Esempio n. 1
        public async Task Smoke_Tests(TestVariant variant)
            var testName = $"SmokeTestSuite_{variant}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("SmokeTestSuite");
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(variant)
                    ApplicationPath = Helpers.GetApplicationPath(),
                    EnvironmentName = "SocialTesting",
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = IISApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    await RunTestsAsync(deploymentResult, logger);
        private async Task NtlmAuthenticationTest(TestVariant variant)
            var testName = $"NtlmAuthentication_{variant}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("NtlmAuthenticationTest");
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(variant)
                    ApplicationPath = Helpers.GetApplicationPath(),
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment       = true,
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    EnvironmentName             = "NtlmAuthentication", //Will pick the Start class named 'StartupNtlmAuthentication'
                    ServerConfigTemplateContent = (variant.Server == ServerType.IISExpress) ? File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "NtlmAuthentation.config")) : null,
                    SiteName = "MusicStoreNtlmAuthentication",          //This is configured in the NtlmAuthentication.config
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = deploymentResult.CreateHttpClient(httpClientHandler);

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying home page");
                    await validator.VerifyNtlmHomePage(response);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying access to store with permissions");
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithPermissions();

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task NtlmAuthenticationTest(ServerType serverType, RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor, RuntimeArchitecture architecture, ApplicationType applicationType, string applicationBaseUrl)
            using (_logger.BeginScope("NtlmAuthenticationTest"))
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(Helpers.GetApplicationPath(applicationType), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment = true,
                    PublishTargetFramework             = runtimeFlavor == RuntimeFlavor.Clr ? "net451" : "netcoreapp1.0",
                    ApplicationType             = applicationType,
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint      = applicationBaseUrl,
                    EnvironmentName             = "NtlmAuthentication", //Will pick the Start class named 'StartupNtlmAuthentication'
                    ServerConfigTemplateContent = (serverType == ServerType.IISExpress) ? File.ReadAllText("NtlmAuthentation.config") : null,
                    SiteName = "MusicStoreNtlmAuthentication",          //This is configured in the NtlmAuthentication.config
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, _logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, _logger))
                    var deploymentResult  = deployer.Deploy();
                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)
                        BaseAddress = new Uri(deploymentResult.ApplicationBaseUri)

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : _logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, _logger, deploymentResult);

                    Console.WriteLine("Verifying home page");
                    await validator.VerifyNtlmHomePage(response);

                    Console.WriteLine("Verifying access to store with permissions");
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithPermissions();

                    _logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 4
        private async Task OpenIdConnectTestSuite(ServerType serverType, RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor, RuntimeArchitecture architecture, string applicationBaseUrl)
            var logger = new LoggerFactory()
                         .CreateLogger(string.Format("OpenId:{0}:{1}:{2}", serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture));

            using (logger.BeginScope("OpenIdConnectTestSuite"))
                var musicStoreDbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
                var connectionString = string.Format(DbUtils.CONNECTION_STRING_FORMAT, musicStoreDbName);

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(Helpers.GetApplicationPath(), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint = applicationBaseUrl,
                    EnvironmentName        = "OpenIdConnectTesting",
                    UserAdditionalCleanup  = parameters =>
                        if (!Helpers.RunningOnMono)
                            // Mono uses InMemoryStore
                            DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(
                         string.Format(DbUtils.CONNECTION_STRING_FORMAT, musicStoreDbName)));

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, logger))
                    var deploymentResult  = deployer.Deploy();
                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
                    var httpClient        = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)
                        BaseAddress = new Uri(deploymentResult.ApplicationBaseUri)

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);
                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    // OpenIdConnect login.
                    await validator.LoginWithOpenIdConnect();

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 5
        private async Task OpenIdConnectTestSuite(ServerType serverType, RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor, ApplicationType applicationType)
            var architecture = RuntimeArchitecture.x64;
            var testName     = $"OpenIdConnectTestSuite_{serverType}_{runtimeFlavor}_{architecture}_{applicationType}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("OpenIdConnectTestSuite");
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(Helpers.GetApplicationPath(applicationType), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment       = true,
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    TargetFramework       = runtimeFlavor == RuntimeFlavor.Clr ? "net461" : "netcoreapp2.0",
                    Configuration         = Helpers.GetCurrentBuildConfiguration(),
                    ApplicationType       = applicationType,
                    EnvironmentName       = "OpenIdConnectTesting",
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);
                    AdditionalPublishParameters = " /p:PublishForTesting=true"

