Esempio n. 1
        private void DrawStories(float width, float height, bool showLines)
            float[] pt, ct, ptl, ctl;
            float   w = this.RenderTarget.Size.Width;

            if (showLines)
                PathGeometry pLinesGeometry = this.Factory.CreatePathGeometry();
                GeometrySink gs             = pLinesGeometry.Open();

                foreach (Story s in _st)
                    ct = s.GetLocationLines();
                    gs.BeginFigure(new D2D.Point2F(0.0f, ct[0]), FigureBegin.Hollow);
                    gs.AddLine(new D2D.Point2F(width, ct[1]));
                    //this.RenderTarget.DrawLine(new D2D.Point2F(0.0f, ct[0]), new D2D.Point2F(width, ct[1]), neutralBrush, 0.8f);

                this.RenderTarget.DrawGeometry(pLinesGeometry, neutralBrush, 0.8f);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, D2D.SolidColorBrush> kvp in brushes)
                var storyset = from r in _st where r.GetLabel().Equals(kvp.Key) orderby r.GetEventLocation()[0] ascending select r;

                var storyenumerator = storyset.GetEnumerator();

                Story prev = storyenumerator.Current;
                pt  = prev.GetEventLocation();
                ptl = prev.GetLocationLines();

                this.RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(new D2D.RectF(pt[0] - RECTSIZE, pt[1] - RECTSIZE, pt[0] + RECTSIZE, pt[1] + RECTSIZE), brushes[prev.GetLabel()], 0.8f);
                //drawUGlyph(WINGLENGTH, pt[0], pt[1], prev.GetLocationLines()[0], prev.GetLocationLines()[1], width, brushes[prev.GetLabel()]);

                Story s;

                for (int i = 1; i < storyset.Count(); i++)
                    s   = storyenumerator.Current;
                    ct  = s.GetEventLocation();
                    ctl = s.GetLocationLines();

                    if (Math.Abs(ct[0] - pt[0]) + Math.Abs(ct[1] - pt[1]) < CUTOFF)
                        // vt is symmetrical
                        float vt = VELOCITY * (ct[0] - pt[0]);

                        GeometrySink gs1, gs2, gsr;
                        PathGeometry pg1, pg2, pgr;

                        pg1 = pg2 = null;
                        gsr = gs1 = gs2 = null;

                        float yr1 = getYForUncertaintyBound(ptl[0] + vt, ptl[1] + vt, ct[0], w);
                        float yr2 = getYForUncertaintyBound(ptl[0] - vt, ptl[1] - vt, ct[0], w);

                        pg1 = Factory.CreatePathGeometry();
                        gs1 = pg1.Open();
                        gs1.BeginFigure(new D2D.Point2F(pt[0], pt[1]), FigureBegin.Filled);
                        gs1.AddLine(new D2D.Point2F(ct[0], yr1));
                        gs1.AddLine(new D2D.Point2F(ct[0], yr2));

                        yr1 = getYForUncertaintyBound(ctl[0] + vt, ctl[1] + vt, pt[0], w);
                        yr2 = getYForUncertaintyBound(ctl[0] - vt, ctl[1] - vt, pt[0], w);

                        pg2 = Factory.CreatePathGeometry();
                        gs2 = pg2.Open();
                        gs2.BeginFigure(new D2D.Point2F(ct[0], ct[1]), FigureBegin.Filled);
                        gs2.AddLine(new D2D.Point2F(pt[0], yr1));
                        gs2.AddLine(new D2D.Point2F(pt[0], yr2));

                        pgr = Factory.CreatePathGeometry();
                        gsr = pgr.Open();
                        pg1.CombineWithGeometry(pg2, CombineMode.Intersect, gsr);

                        this.RenderTarget.DrawGeometry(pgr, halobrushes[s.GetLabel()], 1.0f);
                        this.RenderTarget.FillGeometry(pgr, halobrushes[s.GetLabel()]);

                    //// for the forward cones
                    //float yr1 = getYForUncertaintyBound(ptl[0] + vt, ptl[1] + vt, ct[0], w);
                    //float yr2 = getYForUncertaintyBound(ptl[0] - vt, ptl[1] - vt, ct[0], w);
                    //this.RenderTarget.DrawLine(new D2D.Point2F(pt[0], pt[1]), new D2D.Point2F(ct[0], yr1), regionBrush, 2.0f);
                    //this.RenderTarget.DrawLine(new D2D.Point2F(pt[0], pt[1]), new D2D.Point2F(ct[0], yr2), regionBrush, 2.0f);

                    //// for the backward cones
                    //yr1 = getYForUncertaintyBound(ctl[0] + vt, ctl[1] + vt, pt[0], w);
                    //yr2 = getYForUncertaintyBound(ctl[0] - vt, ctl[1] - vt, pt[0], w);
                    //this.RenderTarget.DrawLine(new D2D.Point2F(ct[0], ct[1]), new D2D.Point2F(pt[0], yr1), regionBrush, 2.0f);
                    //this.RenderTarget.DrawLine(new D2D.Point2F(ct[0], ct[1]), new D2D.Point2F(pt[0], yr2), regionBrush, 2.0f);

                    D2D.RectF temprect = new D2D.RectF(ct[0] - RECTSIZE, ct[1] - RECTSIZE, ct[0] + RECTSIZE, ct[1] + RECTSIZE);
                    this.RenderTarget.FillRectangle(temprect, brushes[s.GetLabel()]);
                    this.RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(temprect, brushes[s.GetLabel()], 0.5f);

                    //this.RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(new D2D.RectF(ct[0] - RECTSIZE, ct[1] - RECTSIZE, ct[0] + RECTSIZE, ct[1] + RECTSIZE), brushes[s.GetLabel()], 0.8f);
                    //drawUGlyph(WINGLENGTH, ct[0], ct[1], s.GetLocationLines()[0], s.GetLocationLines()[1], width, brushes[prev.GetLabel()]);
                    this.RenderTarget.DrawLine(new D2D.Point2F(pt[0], pt[1]), new D2D.Point2F(ct[0], ct[1]), brushes[s.GetLabel()], 2.0f, sst);

                    pt  = ct;
                    ptl = ctl;