Esempio n. 1
        public EnumerableSolids Xor(KtSolidRegion _)
            //var (solid, hollow) = Clip(region, ClipType.ctXor);
            //var hol = holes.Clip(region, ClipType.ctUnion, true);
#pragma warning disable RCS1079 // Throwing of new NotImplementedException.
            throw new NotImplementedException("XOR method has not been fully implemented yet");
#pragma warning restore RCS1079 // Throwing of new NotImplementedException.
Esempio n. 2
 public EnumerableSolids Add(KtSolidRegion solid)
     var(mainSolids, mainHollows)   = Clip(solid, ClipType.ctUnion);
     var(additionalSolids, hollows) = FixHoles(solid);
     foreach (var reg in mainSolids.Concat(additionalSolids))
         reg.holes = hollows.Concat(mainHollows).Where(reg.Inscribes).ToList();
         yield return(reg);