private UserControlContainerResizable CreateInitPanel(UserControlCommonBase uccb)
            UserControlContainerResizable uccr = new UserControlContainerResizable();

            PanelInformation.PanelInfo pi = PanelInformation.GetPanelInfoByType(uccb.GetType());
            uccr.Init(uccb, pi.WindowTitle);
            uccr.ResizeStart        += ResizeStart;
            uccr.ResizeEnd          += ResizeEnd;
            uccr.BorderColor         = discoveryform.theme.GridBorderLines;
            uccr.SelectedBorderColor = discoveryform.theme.TextBlockHighlightColor;


            int numopenedinside = uccrlist.Count(x => x.GetType().Equals(uccb.GetType()));    // how many others are there?

            int dnum = DisplayNumberOfGrid(numopenedinside);


            //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GD:Create " + uccb.GetType().Name + " " + dnum);
            uccb.Init(discoveryform, dnum);
            discoveryform.theme.ApplyToControls(uccr, discoveryform.theme.GetFont);

        public override void Closing()
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Grid Saving to " + DbWindows);
            string s = "", p = "";

            foreach (UserControlContainerResizable r in uccrlist)   // save in uccr list
                UserControlCommonBase uc = (UserControlCommonBase)r.control;

                s = s.AppendPrePad(uc.GetType().Name, ",");
                p = p.AppendPrePad(r.Location.X + "," + r.Location.Y + "," + r.Size.Width + "," + r.Size.Height, ",");

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("  Save " + uc.GetType().Name);


            SQLiteConnectionUser.PutSettingString(DbWindows, s);
            SQLiteConnectionUser.PutSettingString(DbPositions, p);

            string z = "";

            foreach (Control c in panelPlayfield.Controls)
                if (c is UserControlContainerResizable)
                    z = z.AppendPrePad(uccrlist.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(c)).ToStringInvariant(), ",");

            SQLiteConnectionUser.PutSettingString(DbZOrder, z);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("---- END Grid Saving to " + DbWindows);
        public override void Closing()
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Grid Saving to " + DbWindows);
            string s = "", p = "";

            foreach (UserControlContainerResizable r in uccrlist)   // save in uccr list
                UserControlCommonBase uc = (UserControlCommonBase)r.control;

                s = s.AppendPrePad(uc.GetType().Name, ",");
                p = p.AppendPrePad(r.Location.X + "," + r.Location.Y + "," + r.Size.Width + "," + r.Size.Height, ",");

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("  Save " + uc.GetType().Name + " at " + r.Location + " sz " + r.Size);


            EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.PutSettingString(DBWindowNames, s);
            EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.PutSettingString(DbPositionSize, p);

            string z = "";

            foreach (Control c in panelPlayfield.Controls)
                if (c is UserControlContainerResizable)
                    int index = uccrlist.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(c));
                    z = z.AppendPrePad(index.ToStringInvariant(), ",");
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Order.." + index + "=" + (c as UserControlContainerResizable).control.GetType().Name );

            EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.PutSettingString(DbZOrder, z);
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("---- END Grid Saving to " + DbWindows);
        private UserControlContainerResizable CreatePanel(UserControlCommonBase uccb, Point pos, Size size)
            UserControlContainerResizable uccr = new UserControlContainerResizable();

            PanelInformation.PanelInfo pi = PanelInformation.GetPanelInfoByType(uccb.GetType());
            uccr.Init(uccb, pi.WindowTitlePrefix);
            uccr.ResizeStart        += ResizeStart;
            uccr.ResizeEnd          += ResizeEnd;
            uccr.BorderColor         = discoveryform.theme.GridBorderLines;
            uccr.SelectedBorderColor = discoveryform.theme.TextBlockHighlightColor;


            int numopenedinside = uccrlist.Count(x => x.GetType().Equals(uccb.GetType()));    // how many others are there?

            int dnum = DisplayNumberOfGridInstance(numopenedinside);

