public static Dictionary <string, bool> ReadVars(string path, Communicator communicator)
         Dictionary <string, bool> content = new Dictionary <string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
         using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
             using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
                 foreach (var v in XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.VAR).Values)
                     if (!content.TryAdd(XmlHelpers.RemoveCData(v.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.NAME)),
                                         v.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.MONETARY) != "0"))
                         communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo()
                             isWarning = true,
                             message   = $"{Path.GetFileName(path)}: double definition of variable {XmlHelpers.RemoveCData(v.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.NAME))} - second definition is ignored"
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw new Exception($"Failure reading file {path}{Environment.NewLine}{exception.Message}");
Esempio n. 2
        public static Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> > ReadExtensions(string path, Communicator communicator)
            Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> > extensions = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> >();

                if (!File.Exists(path))

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
                    using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
                        foreach (var ext in XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.EXTENSION))
                            ext.Value.TryGetValue(TAGS.NAME, out string longName);
                            ext.Value.TryGetValue(TAGS.SHORT_NAME, out string shortName);
                            extensions.Add(ext.Key, new Tuple <string, string>(longName, shortName));
            catch (Exception exception)
                communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo()
                    isWarning = true,                                                     // do not throw as this not essential enough to jeopardise the run
                    message   = $"Failure reading file {path}{Environment.NewLine}{exception.Message}"
Esempio n. 3
        public static double ReadExRate(string path, string country,
                                        string sysName,            // in future perhaps 'year'
                                        string exRateDate,         // supposed to be TAGS.EXRATE_AVERAGE or TAGS.EXRATE_1stSEMESTER or
                                        Communicator communicator) //                TAGS.EXRATE_2ndSEMESTER or TAGS.EXRATE_DEFAULT
                if (!File.Exists(path))

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
                    using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
                        // find the appropriate exchangerate for the system to run
                        foreach (var rate in XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.EXRATE,
                                                                         hasId: false, uniqueProperties: false).Values)
                            if (rate.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.EXRATE_COUNTRY).ToLower() != country.ToLower())

                            foreach (var prop in rate)                    // in future this could perhaps be 'if (rate.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.YEAR) == year)'
                                if (prop.Key.StartsWith(TAGS.SYS_NAME) && // (non-unique tags are stored as SysName1,SysName2,... in the Dictionary)
                                    prop.Value.ToLower() == sysName.ToLower())
                                    if (exRateDate == TAGS.EXRATE_DEFAULT)                                  // if the user didn't define a concrete date (e.g. June30) use <Default>xxx</Default>
                                        exRateDate = rate.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.EXRATE_DEFAULT).Replace(" ", ""); // e.g. June 30 -> June30 (the former is the content of <Default>xxx</Default>, the latter the tag-name)
                                    string sRate = EM_Helpers.AdaptDecimalSign(rate.GetOrEmpty(exRateDate));
                                    if (double.TryParse(sRate, out double exRate))

                                    ReportError(communicator, path, $"Exchange rate for {sysName} invalid" +
                                                (sRate != string.Empty ? $": {sRate}" : string.Empty));
                return(-1); // note: -1 is also what's used in the file to indicate n/a (thus easier for the caller to just check for -1)
                            // also note: not finding must not be reported here, as the rate may not be required (actually quite likely that data/param/output are in same currency)
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new Exception($"Failure reading file {path}{Environment.NewLine}{exception.Message}");
Esempio n. 4
        public static ExeXml.UpIndDict ReadHICP(string path, string country, string sysYear, string dataYear, Communicator communicator)
                ExeXml.UpIndDict HICP = new ExeXml.UpIndDict();
                if (!File.Exists(path))

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
                    using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
                        // find the appropriate HICP for the respective data- and system-year
                        foreach (var rate in XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.HICP, hasId: false).Values)
                            if (rate.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.EXRATE_COUNTRY).ToLower() != country.ToLower())

                            string year = rate.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.YEAR);

