Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the model in 3D space using the current camera's view matrix 
        /// and projection matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camera">The current camera being used</param>
        public void Draw(FPSCamera camera)
            InputHelper input = new InputHelper();
            if (input.KeyDown(Keys.F))
                temp += 0.05f;

            foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes)
                foreach (BasicEffect effect in mesh.Effects)
                    effect.World = worldMatrix * modelTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index]
                        * Matrix.CreateTranslation(position);
                    effect.View = camera.ViewMatrix;
                    effect.Projection = camera.ProjectionMatrix;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            levelData.models = new List<GameModel>();
            //levelData.positions = new List<Vector3>();
            camera = new FPSCamera(GraphicsDevice.Viewport);
            FPS_Counter_On = config.SettingGroups["DebugFeatures"].Settings["FPSCounterOn"].GetValueAsBool();

            string name = config.SettingGroups["Filenames"].Settings["person"].GetValueAsString();
            person1 = new DrawableModel(Content.Load<Model>(name), Matrix.Identity);

            name = config.SettingGroups["Filenames"].Settings["terrain"].GetValueAsString();
            terrain = new Model();
            terrain = Content.Load<Model>(name);

            sky = Content.Load<Sky>("Models\\sky1");
            // Comment this to remove the framerate counter
            if (FPS_Counter_On == true)
                Components.Add(new FrameRateCounter(this));

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            camera = new FPSCamera(GraphicsDevice.Viewport);
            FPS_Counter_On = config.SettingGroups["DebugFeatures"].Settings["FPSCounterOn"].GetValueAsBool();

            // Comment this to remove the framerate counter
            if (FPS_Counter_On == true)
                Components.Add(new FrameRateCounter(this));