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
                    var httpClient        = deploymentResult.CreateHttpClient(httpClientHandler);

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying home page");
                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying login by OpenIdConnect");
                    await validator.LoginWithOpenIdConnect();

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 6
        public static void CleanUpApplication(StartParameters startParameters, Process hostProcess, string musicStoreDbName)
            if (hostProcess != null && !hostProcess.HasExited)
                //Shutdown the host process
                hostProcess.WaitForExit(5 * 1000);
                if (!hostProcess.HasExited)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to terminate the host process with process Id '{0}", hostProcess.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("Successfully terminated host process with process Id '{0}'", hostProcess.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("Host process already exited or never started successfully.");

            if (!Helpers.RunningOnMono)
                //Mono uses InMemoryStore

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startParameters.ApplicationHostConfigLocation))
                //Delete the temp applicationHostConfig that we created
                if (File.Exists(startParameters.ApplicationHostConfigLocation))
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        //Ignore delete failures - just write a log
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to delete '{0}'. Exception : {1}", startParameters.ApplicationHostConfigLocation, exception.Message);

            if (startParameters.PackApplicationBeforeStart)
                    //We've originally packed the application in a temp folder. We need to delete it.
                    Directory.Delete(startParameters.PackedApplicationRootPath, true);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to delete directory '{0}'. Exception message: {1}", startParameters.PackedApplicationRootPath, exception.Message);
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task RunDeveloperTests(
            ServerType serverType,
            RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor,
            ApplicationType applicationType,
            RuntimeArchitecture runtimeArchitecture)
            var testName = $"PublishAndRunTests_{serverType}_{runtimeFlavor}_{applicationType}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Publish_And_Run_Development");
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(applicationType), serverType, runtimeFlavor, runtimeArchitecture)
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment       = true,
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    TargetFramework       = Helpers.GetTargetFramework(runtimeFlavor),
                    Configuration         = Helpers.GetCurrentBuildConfiguration(),
                    EnvironmentName       = "Development",
                    ApplicationType       = applicationType,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler {
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = deploymentResult.CreateHttpClient(httpClientHandler);

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered &
                    // measure the cold startup time.
                    // Add retry logic since tests are flaky on mono due to connection issues
                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);
                    var response  = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(() => httpClient.GetAsync("PageThatThrows"), logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying developer exception page");
                    await validator.VerifyDeveloperExceptionPage(response);

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 8
        // TODO: temporarily disabling x86 tests as dotnet xunit test runner currently does not support 32-bit

        //[ConditionalTheory(Skip = ""), Trait("E2Etests", "E2Etests")]
        //[InlineData(ServerType.Kestrel, RuntimeFlavor.Clr, RuntimeArchitecture.x86, ApplicationType.Portable, "http://localhost:5045/")]
        //public async Task OpenIdConnect_OnMono(ServerType serverType, RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor, RuntimeArchitecture architecture, ApplicationType applicationType, string applicationBaseUrl)
        //    await OpenIdConnectTestSuite(serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture, applicationBaseUrl);

        private async Task OpenIdConnectTestSuite(ServerType serverType, RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor, RuntimeArchitecture architecture, ApplicationType applicationType, string applicationBaseUrl)
            using (_logger.BeginScope("OpenIdConnectTestSuite"))
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(Helpers.GetApplicationPath(applicationType), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment = true,
                    PublishTargetFramework             = runtimeFlavor == RuntimeFlavor.Clr ? "net451" : "netcoreapp1.0",
                    ApplicationType        = applicationType,
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint = applicationBaseUrl,
                    EnvironmentName        = "OpenIdConnectTesting",
                    UserAdditionalCleanup  = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, _logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, _logger))
                    var deploymentResult  = deployer.Deploy();
                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
                    var httpClient        = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)
                        BaseAddress = new Uri(deploymentResult.ApplicationBaseUri)

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : _logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, _logger, deploymentResult);

                    Console.WriteLine("Verifying home page");
                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    Console.WriteLine("Verifying login by OpenIdConnect");
                    await validator.LoginWithOpenIdConnect();

