public static bool DoesFormulaContainComponent(string formula, string component)
            if (component == string.Empty)

            formula   = formula.ToLower();
            component = component.ToLower();

            for (int index = formula.IndexOf(component); index >= 0; index = formula.IndexOf(component))
                if (index != 0) //check character before place of finding
                    if (EM_Helpers.IsLetterOrDigit(formula.ElementAt(index - 1)) || formula.ElementAt(index - 1) == '_')
                        formula = formula.Substring(index + 1);
                        continue; //if a letter, digit or underscore: word does not begin with component (e.g. look for 'bun' find 'yabun')

                index = index + component.Length;
                if (index < formula.Length - 1) //check character after place of finding
                    if (EM_Helpers.IsLetterOrDigit(formula.ElementAt(index)) || formula.ElementAt(index) == '_')
                        formula = formula.Substring(1);
                        continue; //if a letter, digit or underscore: word does not end with component (e.g. look for 'bun_s' find 'bun')

        public static bool ContainsIllegalChar(string toTest, ref string errorText, string additionallyAllowedChar = "")
            string illegal = string.Empty;

            foreach (char c in toTest.ToList <char>())
                if (!EM_Helpers.IsLetterOrDigit(c) && c != '_' && !additionallyAllowedChar.Contains(c))
                    illegal += "'" + c + "' ";

            if (illegal != string.Empty)
                errorText = "Illegal character(s) " + illegal + "used";

            return(illegal != string.Empty);