public JsonResult ActivateUser(string Userid) { int result = 0; string msg = string.Empty; //string orgid = Session["OrgId"].ToString(); string orgid = User.OrgId; EPortal.Models.UserRole Userrole = null; EPortal.Models.UserInfo userinfo = null; using (EPortalEntities entity = new EPortalEntities()) { Userrole = (from us in entity.UserRoles where us.OrganizationID == orgid && us.UserId == Userid select us).FirstOrDefault(); userinfo = (from u in entity.UserInfoes where u.OrganizationID == orgid && u.Id == Userid select u).FirstOrDefault(); if (userinfo != null) { if (userinfo.NoOfLogin.HasValue && userinfo.NoOfLogin.Value == 1) { userinfo.NoOfLogin = null; entity.Entry(userinfo).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } } if (Userrole != null) { Userrole.RowState = true; entity.Entry(Userrole).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; result = entity.SaveChanges(); } else { msg = "Please assign role for selected user."; } } return(Json(new { result = result > 0 ? true : false, msg = msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult SaveSelectedRole(string selectedUser, string selectedrole) { //string orgid = Session["OrgId"].ToString(); string orgid = User.OrgId; EPortal.Models.UserRole Userrorle = null; int result = 0; using (EPortalEntities entity = new EPortalEntities()) { Userrorle = (from usr in entity.UserRoles where usr.OrganizationID == orgid && usr.RoleId == selectedrole && usr.UserId == selectedUser select usr).FirstOrDefault(); if (Userrorle == null) { Userrorle = new UserRole(); Userrorle.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Userrorle.UserId = selectedUser; Userrorle.RoleId = selectedrole; Userrorle.OrganizationID = orgid; Userrorle.RowState = false; Userrorle.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now; entity.Entry(Userrorle).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added; } else { entity.Entry(Userrorle).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } result = entity.SaveChanges(); } return(Json(result > 0 ? true : false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Login(EPortal.Models.UserInfo Userinfo) { if (Userinfo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Userinfo)); } JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); EPortal.Models.Organization org = null; EPortal.Models.UserInfo Userdata = null; EPortal.Models.UserRole Userrole = null; bool sendmailper = false; using (EPortalEntities entity = new EPortalEntities()) { try { org = (from o in entity.Organizations where o.Code == Userinfo.OrganizationName select o).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception) { } if (org != null) { Userdata = (from u in entity.UserInfoes where u.OrganizationID == org.Id && u.LogInId == Userinfo.LogInId && u.UserPassword == Userinfo.UserPassword select u).FirstOrDefault(); if (Userdata != null) { Userrole = (from ro in entity.UserRoles where ro.OrganizationID == org.Id && ro.UserId == Userdata.Id && ro.RowState == true select ro).FirstOrDefault(); } var checkformail = (from mc in entity.EMailConfigurations where mc.OrganizationId == org.Id select mc).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkformail != null) { if (checkformail.AfterLoginMail == true) { sendmailper = true; } } } } if (Userdata != null && Userrole != null) { CustomPrincipalSerializeModel serializeModel = new CustomPrincipalSerializeModel(); //FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Userdata.LogInId, true); serializeModel.OrgId = org.Id; //Session["OrgId"] = org.Id; // Session["OrgName"] = org.Name; serializeModel.OrgName = org.Name; //Session["UserId"] = Userdata.Id; serializeModel.UserId = Userdata.Id; //Session["UserName"] = Userdata.Name; serializeModel.UserName = Userdata.Name; //Session["ISApplicant"] = Userdata.IsApplicant; serializeModel.ISApplicant = Userdata.IsApplicant.ToString(); if (Userrole != null) { //Session["RoleId"] = Userrole.RoleId; serializeModel.RoleId = Userrole.RoleId; } string userData = serializer.Serialize(serializeModel); //FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Userdata.LogInId, true); FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket( 1, Userinfo.LogInId, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15), false, userData.ToString(), FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath); string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(GetAuthTicket(GetAuthTicket1(authTicket: authTicket))); HttpCookie faCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, GetEncTicket(encTicket)); Response.Cookies.Add(cookie: faCookie); int cookieSize = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(faCookie.Values.ToString()); if (sendmailper == true) { //getting client ip address string ipAddress = Request.UserHostAddress.ToString(); //getting client browser name string browserName = Request.Browser.Browser.ToString(); //getting client browser version string body = "Hi,Just now someone login to youe acocunt with IP:" + ipAddress + ",Browser:" + browserName + Request.Browser.Version.ToString() + ",If not you please contact us."; string heading = "User login Details:"; if (Userdata.Email != null || Userdata.Email != "") { bool sendmail = SendMail(Userdata.Email, heading, body, null); } } //var log = new logWriter("Login Successful for user:"******"UserHome")); } else { Session["InvalidUser"] = true; return(Redirect("/Home/Index")); } }