutputRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogOutputFileEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    FileName = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),

Esempio n. 6
        public static LogRescuedEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = RescueRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogRescuedEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),

Esempio n. 7
        public static LogChatEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = PrivateChatRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                var source  = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value);
                var channel = m.Groups[2].Value;
                if (channel == "you" || e.Text.StartsWith("You told"))
                    channel = "tell";
                if (channel == "party")
                    channel = "group";
                channel = Regex.Replace(channel, @":\d+$", "");

                return(new LogChatEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = source,
                    Channel = channel,
                    Message = m.Groups[3].Value

            m = PublicChatRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                var source  = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value);
                var channel = m.Groups[2].Value.TrimEnd('s');
                if (channel == "says out of channel" || channel == "say out of channel")
                    channel = "ooc";

                return(new LogChatEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = source,
                    Channel = channel,
                    Message = m.Groups[3].Value

Esempio n. 8
        public static LogTwinEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = TwincastRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogTwinEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.Player,
                    Spell = m.Groups[1].Value

Esempio n. 9
        public static LogAAXPEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = AAXPRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogAAXPEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Total = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value)

Esempio n. 10
        public static LogCraftEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = ItemCraftedRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogCraftEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Char = e.Player,
                    Item = m.Groups[1].Value

Esempio n. 11
        public static LogShieldEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = ShieldStartRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogShieldEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value.Replace("'s corpse", "")),
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value.Replace("'s corpse", "")),

Esempio n. 12
        public static LogCastingEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            // this short-circuit exit is here strictly as a speed optmization
            if (e.Text.IndexOf("begin", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0 && e.Text.IndexOf("activate", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)

            var m = CastRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogCastingEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[3].Value,
                    Type = m.Groups[2].Value == "singing" ?  CastingType.Song : CastingType.Spell

            m = DiscRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogCastingEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[2].Value,
                    Type = CastingType.Disc

            m = ObsoleteOtherCastRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogCastingEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[3].Value,
                    Type = m.Groups[2].Value == "sing a song" ? CastingType.Song : CastingType.Spell

Esempio n. 13
        public static LogLocationEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = LocationRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogLocationEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Y = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    X = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Z = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value)

Esempio n. 14
        // [Mon Mar 18 23:29:08 2019] Your guildmate Smiddy has completed Smithing (50) achievement.

        public static LogSkillEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = SkillRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                var skill = m.Groups[1].Value;
                return(new LogSkillEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = m.Groups[1].Value,
                    Level = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value)

Esempio n. 15
        public static LogDiceRollEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = RandomRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogDiceRollEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Min = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Max = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Roll = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value),

Esempio n. 16
        public static LogConEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = ConRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogConEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = m.Groups[1].Value,
                    Faction = m.Groups[3].Value,
                    Strength = m.Groups[4].Value,
                    Level = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[5].Value),
                    Rare = m.Groups[2].Success

Esempio n. 17
        public static LogDeathEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = DeathRegex3.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogDeathEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value)

            if (e.Text.IndexOf("slain", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)

            m = DeathRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogDeathEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    KillShot = e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value)

            m = DeathRegex2.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogDeathEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    KillShot = e.Player

Esempio n. 18
        public static LogCritEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            if (e.Timestamp > MaxDate)

            var m = MeleeCriticalRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogCritEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Sequence = LogCritSequence.BeforeHit

            m = SpellCriticalRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                // if others crits are on, the game will produce 2 versions of the critical message
                // we can ignore one of them (the 3rd party one)
                if (m.Groups[1].Value != e.Player)
                    return new LogCritEvent
                               Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                               Source    = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                               Amount    = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
                               Sequence  = LogCritSequence.AfterHit

Esempio n. 19
        public static LogTauntEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = TauntRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogTauntEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value),

            m = CriticalTauntRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogTauntEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value),

            m = AETauntRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogTauntEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = null,

Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a single line from the log file and return an event that describes the line.
        /// If none of the event parsers can handle the line then a LogRawEvent will be returned.
        /// If the line is blank or the date is malformed then a null will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        public LogEvent ParseLine(string text)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Player))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Log owner player name must be set prior to parsing.");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            // convert a raw log message line to a LogRawEvent (this can return a null)
            var raw = LogRawEvent.Parse(text);

            if (raw == null)

            raw.Player = Player;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to convert a LogRawEvent to a more specific type of event.
        /// </summary>
        private LogEvent ParseEvent(LogRawEvent raw)
            // GamParse exports the first line in single fight log files as
            // [Mon Jan 01 01:01:01 1990]
            if (raw.Timestamp.Year == 1990)
                raw.Timestamp = MinDate;

            // ignore if timestamp out of range
            if (raw.Timestamp < MinDate || raw.Timestamp > MaxDate)

            // ignore spam
            if (Ignore.Contains(raw.Text, StringComparer.Ordinal))

            // call each custom parser until one returns a non null result
            for (int i = 0; i < Parsers.Count; i++)
                var result = Parsers[i](raw);
                if (result != null)

            // if no match was found then just return the raw event
            // this is useful for catching parsing left-overs that slipped through regex checks
Esempio n. 22
        // mission reward
        // [Tue Dec 21 22:05:13 2021] You receive 318 platinum.

        public static LogCoinEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = LootRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                var coin = new LogCoinEvent {
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp
                var amounts = AmountRegex.Matches(e.Text);
                foreach (Match amount in amounts)
                    var k = amount.Groups[2].Value;
                    var v = Int32.Parse(amount.Groups[1].Value);
                    if (k == "platinum")
                        coin.Platinum = v;
                    if (k == "gold")
                        coin.Gold = v;
                    if (k == "silver")
                        coin.Silver = v;
                    if (k == "copper")
                        coin.Copper = v;