                    _logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
        public async Task DotnetRun_Tests(TestVariant variant)
            var testName = $"DotnetRunTests_{variant}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger               = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("DotnetRunTests");
                var musicStoreDbName     = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();
                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(variant)
                    ApplicationPath = Helpers.GetApplicationPath(),
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment = false,
                    EnvironmentName       = "Development",
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);
                    EnvironmentVariables =
                        { MusicStoreConfig.ConnectionStringKey, DbUtils.CreateConnectionString(musicStoreDbName) },

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler {
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = deploymentResult.CreateHttpClient(httpClientHandler);

                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(
                        () => httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty), logger, deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying home page");
                    // Verify HomePage should validate that we're using precompiled views.
                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    // Verify developer exception page
                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying developer exception page");
                    response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(
                        () => httpClient.GetAsync("PageThatThrows"), logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    await validator.VerifyDeveloperExceptionPage(response);

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 10
        public async Task DefaultLocation_Kestrel()
            var serverType = ServerType.Kestrel;
            var testName   = $"SmokeTestsUsingStore_{serverType}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(StoreSmokeTests));
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(), serverType, RuntimeFlavor.CoreClr, RuntimeArchitecture.x64)
                    EnvironmentName = "SocialTesting",
                    SiteName        = "MusicStoreTestSiteUsingStore",
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment       = true,
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    TargetFramework       = Tfm.NetCoreApp20, // There's only a Store on 2.0
                    ApplicationType       = ApplicationType.Portable,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    logger.LogInformation("Published output directory structure:");

                    var mvcCoreDll = "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.dll";
                        $"Checking if published output was trimmed by verifying that the dll '{mvcCoreDll}' is not present...");

                    var mvcCoreDllPath = Path.Combine(deploymentResult.ContentRoot, mvcCoreDll);
                    var fileInfo       = new FileInfo(mvcCoreDllPath);
                        $"The file '{fileInfo.Name}.{fileInfo.Extension}' was not expected to be present in the publish directory");

                    logger.LogInformation($"Published output does not have the dll '{mvcCoreDll}', so the output seems to be trimmed");

                    await SmokeTests.RunTestsAsync(deploymentResult, logger);
Esempio n. 11
        public async Task SmokeTestSuite(
            ServerType serverType,
            RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor,
            RuntimeArchitecture architecture,
            ApplicationType applicationType,
            string applicationBaseUrl,
            bool noSource = false)
            using (_logger.BeginScope("SmokeTestSuite"))
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(applicationType), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint      = applicationBaseUrl,
                    EnvironmentName             = "SocialTesting",
                    ServerConfigTemplateContent = (serverType == ServerType.IISExpress) ? File.ReadAllText("Http.config") : null,
                    SiteName = "MusicStoreTestSite",
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment       = true,
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    TargetFramework       = runtimeFlavor == RuntimeFlavor.Clr ? "net451" : "netcoreapp1.1",
                    Configuration         = Helpers.GetCurrentBuildConfiguration(),
                    ApplicationType       = applicationType,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, _logger);

                if (applicationType == ApplicationType.Standalone)
                    deploymentParameters.AdditionalPublishParameters = " -r " + RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeIdentifier();

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, _logger))
                    var deploymentResult = deployer.Deploy();

                    Helpers.SetInMemoryStoreForIIS(deploymentParameters, _logger);

                    await SmokeTestHelper.RunTestsAsync(deploymentResult, _logger);
Esempio n. 12
        public async Task SmokeTestSuite(
            ServerType serverType,
            RuntimeArchitecture architecture,
            ApplicationType applicationType,
            bool noSource = false)
            var testName = $"SmokeTestSuite_{serverType}_{architecture}_{applicationType}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("SmokeTestSuite");
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(applicationType), serverType, RuntimeFlavor.CoreClr, architecture)
                    EnvironmentName             = "SocialTesting",
                    ServerConfigTemplateContent = (serverType == ServerType.IISExpress) ? File.ReadAllText("Http.config") : null,
                    SiteName = "MusicStoreTestSite",
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment       = true,
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    TargetFramework       = "netcoreapp2.0",
                    Configuration         = Helpers.GetCurrentBuildConfiguration(),
                    ApplicationType       = applicationType,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    Helpers.SetInMemoryStoreForIIS(deploymentParameters, logger);