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("  Create " + uccb.GetType().Name + " " + dnum + " Assign THC " + ucursor_inuse.GetHashCode() );


            uccb.Init(discoveryform, ucursor_inuse, dnum);

            uccr.Font = discoveryform.theme.GetFont;        // Important. Apply font autoscaling to the user control
                                                            // ApplyToForm does not apply the font to the actual UC, only
                                                            // specific children controls.  The TabControl in the discoveryform ends up autoscaling most stuff
                                                            // the children directly attached to the discoveryform are not autoscaled

            discoveryform.theme.ApplyToControls(uccr, discoveryform.theme.GetFont);

            uccr.Location = pos;
            uccr.Size     = size;


            if (uccb is UserControlTravelGrid)
                (uccb as UserControlTravelGrid).ExtraIcons(true, false);
            if (uccb is UserControlJournalGrid)
                (uccb as UserControlJournalGrid).ExtraIcons(true, false);

 public UserControlCommonBase FindUserControl(Type c)
     if (UserControl != null && UserControl.GetType().Equals(c))
Esempio n. 6
        public void CloseTabList()
            List <int> idlist = new List <int>();

            idlist.Add(SelectedIndex);   // first is current index

            string tabnames = "";

            foreach (TabPage p in TabPages)      // all main tabs, load/display
                UserControls.UserControlCommonBase uccb = p.Controls[0] as UserControls.UserControlCommonBase;
                PanelInformation.PanelInfo pi = PanelInformation.GetPanelInfoByType(uccb.GetType());
                idlist.Add(pi != null ? (int)pi.PopoutID : -1);
                tabnames += p.Text + ";";

            SQLiteConnectionUser.PutSettingString("MajorTabControlList", string.Join(",", idlist));
            SQLiteConnectionUser.PutSettingString("MajorTabControlName", tabnames);
Esempio n. 7
        public void CloseTabList()
            List <int> idlist = new List <int>();

            idlist.Add(SelectedIndex);   // first is current index

            string tabnames = "";

            UserControls.UserControlContainerSplitter primary = PrimaryTab;

            foreach (TabPage p in TabPages)      // all main tabs, load/display
                UserControls.UserControlCommonBase uccb = p.Controls[0] as UserControls.UserControlCommonBase;
                PanelInformation.PanelInfo pi = PanelInformation.GetPanelInfoByType(uccb.GetType());
                idlist.Add(Object.ReferenceEquals(uccb, primary) ? -1 : (int)pi.PopoutID);      // primary is marked -1
                tabnames += p.Text + ";";

            EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.PutSettingString(EDDProfiles.Instance.UserControlsPrefix + "MajorTabControlList", string.Join(",", idlist));
            EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.PutSettingString(EDDProfiles.Instance.UserControlsPrefix + "MajorTabControlName", tabnames);
        public override void LoadLayout()                   // cursor now set up, initial setup complete..
            ucursor_history = uctg;                         // record base one
            ucursor_inuse   = FindTHC() ?? ucursor_history; // if we have a THC, use it, else use the history one
            string splitctrl = SQLiteConnectionUser.GetSettingString(DbWindows, "");

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--------------------" + splitctrl);

            (panelPlayfield.Controls[0] as SplitContainer).RunActionOnSplitterTree((p, c) =>        // runs on each split panel node exactly..
                UserControlCommonBase uccb = ((c is ExtendedControls.TabStrip) ? ((c as ExtendedControls.TabStrip).CurrentControl) : c) as UserControlCommonBase;
                if (uccb != null)     // tab strip may not have a control set..
                    int tagid         = (int)c.Tag;
                    int displaynumber = DisplayNumberOfSplitter(tagid);                         // tab strip - use tag to remember display id which helps us save context.
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("SP:Make UCCB " + uccb.GetType().Name + " tag " + tagid + " dno " + displaynumber);

                    uccb.Init(discoveryform, displaynumber);

            Update();                                 // need this to FORCE a full refresh in case there are lots of windows