                            string shicp = EM_Helpers.AdaptDecimalSign(rate.GetOrEmpty(TAGS.VALUE));
                            if (double.TryParse(shicp, out double hicp))
                                HICP.SetYear(year, hicp);
                return(HICP); // note: not finding must not be reported here, as the HICP may not be required
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new Exception($"Failure reading file {path}{Environment.NewLine}{exception.Message}");
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary> reads the relevant content of a add-on file into an ExeXml.AddOn structure (see ReadCountry for IMPORTANT NOTES) </summary>
        /// <param name="path"> full path to the add-on-xml-file </param>
        /// <param name="addOnSysIdentifier"> id or name of add-on-system, only info belonging to this system is read </param>
        public static ExeXml.AddOn ReadAddOn(string path, string addOnSysIdentifier, Communicator communicator)
                ExeXml.AddOn addOn = new ExeXml.AddOn();

                // first read the xlm-file into simple property/value dictionaries ...
                Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > ctry, syss, pols, refPols, funs, pars, sysPols, sysFuns, sysPars;
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
                    using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
                        ctry    = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.COUNTRY, hasId: false, singleItem: true);
                        syss    = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS);
                        pols    = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.POL);
                        refPols = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.REFPOL);
                        funs    = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.FUN);
                        pars    = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.PAR, hasId: false);
                        sysPols = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS_POL, hasId: false);
                        sysFuns = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS_FUN, hasId: false);
                        sysPars = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS_PAR, hasId: false);

                // ... then analyse the info:
                GetCountryInfo(addOn.cao, ctry);

                string addOnSysId = GetIdByIdOrName(addOnSysIdentifier, syss, true); // search system by id or name (throws exeception if not found)

                GetPolInfo(addOnSysId, pols, sysPols, refPols, false, addOn.cao, out List <string> polErrors);
                foreach (string polError in polErrors)
                    ReportError(communicator, path, polError);

                GetFunInfo(addOnSysId, funs, sysFuns, refPols, false, addOn.cao, out List <string> funErrors);
                foreach (string funError in funErrors)
                    ReportError(communicator, path, funError);

                GetParInfo(addOnSysId, pars, sysPars, false, addOn.cao, out List <string> parErrors);
                foreach (string parError in parErrors)
                    ReportError(communicator, path, parError);

                // filter the add-on info out (for convenience, could actually also be done in the executable's add-on-handler)
                foreach (var pol in addOn.cao.pols)
                    if (!

                    addOn.polAOControl = pol.Value;
                    foreach (var fun in pol.Value.funs)
                        if (fun.Value.Name.ToLower() != DefFun.AddOn_Applic.ToLower())
                        foreach (var par in
                            if (par.Value.Name.ToLower() == ExeXml.AddOn.PAR_APPLIC_SYS && par.Value.val != DefPar.Value.NA)

                if (addOn.polAOControl == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Policy {ExeXml.AddOn.POL_AO_CONTROL}* not found");

            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new Exception($"Failure reading file {path}{Environment.NewLine}{exception.Message}");
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// reads the relevant content of a country file into an ExeXml.Country structure (see parameters and ExeXml.Country wrt 'relevant')
        /// IMPORTANT NOTES:
        /// - error-reporting:
        ///   - everything that does not at least allow analysing the info throws an exception (e.g. file not found, system not found, ...)
        ///   - other errors are reported via the communicator - if they still allow running the programme via isWarning=true
        ///   - "relaxed" error handling: unlikely errors (which are actually only possible by manual manipulation of the xml-file)
        ///      are ignored without comment, if they do not prohibit the run (if things still work - so what?)
        /// - polices and functions switched to n/a are not read
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"> full path to the country-xml-file </param>
        /// <param name="sysIdentifier"> id or name of system, only info belonging to this system is read, e.g. only relevant uprating indices </param>
        /// <param name="dataIdentifier"> id or name, only info belonging to this dataset is read, e.g. only relevant uprating indices </param>
        /// <param name="ignorePrivate"> if true, private elements are ignored by the reader </param>
        /// <param name="readComment"> if false (default), comments are not read (as the executable does not need them) </param>
        public static ExeXml.Country ReadCountry(string path, string sysIdentifier, string dataIdentifier,
                                                 bool ignorePrivate, Communicator communicator, bool readComment = false)
                ExeXml.Country country = new ExeXml.Country();