                    await SmokeTestHelper.RunTestsAsync(deploymentResult, logger);
        public async Task Publish_And_Run_Tests(
            ServerType serverType,
            RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor,
            RuntimeArchitecture architecture,
            ApplicationType applicationType,
            string applicationBaseUrl,
            bool noSource)
            using (_logger.BeginScope("Publish_And_Run_Tests"))
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(applicationType), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint                   = applicationBaseUrl,
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment       = true,
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    TargetFramework       = runtimeFlavor == RuntimeFlavor.Clr ? "net451" : "netcoreapp1.1",
                    Configuration         = Helpers.GetCurrentBuildConfiguration(),
                    ApplicationType       = applicationType,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, _logger);

                if (applicationType == ApplicationType.Standalone)
                    deploymentParameters.AdditionalPublishParameters = "-r " + RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeIdentifier();

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, _logger))
                    var deploymentResult  = deployer.Deploy();
                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler);
                    httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(deploymentResult.ApplicationBaseUri);

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered &
                    // measure the cold startup time.
                    // Add retry logic since tests are flaky on mono due to connection issues
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() => await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty), logger : _logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, _logger, deploymentResult);

                    Console.WriteLine("Verifying home page");
                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    Console.WriteLine("Verifying static files are served from static file middleware");
                    await validator.VerifyStaticContentServed();

                    if (serverType != ServerType.IISExpress)
                        if (Directory.GetFiles(
                                deploymentParameters.ApplicationPath, "*.cmd", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length > 0)
                            throw new Exception("publishExclude parameter values are not honored.");

                    _logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 14
        private async Task NtlmAuthenticationTest(TestVariant variant)
            var testName = $"NtlmAuthentication_{variant}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("NtlmAuthenticationTest");
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(variant)
                    ApplicationPath = Helpers.GetApplicationPath(),
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    EnvironmentName       = "NtlmAuthentication", //Will pick the Start class named 'StartupNtlmAuthentication'
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                if (variant.Server == ServerType.IISExpress)
                    var iisDeploymentParameters = new IISDeploymentParameters(deploymentParameters);
                        (element, _) => {
                        var authentication = element

                        .SetAttributeValue("enabled", "false");

                        .SetAttributeValue("enabled", "true");
                    deploymentParameters = iisDeploymentParameters;

                using (var deployer = IISApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = deploymentResult.CreateHttpClient(httpClientHandler);

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying home page");
                    await validator.VerifyNtlmHomePage(response);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying architecture");
                    validator.VerifyArchitecture(response, deploymentResult.DeploymentParameters.RuntimeArchitecture);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying access to store with permissions");
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithPermissions();

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 15
        public static void CleanUpApplication(StartParameters startParameters, Process hostProcess, string musicStoreDbName, ILogger logger)
            if (startParameters.ServerType == ServerType.IISNativeModule ||
                startParameters.ServerType == ServerType.IIS)
#if DNX451
                // Stop & delete the application pool.
                if (startParameters.IISApplication != null)
            else if (hostProcess != null && !hostProcess.HasExited)
                //Shutdown the host process
                hostProcess.WaitForExit(5 * 1000);
                if (!hostProcess.HasExited)
                    logger.LogWarning("Unable to terminate the host process with process Id '{processId}", hostProcess.Id);
                    logger.LogInformation("Successfully terminated host process with process Id '{processId}'", hostProcess.Id);
                logger.LogWarning("Host process already exited or never started successfully.");

            if (!Helpers.RunningOnMono)
                //Mono uses InMemoryStore
                DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startParameters.ApplicationHostConfigLocation))
                //Delete the temp applicationHostConfig that we created
                if (File.Exists(startParameters.ApplicationHostConfigLocation))
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        //Ignore delete failures - just write a log
                        logger.LogWarning("Failed to delete '{config}'. Exception : {exception}", startParameters.ApplicationHostConfigLocation, exception.Message);

            if (startParameters.PublishApplicationBeforeStart)
                    //We've originally published the application in a temp folder. We need to delete it.
                    Directory.Delete(startParameters.PublishedApplicationRootPath, true);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    logger.LogWarning("Failed to delete directory.", exception);
Esempio n. 16
        public async Task SmokeTestSuite(
            ServerType serverType,
            RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor,
            RuntimeArchitecture architecture,
            ApplicationType applicationType,
            string applicationBaseUrl,
            bool noSource = false)
            using (_logger.BeginScope("SmokeTestSuite"))
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(applicationType), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint      = applicationBaseUrl,
                    EnvironmentName             = "SocialTesting",
                    ServerConfigTemplateContent = (serverType == ServerType.IISExpress) ? File.ReadAllText("Http.config") : null,
                    SiteName = "MusicStoreTestSite",
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment = true,
                    TargetFramework       = runtimeFlavor == RuntimeFlavor.Clr ? "net451" : "netcoreapp1.0",
                    ApplicationType       = applicationType,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, _logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, _logger))
                    var deploymentResult = deployer.Deploy();
                    Helpers.SetInMemoryStoreForIIS(deploymentParameters, _logger);