            UserControlTravelGrid tg = GetTravelGrid; // if travel grid, link up

            if (tg != null)
                tg.OnKeyDownInCell += Tg_OnKeyDownInCell;
        private UserControlContainerResizable CreateInitPanel(UserControlCommonBase uccb)
            UserControlContainerResizable uccr = new UserControlContainerResizable();

            PanelInformation.PanelInfo pi = PanelInformation.GetPanelInfoByType(uccb.GetType());
            uccr.Init(uccb, pi.WindowTitle);
            uccr.ResizeStart        += ResizeStart;
            uccr.ResizeEnd          += ResizeEnd;
            uccr.BorderColor         = ExtendedControls.Theme.Current.GridBorderLines;
            uccr.SelectedBorderColor = ExtendedControls.Theme.Current.TextBlockHighlightColor;

            int numopenedinsidealready = uccrlist.Count(x => x.control.GetType().Equals(uccb.GetType()));    // how many others are there BEFORE add


            int dnum = DisplayNumberOfGrid(numopenedinsidealready);      // will be at least 1 (si


            //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GD:Create " + uccb.GetType().Name + " " + dnum + " " + numopenedinsidealready);
            uccb.Init(discoveryform, dnum);

Esempio n. 10
        // MAY return null!

        private TabPage CreateTab(PanelInformation.PanelIDs ptype, string name, int dn, int posindex)
            // debug - create an example tab page
            // keep for now
            //TabPage page = new TabPage();
            //page.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22);    // copied from normal tab creation code
            //page.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3);
            //UserControl uc = new UserControl();
            //uc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            //uc.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Inherit;
            //ExtendedControls.TabStrip ts = new ExtendedControls.TabStrip();
            //ts.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            //TabPages.Insert(posindex, page);

            UserControls.UserControlCommonBase uccb = PanelInformation.Create(ptype); // must create, since its a ptype.
            if (uccb == null)                                                         // if ptype is crap, it returns null.. catch

            uccb.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Inherit;               // inherit will mean Font autoscale won't happen at attach
            uccb.Dock          = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; // uccb has to be fill, even though the VS designer does not indicate you need to set it.. copied from designer code
            uccb.Location      = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 3);

            if (dn == -1) // if work out display number
                List <int> idlist = (from TabPage p in TabPages where p.Controls[0].GetType() == uccb.GetType() select(p.Controls[0] as UserControls.UserControlCommonBase).displaynumber).ToList();

                if (!idlist.Contains(UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab))
                    dn = UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab;
                {   // search for empty id.
                    for (int i = UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabs; i <= UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabsMax; i++)
                        if (!idlist.Contains(i))
                            dn = i;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Create tab {0} dn {1} at {2}", ptype, dn, posindex);

            int numoftab = (dn == UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab) ? 0 : (dn - UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabs + 1);

            if (uccb is UserControls.UserControlContainerSplitter && numoftab > 0)          // so history is a splitter, so first real splitter will be dn=100, adjust for it

            string postfix = numoftab == 0 ? "" : "(" + numoftab.ToStringInvariant() + ")";
            string title   = name != null ? name : (PanelInformation.GetPanelInfoByPanelID(ptype).WindowTitle + postfix);

            uccb.Name = title;              // for debugging use

            TabPage page = new TabPage(title);

            page.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22);     // copied from normal tab creation code
            page.Padding  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3); // this is to allow a pad around the sides


            TabPages.Insert(posindex, page);        // with inherit above, no font autoscale

            //Init control after it is added to the form
            uccb.Init(eddiscovery, dn);                           // start the uccb up

            uccb.Scale(this.FindForm().CurrentAutoScaleFactor()); // scale and
            EDDTheme.Instance.ApplyStd(page);                     // theme it.  Order as per the contract in UCCB

Esempio n. 11
        // MAY return null!