                // first read the xlm-file into simple property/value dictionaries ...
                Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > ctry, syss, pols, refPols, funs, pars, sysPols, sysFuns, sysPars,
                                                                  upInds, upIndYears, datas, sysDatas, extSwitch, localExt, extPol, extFun, extPar, indTaxes, indTaxYears;
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
                    using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
                        ctry        = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.COUNTRY, hasId: false, singleItem: true);
                        syss        = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS);
                        pols        = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.POL);
                        refPols     = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.REFPOL);
                        funs        = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.FUN);
                        pars        = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.PAR, hasId: false);
                        sysPols     = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS_POL, hasId: false);
                        sysFuns     = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS_FUN, hasId: false);
                        sysPars     = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS_PAR, hasId: false);
                        upInds      = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.UPIND);
                        upIndYears  = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.UPIND_YEAR, hasId: false);
                        datas       = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.DATA);
                        sysDatas    = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.SYS_DATA, hasId: false);
                        localExt    = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.LOCAL_EXTENSION);
                        extPol      = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.EXTENSION_POL, hasId: false);
                        extFun      = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.EXTENSION_FUN, hasId: false);
                        extPar      = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.EXTENSION_PAR, hasId: false);
                        extSwitch   = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.EXTENSION_SWITCH, hasId: false);
                        indTaxes    = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.INDTAX);
                        indTaxYears = XmlHelpers.GetXmlGroupItems(reader: reader, tag: TAGS.INDTAX_YEAR, hasId: false);

                // ... then analyse the info:
                GetCountryInfo(country.cao, ctry);

                // note that sys-id can be actually the system's id (guid) or the system's name ...
                string sysId = GetSysInfo(sysIdentifier, syss, country, out string sysWarning);
                if (sysWarning != null)
                    ReportError(communicator, path, sysWarning, false);

                // if no data was defined, try to get the best match
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataIdentifier))
                    foreach (Dictionary <string, string> sysdata in sysDatas.Values)
                        if (sysdata[TAGS.SYS_ID] == sysId && sysdata[TAGS.BEST_MATCH].Equals("yes", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            dataIdentifier = sysdata[TAGS.DATA_ID];

                    // if still no data, then issue error
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataIdentifier))
                        ReportError(communicator, path, "No dataset provided and no best match was found for this system.", true);

                // ... note that dataIdentifier can be actually the data's id (guid) or the data's name ...
                string dataId = GetDataInfo(dataIdentifier, datas, country, out string dataWarning);

                if (dataWarning != null)
                    ReportError(communicator, path, dataWarning, false);

                GetPolInfo(sysId, pols, sysPols, refPols, ignorePrivate, country.cao, out List <string> polErrors, readComment);
                foreach (string polError in polErrors)
                    ReportError(communicator, path, polError);

                GetFunInfo(sysId, funs, sysFuns, refPols, ignorePrivate, country.cao, out List <string> funErrors, readComment);
                foreach (string funError in funErrors)
                    ReportError(communicator, path, funError);

                GetParInfo(sysId, pars, sysPars, ignorePrivate, country.cao, out List <string> parErrors, readComment);
                foreach (string parError in parErrors)
                    ReportError(communicator, path, parError);

                GetUpIndInfo(upInds, upIndYears, country);

                GetExtensionInfo(sysId, dataId, extSwitch, localExt, extPol, extFun, extPar, country);

                if (!GetIndTaxInfo(indTaxes, indTaxYears, country))
                    ReportError(communicator, path, $"No values for year {} found in Indirect Taxes Table");

            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new Exception($"Failure reading file {path}{Environment.NewLine}{exception.Message}");