                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
                    var httpClient        = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)
                        BaseAddress = new Uri(deploymentResult.ApplicationBaseUri),
                        Timeout     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered
                    // & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : _logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, _logger, deploymentResult);

                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    // Verify the static file middleware can serve static content.
                    await validator.VerifyStaticContentServed();

                    // Making a request to a protected resource should automatically redirect to login page.
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithoutPermissions();

                    // Register a user - Negative scenario where the Password & ConfirmPassword do not match.
                    await validator.RegisterUserWithNonMatchingPasswords();

                    // Register a valid user.
                    var generatedEmail = await validator.RegisterValidUser();

                    await validator.SignInWithUser(generatedEmail, "Password~1");

                    // Register a user - Negative scenario : Trying to register a user name that's already registered.
                    await validator.RegisterExistingUser(generatedEmail);

                    // Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page
                    await validator.SignOutUser(generatedEmail);

                    // Sign in scenarios: Invalid password - Expected an invalid user name password error.
                    await validator.SignInWithInvalidPassword(generatedEmail, "InvalidPassword~1");

                    // Sign in scenarios: Valid user name & password.
                    await validator.SignInWithUser(generatedEmail, "Password~1");

                    // Change password scenario
                    await validator.ChangePassword(generatedEmail);

                    // SignIn with old password and verify old password is not allowed and new password is allowed
                    await validator.SignOutUser(generatedEmail);

                    await validator.SignInWithInvalidPassword(generatedEmail, "Password~1");

                    await validator.SignInWithUser(generatedEmail, "Password~2");

                    // Making a request to a protected resource that this user does not have access to - should
                    // automatically redirect to the configured access denied page
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithoutPermissions(generatedEmail);

                    // Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page
                    await validator.SignOutUser(generatedEmail);

                    // Login as an admin user
                    await validator.SignInWithUser("*****@*****.**", "YouShouldChangeThisPassword1!");

                    // Now navigating to the store manager should work fine as this user has
                    // the necessary permission to administer the store.
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithPermissions();

                    // Create an album
                    var albumName = await validator.CreateAlbum();

                    var albumId = await validator.FetchAlbumIdFromName(albumName);

                    // Get details of the album
                    await validator.VerifyAlbumDetails(albumId, albumName);

                    // Verify status code pages acts on non-existing items.
                    await validator.VerifyStatusCodePages();

                    // Get the non-admin view of the album.
                    await validator.GetAlbumDetailsFromStore(albumId, albumName);

                    // Add an album to cart and checkout the same
                    await validator.AddAlbumToCart(albumId, albumName);

                    await validator.CheckOutCartItems();

                    // Delete the album from store
                    await validator.DeleteAlbum(albumId, albumName);

                    // Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page
                    await validator.SignOutUser("Administrator");

                    // Google login
                    await validator.LoginWithGoogle();

                    // Facebook login
                    await validator.LoginWithFacebook();

                    // Twitter login
                    await validator.LoginWithTwitter();

                    // MicrosoftAccountLogin
                    await validator.LoginWithMicrosoftAccount();

                    _logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 17
        // Uncomment Core CLR on x64 after following bugs are resolved
        //[InlineData(ServerType.Helios, KreFlavor.CoreClr, KreArchitecture.x64, "http://localhost:5001/")]
        //[InlineData(ServerType.Kestrel, KreFlavor.CoreClr, KreArchitecture.x64, "http://localhost:5004/")]
        public void SmokeTestSuite(ServerType hostType, KreFlavor kreFlavor, KreArchitecture architecture, string applicationBaseUrl)
            Console.WriteLine("Variation Details : HostType = {0}, KreFlavor = {1}, Architecture = {2}, applicationBaseUrl = {3}", hostType, kreFlavor, architecture, applicationBaseUrl);