        private TabPage CreateTab(PanelInformation.PanelIDs ptype, string name, int dn, int posindex, bool dotheme)
            UserControls.UserControlCommonBase uccb = PanelInformation.Create(ptype); // must create, since its a ptype.
            if (uccb == null)                                                         // if ptype is crap, it returns null.. catch

            uccb.Dock     = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; // uccb has to be fill, even though the VS designer does not indicate you need to set it.. copied from designer code
            uccb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 3);

            if (dn == -1) // if work out display number
                List <int> idlist = (from TabPage p in TabPages where p.Controls[0].GetType() == uccb.GetType() select(p.Controls[0] as UserControls.UserControlCommonBase).displaynumber).ToList();

                if (!idlist.Contains(UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab))
                    dn = UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab;
                {   // search for empty id.
                    for (int i = UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabs; i <= UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabsMax; i++)
                        if (!idlist.Contains(i))
                            dn = i;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Create tab {0} dn {1} at {2}", ptype, dn, posindex);

            int numoftab = (dn == UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab) ? 0 : (dn - UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabs + 1);

            if (uccb is UserControls.UserControlContainerSplitter && numoftab > 0)          // so history is a splitter, so first real splitter will be dn=100, adjust for it

            string postfix = numoftab == 0 ? "" : "(" + numoftab.ToStringInvariant() + ")";
            string title   = name != null ? name : (PanelInformation.GetPanelInfoByPanelID(ptype).WindowTitle + postfix);

            uccb.Name = title;              // for debugging use

            TabPage page = new TabPage(title);

            page.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22);    // copied from normal tab creation code
            page.Padding  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3);


            TabPages.Insert(posindex, page);

            //Init control after it is added to the form
            uccb.Init(eddiscovery, dn); // start the uccb up

            if (dotheme)                // only user created ones need themeing
                EDDTheme.Instance.ApplyToControls(page, applytothis: true);

Esempio n. 12
        // MAY return null!

        private TabPage CreateTab(PanelInformation.PanelIDs ptype, string name, int dn, int posindex, bool dotheme)
            UserControls.UserControlCommonBase uccb = PanelInformation.Create(ptype); // must create, since its a ptype.
            if (uccb == null)                                                         // if ptype is crap, it returns null.. catch

            uccb.Dock     = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; // uccb has to be fill, even though the VS designer does not indicate you need to set it.. copied from designer code
            uccb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 3);

            List <int> idlist = (from TabPage p in TabPages where p.Controls[0].GetType() == uccb.GetType() select(p.Controls[0] as UserControls.UserControlCommonBase).displaynumber).ToList();

            if (dn == -1) // if work out display number
                // not travel grid (due to clash with History control) and not in list, use primary number (0)
                if (ptype != PanelInformation.PanelIDs.TravelGrid && !idlist.Contains(UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab))
                    dn = UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab;
                {   // search for empty id.
                    for (int i = UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabs; i <= UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabsMax; i++)
                        if (!idlist.Contains(i))
                            dn = i;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Create tab {0} dn {1} at {2}", ptype, dn, posindex);

            uccb.Init(eddiscovery, travelgrid, dn);    // start the uccb up

            string postfix;

            if (ptype != PanelInformation.PanelIDs.TravelGrid)      // given the dn, work out the name
                postfix = (dn == UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberPrimaryTab) ? "" : "(" + (dn - UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabs + 1).ToStringInvariant() + ")";
                postfix = (dn == UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabs) ? "" : "(" + (dn - UserControls.UserControlCommonBase.DisplayNumberStartExtraTabs).ToStringInvariant() + ")";

            string  title = name != null ? name : (PanelInformation.GetPanelInfoByEnum(ptype).WindowTitle + postfix);
            TabPage page  = new TabPage(title);

            page.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22);    // copied from normal tab creation code
            page.Padding  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3);


            TabPages.Insert(posindex, page);

            if (dotheme)                // only user created ones need themeing
                EDDTheme.Instance.ApplyToControls(page, applytothis: true);
