BuildContext() public static method

public static BuildContext ( IEnumerable parameters, SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, EFUsageContext efContext ) : ContextualLinqParameter>.Dictionary
parameters IEnumerable
context SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext
efContext EFUsageContext
return ContextualLinqParameter>.Dictionary
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the given lambda to see if it is a valid LINQ to Entities expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lambda">The lambda syntax node</param>
        /// <param name="rootQueryableType">The type of the IQueryable instance where a known LINQ operator is invoked on with this lambda</param>
        /// <param name="context">The analysis context</param>
        /// <param name="efContext">The EF-specific view of the semantic model</param>
        /// <param name="treatAsWarning">If true, instructs any diagnostic reports to be flagged as warnings instead of errors. This is normally true when the analyzer cannot fully determine that the LINQ expression is made against an actual DbSet</param>
        public static void ValidateLinqToEntitiesExpression(LambdaExpressionSyntax lambda, EFCodeFirstClassInfo rootQueryableType, SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, EFUsageContext efContext, bool treatAsWarning = false)
            var descendants    = lambda.DescendantNodes();
            var parameterNodes = ContextualLinqParameter.BuildContext(descendants.OfType <ParameterSyntax>(), context, efContext);

            ValidateLinqToEntitiesUsageInSyntaxNodes(descendants, rootQueryableType, context, efContext, parameterNodes, treatAsWarning);
        private static void AnalyzeQueryExpression(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, EFUsageContext efContext, QueryExpressionSyntax query)
            //I can't believe how much easier this is compared to Extension Method syntax! Then again
            //query syntax does mean its own dedicated set of C# keywords, which would means its own
            //dedicated set of syntax node types

            //First item on checklist, find out our root queryable
            EFCodeFirstClassInfo cls;
            bool isConnectedToDbContext = GetRootEntityTypeFromLinqQuery(query.FromClause.Expression, context, efContext, out cls);

            if (cls != null)
                bool treatAsWarning = !isConnectedToDbContext;

                var paramNodes  = ContextualLinqParameter.BuildContext(query, context, efContext);
                var descendants = query.Body.DescendantNodes();

                LinqExpressionValidator.ValidateLinqToEntitiesUsageInSyntaxNodes(descendants, cls, context, efContext, paramNodes, treatAsWarning);