Esempio n. 23
        public static LogMissEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            // this short-circuit exit is here strictly as an optmization
            if (!e.Text.Contains(", but", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !e.Text.Contains("resist", StringComparison.Ordinal))

            var m = MeleeMissRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                var type = m.Groups[4].Value;
                if (type == "parries")
                    type = "parry";
                if (type == "magical skin absorbs the blow")
                    type = "rune";
                if (type == "INVULNERABLE")
                    type = "invul";
                if (type.StartsWith("blocks with"))
                    type = "shield";

                return(new LogMissEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Type = type,
                    Mod = ParseMod(m.Groups[5].Value)

            m = SelfResistRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogMissEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = e.Player,
                    Type = "resist",
                    Spell = m.Groups[2].Value

            m = ResistRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogMissEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.Player,
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Type = "resist",
                    Spell = m.Groups[2].Value

Esempio n. 24
        public static LogHitEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            // this short-circuit exit is here strictly as a speed optimization
            // this is the slowest parser of all and wasting time here slows down parsing quite a bit
            // "Bob has taken 1 damage" -- minimum possible occurance is at character 15?
            //if (e.Text.Length < 30 || e.Text.IndexOf("damage", 15) < 0)
            if (e.Text.IndexOf("damage", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)

            LogEventMod mod = 0;
            var         m   = HitModRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                mod = ParseMod(m.Groups[1].Value);

            // rather than parsing self hits, we can use FixName to convert "yourself"
            //m = SelfDamageRegex.Match(e.Text);
            //if (m.Success)
            //    return new LogHitEvent()
            //    {
            //        Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
            //        Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
            //        Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
            //        Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
            //        Spell = m.Groups[3].Value,
            //        Type = "self"
            //    };

            m = MeleeHitRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                var type = m.Groups[2].Value;
                if (type == "frenzy on" || type == "frenzies on")
                    type = "frenzy";

                return(new LogHitEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Type = type,
                    //Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Target = m.Groups[3].Value == "himself" || m.Groups[3].Value == "herself" || m.Groups[3].Value == "itself" ? e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value) : e.FixName(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value),
                    Mod = mod

            m = NukeDamageRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogHitEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[4].Value,
                    Type = "dd",
                    Mod = mod

            m = OwnDoTDamageRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogHitEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Source = e.Player,
                    Spell = m.Groups[3].Value,
                    Type = "dot",
                    Mod = mod

            m = OtherDoTDamageRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogHitEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[4].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[3].Value,
                    Type = "dot",
                    Mod = mod

            m = DamageShieldRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogHitEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Type = "ds"

            // this is obsolete but doesn't interfere with any current log messages and has minimal impact on parsing performance
            m = ObsoleteNukeDamageRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogHitEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Type = "dd",
                    Mod = mod

Esempio n. 25
        public static LogHealEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            // this short-circuit exit is here strictly as a speed optmization
            if (e.Text.IndexOf("heal", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)

            LogEventMod mod = 0;
            var         m   = HealModRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                mod = ParseMod(m.Groups[1].Value);

            m = HoTRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogHealEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = m.Groups[2].Value == "himself" || m.Groups[2].Value == "herself" || m.Groups[2].Value == "itself" ? e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value) : e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    FullAmount = m.Groups[4].Success ? Int32.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value) : Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[5].Success ? m.Groups[5].Value : null,
                    Mod = mod

            m = HoTRegexNoSource.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogHealEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = null,
                    Target = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    FullAmount = m.Groups[3].Success ? Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value) : Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[4].Success ? m.Groups[4].Value : null,
                    Mod = mod

            // InstantRegex will incorrectly capture the obsolete messages
            // the check for the '.' used to exclude them
            m = InstantRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success && !m.Groups[1].Value.Contains('.'))
                return(new LogHealEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = m.Groups[2].Value == "himself" || m.Groups[2].Value == "herself" || m.Groups[2].Value == "itself" ? e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value) : e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    FullAmount = m.Groups[4].Success ? Int32.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value) : Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[5].Success ? m.Groups[5].Value : null,
                    Mod = mod

            m = ObsoleteInstantRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogHealEvent()
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Source = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Target = m.Groups[2].Value == "himself" || m.Groups[2].Value == "herself" || m.Groups[2].Value == "itself" ? e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value) : e.FixName(m.Groups[2].Value),
                    Amount = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    FullAmount = m.Groups[4].Success ? Int32.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value) : Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value),
                    Spell = m.Groups[5].Success ? m.Groups[5].Value : null,
                    Mod = mod

Esempio n. 26
        public static LogPartyEvent Parse(LogRawEvent e)
            var m = XPRegex.Match(e.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                var status = PartyStatus.SoloXP;
                if (m.Groups[1].Value == "party")
                    status = PartyStatus.GroupXP;
                if (m.Groups[1].Value == "raid")
                    status = PartyStatus.RaidXP;
                return(new LogPartyEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = e.Player,
                    Status = status

            m = PartyJoinedRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogPartyEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Status = m.Groups[2].Value == "raid" ? PartyStatus.RaidJoined : PartyStatus.GroupJoined

            m = PartyLeftRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogPartyEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Status = m.Groups[2].Value == "raid" ? PartyStatus.RaidLeft : PartyStatus.GroupLeft

            m = PartyKickRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogPartyEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Status = m.Groups[2].Value == "raid" ? PartyStatus.RaidLeft : PartyStatus.GroupLeft

            m = ChannelRegex.Match(e.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                return(new LogPartyEvent
                    Timestamp = e.Timestamp,
                    Name = e.FixName(m.Groups[1].Value),
                    Status = m.Groups[2].Value == "left" ? PartyStatus.ChannelLeft : PartyStatus.ChannelJoined