            // Check if processor architecture is x64, else skip test
            if (architecture == KreArchitecture.x64 && !Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)
                Console.WriteLine("Skipping x64 test since machine is of type x86");

            var testStartTime    = DateTime.Now;
            var musicStoreDbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);

            Console.WriteLine("Pointing MusicStore DB to '{0}'", string.Format(Connection_string_Format, musicStoreDbName));

            //Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SQLAZURECONNSTR_DefaultConnection", string.Format(Connection_string_Format, musicStoreDbName));

            ApplicationBaseUrl = applicationBaseUrl;
            Process hostProcess    = null;
            bool    testSuccessful = false;

                hostProcess       = DeploymentUtility.StartApplication(hostType, kreFlavor, architecture, musicStoreDbName);
                httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
                httpClient        = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)
                    BaseAddress = new Uri(applicationBaseUrl)

                //Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered & measure the cold startup time.
                var response                   = httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty).Result;
                var responseContent            = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                var initializationCompleteTime = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("[Time]: Approximate time taken for application initialization : '{0}' seconds", (initializationCompleteTime - testStartTime).TotalSeconds);
                VerifyHomePage(response, responseContent);

                //Verify the static file middleware can serve static content

                //Making a request to a protected resource should automatically redirect to login page

                //Register a user - Negative scenario where the Password & ConfirmPassword do not match

                //Register a valid user
                var generatedUserName = RegisterValidUser();

                //Register a user - Negative scenario : Trying to register a user name that's already registered.

                //Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page

                //Sign in scenarios: Invalid password - Expected an invalid user name password error.
                SignInWithInvalidPassword(generatedUserName, "InvalidPassword~1");

                //Sign in scenarios: Valid user name & password.
                SignInWithUser(generatedUserName, "Password~1");

                //Change password scenario

                //SignIn with old password and verify old password is not allowed and new password is allowed
                SignInWithInvalidPassword(generatedUserName, "Password~1");
                SignInWithUser(generatedUserName, "Password~2");

                //Making a request to a protected resource that this user does not have access to - should automatically redirect to login page again

                //Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page

                //Login as an admin user
                SignInWithUser("Administrator", "YouShouldChangeThisPassword1!");

                //Now navigating to the store manager should work fine as this user has the necessary permission to administer the store.

                //Create an album
                var albumName = CreateAlbum();
                var albumId   = FetchAlbumIdFromName(albumName);

                //Get details of the album
                VerifyAlbumDetails(albumId, albumName);

                //Add an album to cart and checkout the same
                AddAlbumToCart(albumId, albumName);

                //Delete the album from store
                DeleteAlbum(albumId, albumName);

                //Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page

                var testCompletionTime = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("[Time]: All tests completed in '{0}' seconds", (testCompletionTime - initializationCompleteTime).TotalSeconds);
                Console.WriteLine("[Time]: Total time taken for this test variation '{0}' seconds", (testCompletionTime - testStartTime).TotalSeconds);
                testSuccessful = true;
                if (!testSuccessful)
                    Console.WriteLine("Some tests failed. Proceeding with cleanup.");

                if (hostProcess != null && !hostProcess.HasExited)
                    //Shutdown the host process
                    hostProcess.WaitForExit(5 * 1000);
                    if (!hostProcess.HasExited)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to terminate the host process with process Id '{0}", hostProcess.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("Successfully terminated host process with process Id '{0}'", hostProcess.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("Host process already exited or never started successfully.");

Esempio n. 18
        public async Task Publish_And_Run_Tests(
            ServerType serverType,
            RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor,
            RuntimeArchitecture architecture,
            string applicationBaseUrl,
            bool noSource)
            var logger = new LoggerFactory()

            using (logger.BeginScope("Publish_And_Run_Tests"))
                var musicStoreDbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
                var connectionString = string.Format(DbUtils.CONNECTION_STRING_FORMAT, musicStoreDbName);

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint             = applicationBaseUrl,
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment = true,
                    PublishWithNoSource   = noSource,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        if (!Helpers.RunningOnMono)
                            // Mono uses InMemoryStore
                            DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(
                         string.Format(DbUtils.CONNECTION_STRING_FORMAT, musicStoreDbName)));

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, logger))
                    var deploymentResult  = deployer.Deploy();
                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler);
                    httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(deploymentResult.ApplicationBaseUri);

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered &
                    // measure the cold startup time.
                    // Add retry logic since tests are flaky on mono due to connection issues
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);
                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    // Static files are served?
                    await validator.VerifyStaticContentServed();

                    if (serverType != ServerType.IISExpress)
                        if (Directory.GetFiles(
                                deploymentParameters.ApplicationPath, "*.cmd", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length > 0)
                            throw new Exception("publishExclude parameter values are not honored.");

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task SmokeTestSuite(
            ServerType serverType,
            RuntimeFlavor donetFlavor,
            RuntimeArchitecture architecture,
            string applicationBaseUrl,
            bool noSource = false)
            var logger = new LoggerFactory()

            using (logger.BeginScope("SmokeTestSuite"))
                var musicStoreDbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(), serverType, donetFlavor, architecture)
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint = applicationBaseUrl,
                    EnvironmentName        = "SocialTesting",
                    PublishWithNoSource    = noSource,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup  = parameters =>
                        if (!Helpers.RunningOnMono &&
                            TestPlatformHelper.IsWindows &&
                            parameters.ServerType != ServerType.IIS)
                            // Mono uses InMemoryStore
                            DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(
                         string.Format(DbUtils.CONNECTION_STRING_FORMAT, musicStoreDbName)));

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, logger))
                    var deploymentResult = deployer.Deploy();
                    Helpers.SetInMemoryStoreForIIS(deploymentParameters, logger);

                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
                        // Temporary workaround for issue
                        AllowAutoRedirect = false
                    var httpClient = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)
                        BaseAddress = new Uri(deploymentResult.ApplicationBaseUri),
                        Timeout     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered
                    // & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);

                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    // Verify the static file middleware can serve static content.
                    await validator.VerifyStaticContentServed();

                    // Making a request to a protected resource should automatically redirect to login page.
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithoutPermissions();

                    // Register a user - Negative scenario where the Password & ConfirmPassword do not match.
                    await validator.RegisterUserWithNonMatchingPasswords();

                    // Register a valid user.
                    var generatedEmail = await validator.RegisterValidUser();

                    await validator.SignInWithUser(generatedEmail, "Password~1");

                    // Register a user - Negative scenario : Trying to register a user name that's already registered.
                    await validator.RegisterExistingUser(generatedEmail);

                    // Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page
                    await validator.SignOutUser(generatedEmail);

                    // Sign in scenarios: Invalid password - Expected an invalid user name password error.
                    await validator.SignInWithInvalidPassword(generatedEmail, "InvalidPassword~1");

                    // Sign in scenarios: Valid user name & password.
                    await validator.SignInWithUser(generatedEmail, "Password~1");

                    // Change password scenario
                    await validator.ChangePassword(generatedEmail);

                    // SignIn with old password and verify old password is not allowed and new password is allowed
                    await validator.SignOutUser(generatedEmail);

                    await validator.SignInWithInvalidPassword(generatedEmail, "Password~1");

                    await validator.SignInWithUser(generatedEmail, "Password~2");

                    // Making a request to a protected resource that this user does not have access to - should
                    // automatically redirect to the configured access denied page
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithoutPermissions(generatedEmail);

                    // Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page
                    await validator.SignOutUser(generatedEmail);

                    // Login as an admin user
                    await validator.SignInWithUser("*****@*****.**", "YouShouldChangeThisPassword1!");

                    // Now navigating to the store manager should work fine as this user has
                    // the necessary permission to administer the store.
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithPermissions();

                    // Create an album
                    var albumName = await validator.CreateAlbum();

                    var albumId = await validator.FetchAlbumIdFromName(albumName);

                    // Get details of the album
                    await validator.VerifyAlbumDetails(albumId, albumName);

                    // Verify status code pages acts on non-existing items.
                    await validator.VerifyStatusCodePages();

                    // Get the non-admin view of the album.
                    await validator.GetAlbumDetailsFromStore(albumId, albumName);

                    // Add an album to cart and checkout the same
                    await validator.AddAlbumToCart(albumId, albumName);

                    await validator.CheckOutCartItems();

                    // Delete the album from store
                    await validator.DeleteAlbum(albumId, albumName);

                    // Logout from this user session - This should take back to the home page
                    await validator.SignOutUser("Administrator");

                    // Google login
                    await validator.LoginWithGoogle();

                    // Facebook login
                    await validator.LoginWithFacebook();

                    // Twitter login
                    await validator.LoginWithTwitter();

                    // MicrosoftAccountLogin
                    await validator.LoginWithMicrosoftAccount();

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
        public async Task RunTests(
            ServerType serverType,
            RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor,
            ApplicationType applicationType,
            RuntimeArchitecture runtimeArchitecture)
            var testName = $"PublishAndRunTests_{serverType}_{runtimeFlavor}_{applicationType}";

            using (StartLog(out var loggerFactory, testName))
                var logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Publish_And_Run_Tests");
                var musicStoreDbName = DbUtils.GetUniqueName();

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(
                    Helpers.GetApplicationPath(), serverType, runtimeFlavor, runtimeArchitecture)
                    PublishApplicationBeforeDeployment       = true,
                    PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging = Helpers.PreservePublishedApplicationForDebugging,
                    TargetFramework       = Helpers.GetTargetFramework(runtimeFlavor),
                    Configuration         = Helpers.GetCurrentBuildConfiguration(),
                    ApplicationType       = applicationType,
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, loggerFactory))
                    var deploymentResult = await deployer.DeployAsync();

                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler {
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = deploymentResult.CreateHttpClient(httpClientHandler);

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered &
                    // measure the cold startup time.
                    // Add retry logic since tests are flaky on mono due to connection issues
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(() => httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty), logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying home page");
                    await validator.VerifyHomePage(response);

                    logger.LogInformation("Verifying static files are served from static file middleware");
                    await validator.VerifyStaticContentServed();

                    if (serverType != ServerType.IISExpress)
                        if (Directory.GetFiles(
                                deploymentParameters.ApplicationPath, "*.cmd", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length > 0)
                            throw new Exception("publishExclude parameter values are not honored.");

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");
Esempio n. 21
        public async Task NtlmAuthenticationTest(ServerType serverType, RuntimeFlavor runtimeFlavor, RuntimeArchitecture architecture, string applicationBaseUrl)
            var logger = new LoggerFactory()
                         .CreateLogger(string.Format("Ntlm:{0}:{1}:{2}", serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture));

            using (logger.BeginScope("NtlmAuthenticationTest"))
                var musicStoreDbName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
                var connectionString = string.Format(DbUtils.CONNECTION_STRING_FORMAT, musicStoreDbName);

                var deploymentParameters = new DeploymentParameters(Helpers.GetApplicationPath(), serverType, runtimeFlavor, architecture)
                    ApplicationBaseUriHint = applicationBaseUrl,
                    EnvironmentName        = "NtlmAuthentication", //Will pick the Start class named 'StartupNtlmAuthentication'
                    ApplicationHostConfigTemplateContent = (serverType == ServerType.IISExpress) ? File.ReadAllText("NtlmAuthentation.config") : null,
                    SiteName = "MusicStoreNtlmAuthentication",     //This is configured in the NtlmAuthentication.config
                    UserAdditionalCleanup = parameters =>
                        if (!Helpers.RunningOnMono)
                            // Mono uses InMemoryStore
                            DbUtils.DropDatabase(musicStoreDbName, logger);

                // Override the connection strings using environment based configuration
                .Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(
                         string.Format(DbUtils.CONNECTION_STRING_FORMAT, musicStoreDbName)));

                using (var deployer = ApplicationDeployerFactory.Create(deploymentParameters, logger))
                    var deploymentResult  = deployer.Deploy();
                    var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
                        UseDefaultCredentials = true
                    var httpClient = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)
                        BaseAddress = new Uri(deploymentResult.ApplicationBaseUri)

                    // Request to base address and check if various parts of the body are rendered & measure the cold startup time.
                    var response = await RetryHelper.RetryRequest(async() =>
                        return(await httpClient.GetAsync(string.Empty));
                    }, logger : logger, cancellationToken : deploymentResult.HostShutdownToken);

                    Assert.False(response == null, "Response object is null because the client could not " +
                                 "connect to the server after multiple retries");

                    var validator = new Validator(httpClient, httpClientHandler, logger, deploymentResult);
                    await validator.VerifyNtlmHomePage(response);

                    //Should be able to access the store as the Startup adds necessary permissions for the current user
                    await validator.AccessStoreWithPermissions();

                    logger.LogInformation("Variation completed successfully.");